
No point arguing with you lady. As soon as you start losing you'll just send a support thread to your mates in the TW team...again.

What are you talking about? Never lost anything to you nor will I.:icon_rolleyes:

Nice try changing the subject after your utterly retarded post about WB being beaten by your tribe, feeling a bit stupid now or something?:lol:


What are you talking about? Never lost anything to you nor will I.:icon_rolleyes:

Nice try changing the subject after your utterly retarded post about WB being beaten by your tribe, feeling a bit stupid now or something?:lol:

I think your right, he is a little upset over being caught out trying to claim something that wasn't true. And now he's doing it again.. checked your twstats just so i can vouch for you. He hasn't nobled anything off you.. i think he needs to stop making things up on the forum and try to actually fight the war in game..

One can only guess what he will claim next. Victory over all of w47?


T.E.C have not joined this war. We neutralised one target cluster. Tribe affiliation was irrelevant.


^ it was airbornex, it was a bad decision from the start to recruit that guy just to be an isolated cluster :/


Updated Stats:

Side 1:
Tribes: RFF
Side 2:
Tribes: LAP

Timeframe: 12/09/2010 00:00:00 to 27/09/2010 20:56:36

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 37
Side 2: 71
Difference: 34


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 258,682
Side 2: 489,337
Difference: 230,655


Seems like chansclo's "pep talk" hasn't really changed anything.. :icon_rolleyes:


Didn't do it yet, there are concerning problems south of me that require my axe at the moment..

and btw, nobling isolated villages is not such an OMG especially when you take the enemy by surprise ;) a noob can do that with some basic knowledge


The problem is those villages that were "isolated" were interspersed practically equally between RFF and LAP. So they could be considered our isolated villages that RFF just failed to capture.

Also, RFF has done nothing but capture our isolated villages in K47 and pathetically attempt to renoble the villages we took. So the "isolated villages" argument is really a weak, feeble, pathetic argument.

Finally, it's been more than a week since the fighting began. Surely if we are the aforementioned "n00bs," RFF should be making some gains? They clearly are not.

BTW, chansclo i believe I asked you this before...what's your ign? I see practically no hope for RFF in the future unless something miraculous happens..


BTW, chansclo i believe I asked you this before...what's your ign? I see practically no hope for RFF in the future unless something miraculous happens..

I was going to ask this too. It seems like everyone in RFF can't speak a word of English. The one person who can refuses to reveal himself.

We are gaining more and more territory day by day. If the war ended tomorrow I would say we were successful. They spent 5 days with their army camp trying to take back their own villages.


Side 1:
Tribes: LAP
Side 2:
Tribes: RFF

Timeframe: 12/09/2010 00:00:00 to 29/09/2010 00:29:48

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 83
Side 2: 37
Difference: 46


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 556,363
Side 2: 258,682
Difference: 297,681


Margin is increasing steadily. What makes this interesting is that we had no general organized ops as of yet--we just declared war and our players are just munching happily on easy villages :lol:


Nah bloody mates, I'm going in, just for the fun of it.
And you guys had less isolated villages than RFF, i saw it on the maps before the war started..


Here is a different look at the two tribes since this kerfluffle began; Note that the players that have been the focus of the attack so far are generally the former players of OFF who continued to barb munch and insisted on munching on active farms of our players. When warned, they did not back off and continued to take small farms. Barb munching is a strategy, and people are welcome to pursue that, but it is not our strategy and we did respond. So what has happened so far?

In 10 days, LAP has lost 2 players, had it's ODA increase by by 4.4 million and its ODD increase by 4.9 million (so we've been hit by attacks pretty hard). Yet we've increased in size by 72 villages and had our points increase by 450,000 and took a net 46 villages from RFF

19/09/2010 LAP 12 =44 +5,313,031 +674 +28,676,825 +14,524,102 +14,152,723
29/09/2010 LAP 11 =42 +5,965,240 +746 +37,944,638 +18,884,882 +19,059,756

RFF in 10 days has lost 7 players, had it's ODA increase by by 2.8 million and its ODD increase by 3.5 million. They've lost 62 villages and had their points decrease by 410,000. Not looking like a good trend.


19/09/2010 RFF 14 +49 +4,339,169 +614 +18,231,013 +11,008,751 +7,222,262
29/09/2010 RFF 19 -42 -3,925,195 -552 -24,591,810 +13,868,282 -10,723,528

Now is all of the difference due to LAP? No it is not. T.E.C has also had some limited action in K47 where they picked up ~26 villages while we gained 46 from direct conflict. Note that there is a difference between the gains made by the TEC and LAP (46+26 = 72) and what was lost by RFF (62). If one looks at this time period, RFF did capture 23 villages from abandoned's while LAP picked up 16. A net gain of 7 and looks somewhat favorable for RFF until you look closer. RFF's abandoneds were <=1,500 pts for 17 of the 23 while LAPs had <= 1,500 for 3 of the 16 and yes one was mine and it was a mightly small one (hissss booo) - a bonus villie out on the edge.

Overall, RFF is slipping and LAP is still increasing in size. If this continues for a few more weeks then the slip is a slide and RFF is in trouble. Are they in "trouble" now? Debatable - too soon to really call. I'd give the first quarter/period/set/whatever to LAP and we'll see how things turn out in the long run.
Last edited:


I'd argue that the OFF players are the weaklings in RFF, not saying that all original RFFs are best, but surely RFF probably didn't have enough time or did not see necessary for a re-organization first(understandable,they had fights with TEC and WB); RFF will keep on bleeding there,but if the others will not lose their morale, once the OFFs are gone, things should level; one example is KXwhite's conquers. Others may be given, but I have to time some trains so yeah


I'd also say that RFF doesn't show much respect for their members. I'd guess that there are fewer than 6 "true" members of RFF and the rest appear to be viewed as ??????? For example, el rojo was not initially attacked much by LAP - mostly a lot of fakes for about a week, when we started to attack in earnest, RFF players kwhite25 and matt0170 have apparently turned on him too and have begun to noble him. There were 3 of his villages taken by these two players in the last day or so. Note that el rojo has not gone inactive. This is happening when I keep seeing that other members of RFF tribe try to support their tribe members instead of stabbing them in the back (you take a village and see that support forces are inbound). I won't reveal their names as I don't really want the cannibals in RFF to attack them when their troops are not in their home villages - but you can feel rather safe that it hasn't been the larger tribemembers in RFF supporting their smaller members. Doesn't seem much like a tribe to me.

El Rojo S025 Aviatiei (772|405) K47 10,086 el rojo [RFF] MATT0170 [RFF] 2010-09-30 00:19:45
FOR ME :) (779|409) K47 10,737 el rojo [RFF] kwhite25 [RFF] 2010-09-29 13:22:56
FROM ME :) TO U :( (768|409) K47 10,807 el rojo [RFF] kwhite25 [RFF] 2010-09-29 09:16:04

this isn't just confined to el rojo but I really must confess that I don't understand some of these.

The Tower #011 (797|416) K47 3,801 robbopearce [RFF] jiaweiang [RFF] 2010-09-29 21:53:43
Kaznas Folly 20 VIII (762|407) K47 9,012 dkim07 [RFF] jiaweiang [RFF] 2010-09-27 20:44:27
The Tower #014 (779|403) K47 5,411 robbopearce [RFF] MATT0170 [RFF] 2010-09-27 08:34:00
Fort Southpoint (816|418) K48 3,818 kwhite25 [RFF] hal736 [RFF] 2010-09-25 13:35:09
The Tower #004 (796|408) K47 5,639 robbopearce [RFF] dkim07 [RFF] 2010-09-25 07:23:34


If you think on it a little harder Juslukin you'll see that it's not an exercise in disloyalty nor is it a complicated matter...what else might be going on...hmmm


If you ask me, it seems a bit late and illogical for you guys to be internally nobling during wartime...:icon_rolleyes:


Rojo is my friend, he asked me if i want to play in his place over there, but I refused due current events taking place on my own battlefield.
There ARE REASONS why that is happening.


Yes, it's called a significant inactivity problem. Or rather, they felt overwhelmed by a couple of fakes and villages taken from them. :icon_wink:


Oh let's be a smart ass, shall we?
So I'm stating that there are reasons(and quite boldly sticking out so smart asses will understand), also stating that he is my friend(therefore,a reliable source), and you twist it in a whole new thing ;)
Reminds me of OTDeathAwaits or Psihic of W9, those guys attempted to magically trick you with your own statement.

I believe the two reasons of the large difference between the tribes have been explained.
B)Surprise war, is a surprise war.It pops out, and of course it will cause damage especially when you have tons of isolated villages in enemy territory.


Oh let's be a smart ass, shall we?
So I'm stating that there are reasons(and quite boldly sticking out so smart asses will understand), also stating that he is my friend(therefore,a reliable source), and you twist it in a whole new thing ;)
Reminds me of OTDeathAwaits or Psihic of W9, those guys attempted to magically trick you with your own statement.

I believe the two reasons of the large difference between the tribes have been explained.
B)Surprise war, is a surprise war.It pops out, and of course it will cause damage especially when you have tons of isolated villages in enemy territory.

A) whats the point of having them in your tribe if your just going to let them get nobled? you really care about your tribesmates.

B) its been atleast 2 weeks, and if its still a suprise that your at war by now, something is wrong with you. maybe at first you could say that, but after two weeks, you wonder why you have attacks incomming?


Sorry for not showing up before, funeral in an area with no internet connections, people have lives outside Tribal Wars too, you know.

I am surprised you are bragging so much about taking so many villages, it's worth bragging if they had heaps of defence, but those were the villages owned by former OFF members, battered by LAP's previous war against them. From what I have heard, OFF didn't have that much experience before, and it's a bit difficult to rebuild troops and teach people how to play as soon as a war starts right after another war after changing tribes.

Also, those stats about other tribes getting in on Warband villages, you must also realise they had three clusters, all of them beside T.E.C's border, *BP* helped with a wave or two against them and took only a few villages.

While RFF is indeed losing and it's starting to get a bit worrying, I still have full confidence we will pull back, wether it be sooner or later, just you wait, watch and see.