Looking for a decent tribe


Okay, I am looking for any tribe (not any noobish ones that enjoy attacking villages for fun) to join. I have been on and off TW for a few years, but I know what I'm doing. I honestly do not mind joining any tribe, so long as they don't attack beginning players and continuously attack those that have left the tribe for particular reasons.

Oh, and so you all know, I'm not one of them noobish people that beg for Duke status just to disband the tribe, I find that really immature.

Anyway, any offers? =P


heed me advice! stay away from w40, it has spirits o' drunken pirates roamin in't!!!!



me did nay read da actual thing...


Sorry, but i may as well grill you now and point you in the right direction or you'll get nowhere..

Okay, I am looking for any tribe (not any noobish ones that enjoy attacking villages for fun) to join.

I'd honestly leave this bit out, considering the two biggest sets of Tribes in this world are at war. Saying you enjoy Tribal Hugs is a Big NO-NO! :icon_rolleyes:

so long as they don't attack beginning players and continuously attack those that have left the tribe for particular reasons.

This again brings into doubt just how long you've played for and if not the time, the skill and size of the accounts you have played. Im fairly heavily involved in the K56 frontline and recently a player called "Kalari" left the tribe for one reason or another.. Just because she/he lef did not mean that we ceased operations on the player. If you have played for any great length of time then you will know about the"refugee" status people claim and just because somebody leaves a Tribe does not grant them a protection from Attacks. So i'd also advise you to think carefully about how you structure this part.. :icon_wink:

Oh, and so you all know, I'm not one of them noobish people that beg for Duke status just to disband the tribe, I find that really immature.

This is also irrelevant, and makes me think you're used to playing start-ups where you can get a duke rank just by saying "My E-peen is bigger than his".. In these later game worlds the structure of the Tribe is highly unlikely to change and i doubt anybody coming fresh into World 40 will ever get duke rank from any Tribe left standing. Respect, trust, loyalty and gratitude have to be earnt first. So this is fairly irrelevant.. :icon_rolleyes:

How about you try structuring your application in the following way to help potential people searching for a co-player or someone to take over an account spot quickl weather or not you are a suitable candidate.

Previous worlds:
Largest Account played:
Your online Times:
Can you snipe:
Can you Tag:
Can you use Scripts:
Do you know what a standard Offensive/defensive build is and can you provide one:
Whats better, a 12k village or a 9.5k village troops wise:
Do you have skype:

That should tell someone all they need to know about you and if you leave your skype name if someone is interested then they should contact you. If not then you'r outta luck. :D Hope it helped a bit.. :)


comment on the above

you truly amaze me with your patience as you take time and educate the applicant like that. I am not too sure about it is gonna get to use thoe but I can only hope :D

( He has 284p, hardly active, has one player right next to him from a tribe named "Mini Casus Belli" and that tribe only grants players over 10K points and he needs protection. Assumption: He has probably played at the initial phase of this game on and off, started in different worlds and as he hasn`t too much experience of an account with more than 10-20 villages tops. Assuming it is a younger player.)

@sealboyno15; Mate, this world is a bit old and you would have more fun in a new opened world with more tribes and players around with hopefully some experienced players who takes time to guide you. This worlds social envoirement will not be too fun for you at this level.

A tip; as long as you don`t end up at K09 or K00, any near Hogshead Stallone, you don`t need to worry about getting attacked by anyone at this level :icon_wink:

Wishing you all the best and wishing also ppl to stop joining this world so we can get half price coins :p
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Haha, look at all of the mistakes I have made =P

Okay, first things first: thanks for all of the comments, much appreciated.

@i use troops: Lol at the "Tribal hugs" by the way. I honestly never knew there was a war currently going on in this world. Wouldn't this mean that it would be pointless looking for a tribe different to the two, as they would, probably, get stomped on? I was, originally, looking for a tribe that wouldn't attack villages which are low levelled, unless there was a good reason to (i.e. threats, attacks etc). Also, by saying "so long as they don't attack beginning players and continuously attack those that have left the tribe for particular reasons" I meant, for example, a player left a tribe because they just wanted to leave, or didn't like what the tribe did, therefore, the tribe would brand that player a "traitor" and continuously attack him until their village was no more. I believe this to be immature and, in the past tribes I had been with, it happened.

And by the duke thing, I had read in the forum that some people actually did this, disbanding the tribe as soon as they asked to become a Duke. I wouldn't ask to be a Duke, I know it is something I would have to earn. It was just to inform people that I wouldn't do it. Yes, perhaps it was irrelevant, but I don't mind. At the time, I thought it would be relevant.

@The Last Fight: Yes, I think I am on the right game, every tribe doesn't have to be immature, do they? There can be a tribe that respects those who play and do not spam newbies into oblivion with armies, right? I believe so.

I am on TW daily, if not daily, I try to get on whenever I can. Yes, every time I started on TW I usually played the start of the game, then I usually dropped out due to forgetting of the village or some other reason. However, this time will be different. I may only have a few points, but I am getting there.

I may have more fun on another world, but the fact that I have now learnt what is going on in this world truly excites me, and there is nothing more fun than a challenge. All in all, I may pass on joining a tribe. I am less likely to join a tribe in this world as I do not have enough points, but I may very well join another world, so I can enjoy this world and another. This thread may have been a pointless creation, but you guys have, shall we say, 'educated' me on what this world has (or rather has not (lol)) to offer.

Thanks guys, I hope I didn't sound... arrogant or something in what I've said :icon_biggrin:


cheesepuff? that sounds like somin that comes outta yer buttox af'er too much cheese...


cheesepuff? that sounds like somin that comes outta yer buttox af'er too much cheese...

It may very well be 0.0

Anyway, not to get off topic, but I feel that we should stop posting now, if any of you have something to say based on my comments, do it via PM, I feel it is more wiser than spamming in an unrelated thread. =P


I am on TW daily, if not daily, I try to get on whenever I can. Yes, every time I started on TW I usually played the start of the game, then I usually dropped out due to forgetting of the village or some other reason. However, this time will be different. I may only have a few points, but I am getting there.

Dude your better than me.
I try to log on fortnightly at worst. Between the farm and the fishing... Gee wizz

Anyway what K are you on?
If your on K99 give me (Demon Lord 666) a mail and join my tribe. I will teach you all about points and late world starts

Fist tip to joining a world already going on this long is: No need for troops! - if your gonna be nobled they will most likely send a nuke/ noble train within 1 second. So no point really. Make it easy for them then if they do send the train ask for support. Its really just that easy!