Army why you so inactive?
If you guys are anything like me, you regularly click "World 65 Forums," see how many new threads there are to read, then either mark them all as read or click away.
I fear AOL's illness of inactivity has much the same symptoms, and I completely understand, and can relate to, it.
Then he shouldn't be the forum moderator. It's his job to read the threads and moderate them. If he doesn't feel up to the task then he should step down.
Somehow you always show up to rain on my parade
I'm still here, rules still apply.
Don't worry I'm here, and I read, punishment or forum actions may be a little later in coming due to some constraints but I'm watching daily, even if I don't comment here or there :icon_eek:
He isn't that active, I've made at least 2 purposeful mistakes and he hasn't picked up on them at all...
There was a thread made about the modding on 64 and quite a few people voice their opinions, either way I appreciate the job mods do. I couldn't do it.
Your avatar. :icon_neutral:u6 is the best mod. Period.