Looking for a co from the US or Asia


Hello everyone,

I am looking for a coplayer. I'm 6playing the game for about 10 years. mostly on the Dutch servers. Since I live ni the Netherlands, I would be a good co for someone living in the states (preferably somewhere in the middle to optimize the time difference).
I am history student in university so I have plenty online time. I am 24 years old and I know this game wel.

I'm a good starter as wel as a good manager. I led plenty of tribes, and excel in overal planning, and strategizing.

Preferaly I want a co who is at least 18 years old, has plenty of experience and is able to work together and discuss things together about the account, but knows how to handle things alone when it comes to it (like when one of us has RL obligations)

I use skype so feel free to contact me there.
