Looking for tribe around k65. i'm not picky.
DeletedUser Guest Nov 7, 2010 #2 K65/64 if your looking for a tribe and not picky, in K64 my tribe is recruiting at the minute HAWKEYE
K65/64 if your looking for a tribe and not picky, in K64 my tribe is recruiting at the minute HAWKEYE
DeletedUser Guest Nov 7, 2010 #5 Meh? Nub really said: Stay out of K64 Click to expand... why should i stay out?
DeletedUser Guest Nov 7, 2010 #6 http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=219798 Please check out my recruitment thread
DeletedUser Guest Nov 8, 2010 #7 lukelordlad said: why should i stay out? Click to expand... That was meant for the tribe. The person who posted that they have a tribe in K64
lukelordlad said: why should i stay out? Click to expand... That was meant for the tribe. The person who posted that they have a tribe in K64