Let’s’s play a game


Master Commander 2019
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Mate you can call it what ever you fancy
Hi, I'd like to find an account close to "Unforgotten" in w100 to come play. Would love to go 3/3 attempts of making Balian cry and delete when he sees me rimming his ass.

If you seriously think we believe the BS that it's not you, you're more delusional than I ever thought :rolleyes:

No one in PI deleted when our allies betrayed us. Call Connor a backstabber all you want, he was never in any way a part of the Paryl FAM. 300IQ move to put someone not in the tribe in all your skype chats xD

Mr. Cringer Pants

In the game of lies, honesty is arrogance.

Such a fabulously profound subjective perspective.



Possibly not you. Are you organizing your farm runs so your outgoing haul capacity never exceeds 100.0001% of the haul limit? Have you seen those reports which say there's 20k of resources left in a village but "Your troops cannot loot all resources because you already reached your haul limit"? C'mon now, try to put two and two together here... ;)

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Do you want a global limit that updates based on how much the 200th player has farmed? If so, the limit will only go down. If you want a limit based on how much the 200th player could have farmed, it's going to fluctuate massively from day to day.


Contributing Poster
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Hi, I'd like to find an account close to "Unforgotten" in w100 to come play. Would love to go 3/3 attempts of making Balian cry and delete when he sees me rimming his ass.

If you seriously think we believe the BS that it's not you, you're more delusional than I ever thought :rolleyes:

No one in PI deleted when our allies betrayed us. Call Connor a backstabber all you want, he was never in any way a part of the Paryl FAM. 300IQ move to put someone not in the tribe in all your skype chats xD

LOL , Connor not a spy , I can go back in my Paryl skype chats and the chats we had where he said several times He would never join PI


Perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Do you want a global limit that updates based on how much the 200th player has farmed? If so, the limit will only go down. If you want a limit based on how much the 200th player could have farmed, it's going to fluctuate massively from day to day.

The latter of course, and no it wouldn't. People who would otherwise be top 200 farmers will keep exceeding that limit easily enough, and odds are folk in the 200-400 range would push a little harder to hit the limit too. One person's farming potential might fluctuate from day to day so they're 150th one day and 250th the next, but not everyone's; a limit based on the Nth player would keep steadily rising - or in the couple of days a year it might go down a little, it'd only be because most players aren't wanting to farm that much, which is still good.

Of course it's just an idea. Limited hauls as currently done are arguably too limited, and probably disadvantage latecomers to a world since farming can be a higher percentage of activity and income during early game. But unlimited hauls mean that farming is a big contributor to player fatigue and make coplaying almost mandatory to have a top account, which reduces profitability and world size. If there's any more cromulent solutions out there, so much the better!
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The latter of course, and no it wouldn't. People who would otherwise be top 200 farmers will keep exceeding that limit easily enough, and odds are folk in the 200-400 range would push a little harder to hit the limit too. One person's farming potential might fluctuate from day to day so they're 150th one day and 250th the next, but not everyone's; a limit based on the Nth player would keep steadily rising - or in the couple of days a year it might go down a little, it'd only be because most players aren't wanting to farm that much, which is still good.

Of course it's just an idea. Limited hauls as currently done are arguably too limited, and probably disadvantage latecomers to a world since farming can be a higher percentage of activity and income during early game. But unlimited hauls mean that farming is a big contributor to player fatigue and make coplaying almost mandatory to have a top account, which reduces profitability and world size. If there's any more cromulent solutions out there, so much the better!

Yeah, no. That won't work.

I like the idea of limited hauls actually meaning limited hauls*, but that system would not work. Some days people farm, some days they don't. The 200th player one day will farm 10x the 200th player the next day. An average of all the players in the top 200 looted would work better, but even then it'll vary massively from day to day. What about the day of the world cup final?

A much simpler way would just be to add a small percentage every day.

*The current limited haul setting is basically no hauls. Farming is approximately 1.3% of my income, and on this world the daily limited is capped at 100,000, so it'll never be significant.


What about the day of the world cup final?

On that day, I imagine that some fraction of TW players will have 2-3 hours when they only send farming runs during half time and an even more miniscule percentage might have a social life and not farm at all for 4 or 5 hours :p If enough of those players happen to be on top-farming accounts, you might see the limit drop by a percent or two. The odds of there being any single day when all of the top farmers have dramatically reduced activity is astronomically low. [Edit: I suppose the exception would be in late game wars when all top accounts are involved in ops.] But if that's really a concern, the regular limit update could just as easily be based on the past three or four days' farming (which would also help mitigate the carrot effect of people always pushing for the daily limit). Like I said, it's just an idea. A percentage increase could work too and would be a bit easier to implement, but it's more arbitrary. I like the idea of a limit being based on how much players actually choose to farm: If all but the top 50 are barely scraping the limit it'll barely increase and virtually everyone's happier for it, but if enough people want more farming income all they need to do is keep sending out their runs and it'll increase accordingly.
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LOL , Connor not a spy , I can go back in my Paryl skype chats and the chats we had where he said several times He would never join PI

Please find said quotes? Im curious. Its not like I joined PI when I was fighting you I created a powerful tribe of misfits and cast aways, people Paryl attempted to manipulate and they were able to put their heads together and ruin your tribe. Need to remember I was in the PI premade would always have a soft spot for them loveable heroes. <3


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Please find said quotes? Im curious. Its not like I joined PI when I was fighting you I created a powerful tribe of misfits and cast aways, people Paryl attempted to manipulate and they were able to put their heads together and ruin your tribe. Need to remember I was in the PI premade would always have a soft spot for them loveable heroes. <3


I'm not stupid mate oh and thought I add this in as well :

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Well, don't know about you all but I'd stroke Vlad's girl's hair while we watched rom-coms together.

Michael Corleone.

No I didn't backstab in 80 , once again their were two players on my account who had different views , I gave him a chance and it didn't work , so I went my way .
lmao you cant take responsibility for anything either.

your a joke of a man.

Deleted User - 10618707

I mean. Connor was apart of my premade true. ...so he was just coming back home.

Michael Corleone.

lmao balian what are you trying to insinuate with that 2nd post? that someone being gay is a bad thing?

conor responded in the correct fashion, by agreeing and amplifying with you because you are too stupid to recognize this. you attempted to make conor look bad with that screenshot, but if anything, it makes you look out of touch and frankly a moron.

congratulations, the fact youve made it this far in life i am amazed with your stupidity

Mr. Cringer Pants

I second, Michael. Why are you even asking if Connor is gay? What's the intent behind that question?


didnt read anything but I just wanna say that a good rule of thumb is to always disagree with the person who goes as far as posting skype convos on the externals


The more honest and against dirty play people claim to be, the more dirty they actually are.

Snakes are the most loyal of creatures, you dont see a King Cobra with a Python.

On another note Balian if you do want to make an appearance come to my rim side, my co's would hate that we would get attention but I am an attention seeker.

Started at the end, now we up here
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#Exposed #Backstabber #WhyAlwaysMe?

What more can I say I have been exposed right? Wrong. I am pretty sure this argument was before I was even talking to Jon and TD again which at that point I had no interest in rejoining PI due to my location being the opposite side of the world. So my statement at that time was completely true. Due to my location influenced the - I am never joining PI how was I to know my location would change when I steamroll through your tribe? Is that really my fault? I expected to be removed by this superior tribe who can win the world with 1 op.

Again why would I join Paryl if they are going to mass recruit when the whole reason behind it was to speed up the world win. I totally understand selective recruitment but this reason is abysmal at such an early stage of the game on a very unique win condition. How can you feel valued when all the leadership wants is the world to end as soon as possible with as little of fight when I had already helped much more than all the people who joined at the the time when Paryl were rank 1 thought free win. When you recruit people like ACE and the ex digg players who had done nothing at all. I wasn't the only tribe Paryl tried to manipulate. Can easily look at Pink and others on that side. When two major figures in Paryl leadership step down because the friendships they made with said tribes were about to be ruined because of the manipulation that Matt was about to push for. Smiler. & Yar07 both stepped down because of this.

Now the real question is, homophobic or racist? or both? Maybe post the start of your conversations where you actively trying to provoke an argument. Rather than just snippets of text that can be read with little to no context. Bottom line is was an ez win, Balian just rolled over like the big baby he is. What a super tribe that was when 90% of the tribe tried to jump ship to win the world.

Love regurgitating drivel over and over again feels amazing on my finger tips.

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