
WB1066 has been nobled by everyone.. TEC, BP and im sure even some of our guys have nobled vills from them. Its by no means something to brag about. They are just barb noblers and inexperienced players. You can't take credit for destroying a tribe of inexperienced players when you have several other tribes nobling off them before you guys even started.


WB1066 has been nobled by everyone.. TEC, BP and im sure even some of our guys have nobled vills from them. Its by no means something to brag about. They are just barb noblers and inexperienced players. You can't take credit for destroying a tribe of inexperienced players when you have several other tribes nobling off them before you guys even started.

exactly ^.^


WB1066 has been nobled by everyone.. TEC, BP and im sure even some of our guys have nobled vills from them. Its by no means something to brag about. They are just barb noblers and inexperienced players. You can't take credit for destroying a tribe of inexperienced players when you have several other tribes nobling off them before you guys even started.

1 No tribe is only nobled by 1 other so by your estimation no tribe can claim victory over another
2 Have you seen our(RFF) stats? we too are a bunch of inexperienced barb noblers and therefore we have every right to
claim a victory over the other group of inexperienced barb noblers.
3 A few random nobles by a couple of other tribes did not cause them to go inactive or leave the tribe. Our war effort was responsible for that
4 And finally...Who knows what tall poppy syndrome is


1 No tribe is only nobled by 1 other so by your estimation no tribe can claim victory over another
2 Have you seen our(RFF) stats? we too are a bunch of inexperienced barb noblers and therefore we have every right to
claim a victory over the other group of inexperienced barb noblers.
3 A few random nobles by a couple of other tribes did not cause them to go inactive or leave the tribe. Our war effort was responsible for that
4 And finally...Who knows what tall poppy syndrome is

Side 1:
Tribes: MadHat, *BP*, T.E.C
Side 2:
Tribes: WB1066

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 323
Side 2: 92
Difference: 231


So this is what 3 tribes have done to them..

this is what YOUR tribe has done..

Side 1:
Tribes: RFF
Side 2:
Tribes: WB1066

Timeframe: Forever


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 56
Side 2: 9
Difference: 47


A few random nobles by a couple of other tribes
Sorry, stats show it was you that nobled only a couple vills while those other tribes were actually responsible for their players quitting.

Sorry, but you want to claim victory and say that it was ONLY your tribe that defeated them? LOL So if you did more than anyone to kill them like you claim, you would have nobled at least more than a third of the total conquers that Madhat, *BP* and T.E.C had taken.. but no, you have taken roughly a sixth.

Your right in one thing, your a tribe full of inexperienced barb noblers, who like to scream and show how great you are while at the same time admitting you are noobs.. and you try to claim victory over something you didn't do. Madhat, *BP* and T.E.C were far more responsible for the demise of WB1066 . RFF played a tiny role mopping up the last remnants of them. Great job mopping up though. BP and TEC are still mopping them up with you according to twstats.

Next time you want to claim your responsible for the annihilation of an entire tribe, at least do some research to back up your claims. Otherwise someone like me will come here with proof to show otherwise.


1 No tribe is only nobled by 1 other so by your estimation no tribe can claim victory over another
2 Have you seen our(RFF) stats? we too are a bunch of inexperienced barb noblers and therefore we have every right to
claim a victory over the other group of inexperienced barb noblers.
3 A few random nobles by a couple of other tribes did not cause them to go inactive or leave the tribe. Our war effort was responsible for that
4 And finally...Who knows what tall poppy syndrome is

1. You obviously don't get their points. They're not saying that a tribe only wins if it conquers another whole entire tribe...but when a tribe is being gangbanged by multiple other tribes, your tribe contributed to the defeat of WB1066 but you did not really "conquer" it, which your leader claimed.

2. Of course you have a right to claim victories, we never stated the contrary. However, it's the validity of those claims that are called into question.

Let's resolve the issue here. We get your point. You're not the "utter barb nobling failure" tribe that we perceived you were, you're the greatest, most elite tribe in TW history for defeating the all mighty WB1066 singlehandedly even though you were much smaller than they were. Happy now? :icon_rolleyes:


Stats Update:

Since start of fighting:
Side 1:
Tribes: LAP
Side 2:
Tribes: RFF

Timeframe: 12/09/2010 00:00:00 to 23/09/2010 20:39:13

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 45
Side 2: 25
Difference: 20


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 318,524
Side 2: 168,730
Difference: 149,794


Last 48h:

Side 1:
Tribes: LAP
Side 2:
Tribes: RFF

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 16
Side 2: 10
Difference: 6


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 112,146
Side 2: 75,365
Difference: 36,781


Last 25h:
Side 1:
Tribes: LAP
Side 2:
Tribes: RFF

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 8
Side 2: 3
Difference: 5


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 49,919
Side 2: 26,560
Difference: 23,359


Chansclos, seems like RFF isn't really "catching up." They've built another army camp; let's see if they mess this army camp up completely too or if they've actually learned something.


You need to do some investigating before you do your reporting or before you know it some poor country is being invade for the production of WMD

Wanted took 2 villa and before 07/09/2010 BP had also only taken a couple (RFF had well and truly broken the back of WB1066 by then )

Yet another one of my posts have been deleted by "someone" I replied along the lines that your a noob and your talking out your butt and are wrong.

Others have since posted the stats and shown that what I was saying is true. Didnt know if you saw it so I wanted to let you know what I said again :lol:


Easiest destruction of a camp ever!

CAMP Destroyed while nobody was home...

Last edited by a moderator:


And all this time we thought it dissolved.. I guess thats what happened. We had probably a couple hours left with it anyway.


obviously the troops had been sent out and were doing there job...

destroying a empty camp aint something to brag about,

if you killed 20 off nukes in the camp, that would be worth it...


This was brought to my attention:


I would like to ask all LAP players to stop picking on their smaller members. This isn't fair as players like twinny should be exempt from the war because they are too small.

Thank you. Bullies.


haha good times. sadly i didnt make the list, guess fakes dont count as "picking on the little people."

and domestica, your on the bully list too. =O


by the way, we need our daily updates (its just not a war without them)

Side 1:
Tribes: LAP
Side 2:
Tribes: RFF
Timeframe: Last 48 hours
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 14
Side 2: 4
Difference: 10

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 102,273
Side 2: 33,675
Difference: 68,598


This was brought to my attention:


I would like to ask all LAP players to stop picking on their smaller members. This isn't fair as players like twinny should be exempt from the war because they are too small.

Thank you. Bullies.
This guy twinny is a perfect candidate for sim city.


I was quite surprised that twinny owns a 2+ mil account on w25! :icon_eek:


Stats since start of fighting:

Side 1:
Tribes: LAP
Side 2:
Tribes: RFF

Timeframe: 12/09/2010 00:00:00 to 25/09/2010 20:01:03

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 57
Side 2: 29
Difference: 28


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 407,492
Side 2: 200,826
Difference: 206,666


Seems like TEC has joined in on the fun also :lol:


Yet another one of my posts have been deleted by "someone" I replied along the lines that your a noob and your talking out your butt and are wrong.

Others have since posted the stats and shown that what I was saying is true. Didnt know if you saw it so I wanted to let you know what I said again :lol:

No point arguing with you lady. As soon as you start losing you'll just send a support thread to your mates in the TW team...again.


Seems like TEC has joined in on the fun also :lol:

and they're doing a really good job.

Side 1:
Tribes: T.E.C
Side 2:
Tribes: RFF
Timeframe: Last 48 hours
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 23
Side 2: 0
Difference: 23

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 269,476
Side 2: 0
Difference: 269,476