Leaders in Top Tribes Analysis (I tried)


Then don't pre-register. It happens every time. When a tribe pre-regs they get a tight cluster, it's just how it works. The only exception to this is if you preregister 20-40 people in every direction and have them spread out their register time. I'm not saying axe is bad. I'm saying they are clustered. and being clustered is bad.

Besides, as of now End is doing way better on the boards.


Clustering on a church world really is a good thing, admittedly i haven't paid much attention to Axe or there spread though


Clustering on a church world really is a good thing

Focusing your nobles within a church radius is good yes, but having a portion your members in it instead... Not so much. It's the same for a lot of the tribes on the guest stats I noticed.


Clustering on a church world really is a good thing, admittedly i haven't paid much attention to Axe or there spread though

I'm actually okay with our spread. Granted our center is a litter tighter than we would like, but we're fine aside from that. Nothing we can't work around. ^^


i think your spread is similar in some way to the main Seek tribe I am in