Leaving 4 RL


Yes i dont post in here much and many probably dont know me, but ive been here for awhile now, ive restarted 3 times in this world, i originally started under name metallica, i was rimmed by mr. kite. I restarted and went through some large tribes at the time, one being RAW, not many of us are left, i was rimmed by phithia LOL, had to rebuild again and was rimmed by k-wolff and highborn. So i pay respect to k-wolff for allowing me to resurrect myself in THX up until now, he and everyone here has taught me everything i know about this game and i appreciate it. I spent more time with everyone in my tribe than my own family and girlfriend, so it is time to enjoy RL which frankly is very busy.

I will try to peek in every now and then and see whats going on and say hi to those who know me, Peace!


Later Fade yuo were well worth the teaching bro loved haveing you hear and im sure i speak for Ken when i say it was a pleasure fight aginst but more with you my friend youll be back .... they always come back catch ya in the next world :)


Yes i dont post in here much and many probably dont know me, but ive been here for awhile now, ive restarted 3 times in this world, i originally started under name metallica, i was rimmed by mr. kite. I restarted and went through some large tribes at the time, one being RAW, not many of us are left, i was rimmed by phithia LOL, had to rebuild again and was rimmed by k-wolff and highborn. So i pay respect to k-wolff for allowing me to resurrect myself in THX up until now, he and everyone here has taught me everything i know about this game and i appreciate it. I spent more time with everyone in my tribe than my own family and girlfriend, so it is time to enjoy RL which frankly is very busy.

I will try to peek in every now and then and see whats going on and say hi to those who know me, Peace!

Good luck in your real life mate. Good to be your tribemate :). Remember to talk to me on vent/skype please Ballistick


It was good working with ya mate, if you ever want to come back just let us know.


much respect and enjoy real life drop in a drop me a line when you can..catch ya on the old facebook,,,

Mr. Beej


Yes i dont post in here much and many probably dont know me, but ive been here for awhile now, ive restarted 3 times in this world, i originally started under name metallica, i was rimmed by mr. kite. I restarted and went through some large tribes at the time, one being RAW, not many of us are left, i was rimmed by phithia LOL, had to rebuild again and was rimmed by k-wolff and highborn. So i pay respect to k-wolff for allowing me to resurrect myself in THX up until now, he and everyone here has taught me everything i know about this game and i appreciate it. I spent more time with everyone in my tribe than my own family and girlfriend, so it is time to enjoy RL which frankly is very busy.

I will try to peek in every now and then and see whats going on and say hi to those who know me, Peace!

You should restart two more times and get the award. :p

Do the three restarts count or not? becuase they were before the awards thingy existed

oh well, good luck

Was it you whom I attacked? :icon_biggrin: