Looking for a Good Tribe to Join


Hi I am new to World 68 but am looking for a good active tribe to join where I can learn and grow and be in constant communication with Leaders as communication is very important. Please let me know of any prospective tribes that would be interested in me. My IGN: brancole94. Thanks.


What k are you in? It wouldn't make sense to join a tribe halfway across the world from you...


Hi guys my Brother(brancole94) has just started playing on world 68 and he is new to Tribal Wars. I am looking for a Mentor that would be willing to help out with training him to be a great player on World 68. Any help you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This was posted by your looking for a mentor in general section.

Here you say your Brancole94, but in the mentor post you say your brother is brancole94. Do you have a brother or are you just spreading your lies across the whole world which in turn will make people crazy and start killing each other, then food runs out and the crazy people eat other people which then starts the apocalypse of zombies and theres only pockets of survivors left, i come across you as i travel with my band of merry or unmerry men over vast territories, i recognize you because i hax you cuz im 1337, then i pent up all my rage and anger that you cause this uprising and destroyed the world, so i cut of your fingers and toes, feed them to you and leave you in a cage for zombies to attack you in, and over time they'll break through the bars and eat your face.