Let’s’s play a game

Age of Ultron

Mate your getting delusional here , no one has ever beaten me , I have quit every world since world 63 which I won , see once I have been majorly back stabbed , or half the tribe I was in quit and I could see there was no chance of winning I plain out quit , and my reason for that is because I don't believe in giving players the time of the day , or my strategies , not to mention my real life time is to precious to throw away with losers like yourself .

I believe in playing a straight up game with trustworthy players in a fair battle with no hugging or merging for the win ,

yeah, balian only complains when things happen to him, his tribes can betray people, hug to try getting a free win, get players in other tribes to backstab their tribes, its all good till then, the moment someone else does that, balian starts crying.
And then he comes to the forums to show us all what an innocent person he is :)


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yeah, balian only complains when things happen to him, his tribes can betray people, hug to try getting a free win, get players in other tribes to backstab their tribes, its all good till then, the moment someone else does that, balian starts crying.
And then he comes to the forums to show us all what an innocent person he is :)

I am against all forms of back stabbing , even spying , you can say whatever you want because players have that right , but when you say his tribes I really don't know what you mean because I have never been a duke of any tribe nor a baron , I never recruited , made diplomacy etc. , so I had no control on anything in the above nature.

Age of Ultron

I am against all forms of back stabbing , even spying , you can say whatever you want because players have that right , but when you say his tribes I really don't know what you mean because I have never been a duke of any tribe nor a baron , I never recruited , made diplomacy etc. , so I had no control on anything in the above nature.
hmm, yet you got assassin account to send you their sit, which was used to send their troops across the world so you can noble free villages from them. And then you go on the forums claiming to be an angel as always, saying we're trying to save face from an account thats losing villages , until connor exposed you for asking for sitters in the tribal skype chat.
And every player is responsible for the actions of the tribe to some extent, when you know your tribe is doing something thats against your morals, least you can do is stand up and at least try to voice your opinions about it, and not condone it on the forums just because its benefiting you or the tribe.

P.S here's a screenshot, to freshen up your memory.
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hmm, yet you got assassin account to send you their sit, which was used to send their troops across the world so you can noble free villages from them. And then you go on the forums claiming to be an angel as always, saying we're trying to save face from an account thats losing villages , until connor exposed you for asking for sitters in the tribal skype chat.
And every player is responsible for the actions of the tribe to some extent, when you know your tribe is doing something thats against your morals, least you can do is stand up and at least try to voice your opinions about it, and not condone it on the forums just because its benefiting you or the tribe.

P.S here's a screenshot, to freshen up your memory.

Funny thing is this is Connor in the Paryl skype Chat pretending to be on Paryl side , only proves he's a backstabbing spy . Yes I asked if anyone wanted the assassin sit because someone was trying to give it to me and I didn't want anything to do with it . But remember I had already been screwed over by PI several times before that even happened , so it was well deserved . Most of PI were dirty players , the most dirty of them all , tell me I'm wrong .

Age of Ultron

Funny thing is this is Connor in the Paryl skype Chat pretending to be on Paryl side , only proves he's a backstabbing spy . Yes I asked if anyone wanted the assassin sit because someone was trying to give it to me and I didn't want anything to do with it . But remember I had already been screwed over by PI several times before that even happened , so it was well deserved . Most of PI were dirty players , the most dirty of them all , tell me I'm wrong .

You didnt take the sit yourself because you would have been sitblocked from nobling the account, if you are actually as honest as you pretend to be, you'd have neither taken the sit yourself nor asked anyone to take it and send troops across the world to get free villages, you can keep on lying all you want to make yourself look good, but everyone here knows what you really are.
And your logic behind "others are doing it, so i'll do it too" is hypocritical of your original statement which was that you are against all forms of shady techniques.
And you dont need to call us dirty just because we didnt invite you.
Still salty about it?

Deleted User - 10618707

Wow balian is back pretending to be the good guy ?

Balian says he' never been beaten clearly because he deleted before he is rimmed LMAO.. Says he doesn' condone merging for the win....but was apart of TEA....Paryl?

Hypocrite in Ibelin

Mr. Cringer Pants

The more honest and against dirty play people claim to be, the more dirty they actually are.

What if you have to get dirty to clean up the mess but are never dishonest during the process. Think Dirty Jobs by Mike Rowe. (giggle)


Oh God why is this idiot here again? This is w100 forum Balian, you lost 95, get over it and get lost also

Mr. Cringer Pants

Balian likes to cry. Someone give him a bottle of breast milk and a pacifier. As the Brits would say: Don't toss the toys out of the pram!

Deleted User - 10618707

Mate your getting delusional here , no one has ever beaten me , I have quit every world since .... no chance of winning I plain out quit , ...I don't believe in giving players the time of the day , or my strategies , not to mention my real life time is to precious to throw away with losers like yourself .

Plain out quit..Hmm okay.


Clearly looks like you;ve quit and totally didnt get shit on.o_O


Mate your getting delusional here , no one has ever beaten me , I have quit every world since world 63 which I won , see once I have been majorly back stabbed , or half the tribe I was in quit and I could see there was no chance of winning I plain out quit , and my reason for that is because I don't believe in giving players the time of the day , or my strategies , not to mention my real life time is to precious to throw away with losers like yourself .

I believe in playing a straight up game with trustworthy players in a fair battle with no hugging or merging for the win ,

You mean the same way you quit w95 on the first incomings from PI? Yea ive never been beaten, but on first sight of incomings, I quit. Legit.


I never passed info? Why would I need too when other members were already happily leaking info? I just stirred the pot for my own amusement. Its funny how you can twist one word, post a small screenshot, push a little exposure on the externals what carnage it can cause for a tribe trying to screw you over. Think you need to realise I had helped Paryl more than you without ever joining Paryl. But for a tribe to recruit people I was fighting/had been fighting just to speed up and finish the world this mentality for recruitment is dire at best. Not only did I help Paryl during early through to mid, I helped remove that cancer in mid-late. Bottom line is I didn't need to spy, I was just there for the arguements. But this is W100 not 95, you lost another world yet again while you sat pretty behind huge stacks twiddling your thumbs because your too busy looking after 15 kids, 3 wife's, 1 husband, 2 dogs and 10 chickens while your tribe loses around you. Your not a team player your selfish and arrogant.


Honestly mind blowing how busy he is makes me wonder how he has time to even login at all...


You want a farm limit that updates regularly to match the 200th highest farmer...
Does anyone actually engage their brain before they post?

Possibly not you. Are you organizing your farm runs so your outgoing haul capacity never exceeds 100.0001% of the haul limit? Have you seen those reports which say there's 20k of resources left in a village but "Your troops cannot loot all resources because you already reached your haul limit"? C'mon now, try to put two and two together here... ;)