so what your saying is, when players leave from KK to form there own tribe, KK should attack them?
nazgod on 29.12. at 01:45
We have a number of members at war with them yeah.
We are basically an extension of [KK] mate. I have a number of reports on the little ones cluster in K22
so what your saying is, when players leave from KK to form there own tribe, KK should attack them?
Leader of MS Is he not?
Fuzzy. ~L~ members in K22 have been fighting with [MS] before they were fighting with [KK] and are still. Now when two tribes are at war, and one of those tribes is using its nuke and nobles for a closer relative is not direct family of their enemy then I am of the belief that the true rate of nobling of the enemy is not displayed unless all the enemies are not shown.
You have the troops, points and members advantage, why do you need to complain about little [MS] in the stats, you should be winning (if we go off size) but you are stomping your feet to make it look like you are loosing more. :icon_rolleyes:
i guess it doesn't matter anymore. these were only premilminary numbers and we won't find out the true result anyway.
Lol Yall are like twice there size what in the world are yall doin KK??
Being raped :lol:
nah....i think it is calm b4 the storm(meaning they are on a escape plan now)
They've been working on that one for a while. "can we haz truce now" has filled our mail boxes up... could report them for spam come to think about :lol:
But at least some of their members are putting up a fight, Nardex learned how to use a fake script recently and hasn't done anything else since and SMcdwyer has closed the gap in his noble trains from 3 hours to only 1 hour :icon_cool:
Us in K22 our having some fun though and thats all the matters... And winning, that matters too!