And so the truth about our troll is finally revealed. You have a vendetta against me rather than actually having issues with Yarr. I have no issues with that. Go right ahead.
Please defend your points on the actual threads regarding this.
The Map thread is for Map discussions rather than PnP.
Why not respond to my posts if you actually have the balls to. I'll rip you to shreds and teach you what PnP is actually about nublet.
This is what actually brought my attention to you tbh, now that is arrogance and of the highest calibre. Unfortunately the person you wrote it to never took up your offer so I thought I would test your theory and see how it turned out. I have to say I'm a little disappointed that you completely ignored the post I wrote to you on the previous page. :icon_cry:
I'll go ahead and talk about you and your tribe hopping self then.
I was in [PMS] for 5 days. I was the first person to leave iKill
Now, if you actually know what you are talking about, which I guess you do, then this statement brought out of context would make me believe that you were in PMS, then you quickly went rogue and left the tribe. I would say that is one of the primary attributes of a tribe hopper.
This is similar to how people are talking about Yarr. All statements brought out of context and not looking into the whole statement.
I was the first person to leave iKill, the reason I left iKill was due to the arguments between the SVG members at the time and the other iKill members. I foreseen the SVG members leaving iKill and I knew that they were a large part of the active good players in the tribe, however I did not wish to join them due to some arguments I had, had personally with their members. The good iKill members I worked closely with and talked to regular were in 65 and were nowhere near to me however they were mailed and I had stated I would like to work with them again.
Now if I was as cynical and as vindictive as some of the forum posters in this forum, then I would go on about messing with this post as your excuse for betraying iKill, hopping around PMS, and moving over again to SVG. Why would such an excellent player be hoping around in such an excessive manner? Circumstances I would guess. Simply circumstances.
Lets go for a bit of analogy here. "ViRuS. is to tribe hopping as to Yarr is to Mass Recruiting" Its simply that. Circumstances, plain and simple.
So now I am working with the SVG members, after things were patched up due to the lovely Ramoth and my wonderful co Emrayne. I also have those that were in 65 as close allies and we continue to speak daily. The rif raf that was iKill leadership/deadweight disappeared at the hands of SVG. Quite logical and reasonable for me to leave when I did.
Now on to the rest of my tribe changes shall we;
[spoil]Old tribe New tribe Date/Time Points
None MEH! 15th September 2012 - 02:02:38 0 -PRE reg, joined the world alone.
MEH! None 22nd September 2012 - 01:03:56 151
None N.O 24th September 2012 - 05:02:34 360 - My tribe, consisted of 6 people I had worked closesly with in other worlds and came together to form a tight nit while we decided what to do in terms of joining a tribe.
N.O iKill 07th October 2012 - 20:03:14 4,557 -all 6 joined.
iKill [PMS] 05th November 2012 - 03:03:00 92,103 - Already disclosed the reasons. 5 days.
[PMS] CHEWY 10th November 2012 - 01:04:28 127,457- Was approached by a PMS duke and was asked to join a tribe with the best players of PMS and join a newly established tribe, which included the CHEWY members, I agreed as I was impressed with how enthusiastic the CHEWY members were at getting things done in terms of ops and such.
CHEWY SVG 21st November 2012 - 08:03:26 152,34 - Han Solo told our members that he was quitting, but would go out with a bang and that all other members were to find new tribes, TMTBG had already been rimmed. During this time Ramoth and Emrayne had already been talking about reuniting with the SVG crew. So it was obvious we would be joining SVG and thus here we are today.
In numbers lets ignored Meh and N.O. We have ikill, SVG, PMS and Chewy=4 tribes.
SVG are spin offs of iKill and were the better half of iKill wold have joined them straight away however due to arguments I had with certain members it was not possible. Chewy were a spin off of PMS and were the logical choice for me. I spent a total of 16 days away from my current tribe mates in PMS/Chewy before we were back together.
So 2 tribes effectively to say I'm a tribe hopper makes no sense.
Now again, excuses excuses excuses, but then again, I believe you as I know an ex member of Die. wouldn't lower himself to what he once would despise. Go with some more analogy and you'd understand Yarr's conundrum. Circumstances have made some of the leader's decision what it has been. It has more to do with the best possible solution rather than the wont for going family tribe.
Anyhow back to the actual thread and topic shall we?
Actually, that was the topic of my argument. Something that came out of your own mouth, but I'll humour you in replying to whatever else you said. ^_^
Also, keep in mind this:
Please don't take that conversation out of context!
Now I know Tubrez I don't know if people remember the blog I had intended to have on this world, but I had a lengthy chat with Tubrez and to say you will teach him is absurd, the guy knows how to play this game. He is another Alexhol who too knew how to play this game however playng the game has a large grey area in the type of style you wish to project. Tubrez is a tribe hopper, a runner ,a coward. He feasts on tribes mates no less than Alexhol. TOP also said Alexhol will change now he is with us. Just like you guys have yet Yarr criticized them and chastised them for saying it. The contradictions and Hypocrisy is what is hilarious my friend. and here is some more of it;
Then plain and simply, he will be removed if he proves himself as that. until then, we will see how he acts. I really don't understand why you keep on pushing the "you recruited a noob so you guys must be noob!" argument.
If you want to get your hugs by easy takes and hugging til the end of the world will you sim city your cluster by all means go for it but I certainly don't see the fun in that. If I did I'd get off the internet either play Civilization on easy or grab a sim city copy. However I'm here to fight and kick up a fuss and it gives me lots of fun times :icon_smile:
This is a war game that is based on strategy and diplomacy. Please don't insinuate that we should be idiots at playing the game.
Well as I have already stated, it's up to you and wobble what you do but I'm more than free to come here and have digs at your expense.
I give you this point. We will be here to defend our tribe.
Also there some more of that subtle arrogance you love to use. Need proof let me know, or you could just read it back.
There's a reason that you notice a hint of arrogance in my posts, its simply because I'm arrogant to a fault. Given, that arrogance might not be because any particular skill I have in this game, but because I am naturally born arrogant. Some love it, some hate it, but in the end, this does not have any bearing to the game so much as actually fighting is involved, but more of your vendetta against me cause you think of my arrogance as a bad thing.
I am respectful though to people that should be respected. I am humble when I need to be humble. I am humorous when I feel like the moment is enjoyable. We all have different sides of our personality shown here. Everyone has pride in their own. I would suggest you have a bit of it yourself but I deem that to be pointless. No use trying to ferret a response that could vindicate me from that.
You believe it buddy, that is why you and your tribe mates are trying so hard to defend it yet failing because it is the Truth brother.
Maybe, just maybe, we are trying to defend because you are trying hard to bash our tribe.:icon_rolleyes: I am personally defending as I love Yarr and because I like posting and arguing my point.
Also, How dare you!
I know why are people here incapable of having a proper debate :/