Leave Me Alone


If you guys are anything like me, you regularly click "World 65 Forums," see how many new threads there are to read, then either mark them all as read or click away.
I fear AOL's illness of inactivity has much the same symptoms, and I completely understand, and can relate to, it.


If you guys are anything like me, you regularly click "World 65 Forums," see how many new threads there are to read, then either mark them all as read or click away.
I fear AOL's illness of inactivity has much the same symptoms, and I completely understand, and can relate to, it.

Then he shouldn't be the forum moderator. It's his job to read the threads and moderate them. If he doesn't feel up to the task then he should step down.


Then he shouldn't be the forum moderator. It's his job to read the threads and moderate them. If he doesn't feel up to the task then he should step down.

First time I agree with you. u6 read every single post on w64 it seemed and there isn't much difference in the amount of posts between the worlds' first weeks.


Don't worry I'm here, and I read, punishment or forum actions may be a little later in coming due to some time constraints but I'm watching daily, even if I don't comment here or there :icon_eek:

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Don't worry I'm here, and I read, punishment or forum actions may be a little later in coming due to some constraints but I'm watching daily, even if I don't comment here or there :icon_eek:

You mean, DaWolf has tied you up to a chair too? :icon_redface:


He isn't that active, I've made at least 2 purposeful mistakes and he hasn't picked up on them at all...


He isn't that active, I've made at least 2 purposeful mistakes and he hasn't picked up on them at all...

Its pretty hard to keep up with externals when they first open given the activity every beginning to a world brings.

I think people need to cut mods some slack, its a tough job.


Just a heads up, I have been reading threads consistently in a 24-hour timeframe. That being said, there are times when I just check in to view any reports or messages I may have received throughout the day. Make sure if you notice any instances of rule-breaking that you use the reporting system in place for helping alert moderators right to the post and problem for faster action. Just make sure you don't overuse the reporting, and use one report to also point out any other instances of rule-breaking.

I think that makes sense, I'm rather exhausted. Basically, if you need quick action on forum rule-breaking, use the report system :) otherwise, I'll get to it eventually through the 24 hours period.



Haters gonna hate....

On 64 i'm sure U6 got some stick for being exactly the opposite, I'd prefer a much more laid back mod. Every world has spam at the start of a world as there isn't much else to talk about. I'm sure things will level out and this forum will be highly entertaining in the future.



There was a thread made about the modding on 64 and quite a few people voice their opinions, either way I appreciate the job mods do. I couldn't do it.



There was a thread made about the modding on 64 and quite a few people voice their opinions, either way I appreciate the job mods do. I couldn't do it.

There was. people did complain. But I think it's better like that, personally.