Here is a different look at the two tribes since this kerfluffle began; Note that the players that have been the focus of the attack so far are generally the former players of OFF who continued to barb munch and insisted on munching on active farms of our players. When warned, they did not back off and continued to take small farms. Barb munching is a strategy, and people are welcome to pursue that, but it is not our strategy and we did respond. So what has happened so far?
In 10 days, LAP has lost 2 players, had it's ODA increase by by 4.4 million and its ODD increase by 4.9 million (so we've been hit by attacks pretty hard). Yet we've increased in size by 72 villages and had our points increase by 450,000 and took a net 46 villages from RFF
19/09/2010 LAP 12 =44 +5,313,031 +674 +28,676,825 +14,524,102 +14,152,723
29/09/2010 LAP 11 =42 +5,965,240 +746 +37,944,638 +18,884,882 +19,059,756
RFF in 10 days has lost 7 players, had it's ODA increase by by 2.8 million and its ODD increase by 3.5 million. They've lost 62 villages and had their points decrease by 410,000. Not looking like a good trend.
19/09/2010 RFF 14 +49 +4,339,169 +614 +18,231,013 +11,008,751 +7,222,262
29/09/2010 RFF 19 -42 -3,925,195 -552 -24,591,810 +13,868,282 -10,723,528
Now is all of the difference due to LAP? No it is not. T.E.C has also had some limited action in K47 where they picked up ~26 villages while we gained 46 from direct conflict. Note that there is a difference between the gains made by the TEC and LAP (46+26 = 72) and what was lost by RFF (62). If one looks at this time period, RFF did capture 23 villages from abandoned's while LAP picked up 16. A net gain of 7 and looks somewhat favorable for RFF until you look closer. RFF's abandoneds were <=1,500 pts for 17 of the 23 while LAPs had <= 1,500 for 3 of the 16 and yes one was mine and it was a mightly small one (hissss booo) - a bonus villie out on the edge.
Overall, RFF is slipping and LAP is still increasing in size. If this continues for a few more weeks then the slip is a slide and RFF is in trouble. Are they in "trouble" now? Debatable - too soon to really call. I'd give the first quarter/period/set/whatever to LAP and we'll see how things turn out in the long run.