Looking for a co in the rim


accountname: mejinru

why I need a co: i'm gone from 12th to 19th, and if i don't farm during that time it'd be horrible and i don't want to burden a sitter with the tedious task.

outside of 12th to 19th of july, i would need a co at 00:00 - 9:00 am GMT + 1.

current standpoint:
it's a very easy area, and will probably have no fun takeovers at all. this world will probably be a whole lot of farming, without having any challenge nobling people. and after that it'll simply be a game of finding the right people to play. the real action will only start after K44 people will leave the borders.

i'll accept people that are new to the whole co thing, as this wont be hard at all. i won't mind teaching you while we play the account, however only to people that are willing to learn. this doesn't mean i won't accept a veteran ofc.

about me:
-last time i tried sending a noble train the minimum time distance was 100ms between each attack, and ofc that was the exact time that was in between the attacks.
-I can snipe noble trains (only if the time difference is 100ms+)
-i farm a lot
-i know how and in which order to build up a village. i won't level up anything unnecessary.

the tactic (boring):
-started offensive
-farm decently
-noble villages far away from myself as it wont increase the farming income to noble nearby
- spread around and only later fill in the gaps in between the villages

and no, i don't care if someone nearby sees this as there is only 1 capable guy nearby, and i doubt he's watching externals.

you can leave anytime you want, but please set up a sitter before doing so.

i want to communicate through skype, yaroki - christian malipaard (if yaroki doesn't work, then try yaroki1)

also ask me on skype / message me here for any additional details.

sincerely, Mejinru
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