1 No tribe is only nobled by 1 other so by your estimation no tribe can claim victory over another
2 Have you seen our(RFF) stats? we too are a bunch of inexperienced barb noblers and therefore we have every right to
claim a victory over the other group of inexperienced barb noblers.
3 A few random nobles by a couple of other tribes did not cause them to go inactive or leave the tribe. Our war effort was responsible for that
4 And finally...Who knows what tall poppy syndrome is
Side 1:
Tribes: MadHat, *BP*, T.E.C
Side 2:
Tribes: WB1066
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 323
Side 2: 92
Difference: 231
So this is what 3 tribes have done to them..
this is what YOUR tribe has done..
Side 1:
Tribes: RFF
Side 2:
Tribes: WB1066
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 56
Side 2: 9
Difference: 47
A few random nobles by a couple of other tribes
Sorry, stats show it was you that nobled only a couple vills while those other tribes were actually responsible for their players quitting.
Sorry, but you want to claim victory and say that it was ONLY your tribe that defeated them? LOL So if you did more than anyone to kill them like you claim, you would have nobled at least more than a third of the total conquers that Madhat, *BP* and T.E.C had taken.. but no, you have taken roughly a sixth.
Your right in one thing, your a tribe full of inexperienced barb noblers, who like to scream and show how great you are while at the same time admitting you are noobs.. and you try to claim victory over something you didn't do. Madhat, *BP* and T.E.C were far more responsible for the demise of WB1066 . RFF played a tiny role mopping up the last remnants of them. Great job mopping up though. BP and TEC are still mopping them up with you according to twstats.
Next time you want to claim your responsible for the annihilation of an entire tribe, at least do some research to back up your claims. Otherwise someone like me will come here with proof to show otherwise.