Looking for a place in a major tribe


nope this account is the lucky one, we've gone through a dozen or so with this one.

The builds are just terrible in these plight players


Im only the 3rd on this account. Not doing so badly actually ;)

The 2nd was only on for like a day though as a part time owner until they found a pro like me, lol. Oh, and dont expect any more owners. Im here till the end :)


I made a big mistake with alex and I'm very sorry for that. Other than that (and maybe being slightly annoying from time to time), I haven't betrayed anyone. Look forward to seeing me back soon. :icon_wink:


I made a big mistake with alex and I'm very sorry for that. Other than that (and maybe being slightly annoying from time to time), I haven't betrayed anyone. Look forward to seeing me back soon. :icon_wink:

See alex...do you believe me now? When I said I had zero to do with your situation, I wasn't lying.


yeah soz about that cbk. Ok my mail is completely retarded so i cant reply somehow. So i think i maybe sharing with alex but im not definite. And just to ask.....why does the gammy 1 have to come and spoil everything in every single forum? ;)


yeah soz about that cbk. Ok my mail is completely retarded so i cant reply somehow. So i think i maybe sharing with alex but im not definite. And just to ask.....why does the gammy 1 have to come and spoil everything in every single forum? ;)

I don't spoil everything.

There's a reason why you probably didn't get any replies.

Don't hate me, I'm just the messenger.


shhhhh el cihad ;)

Also, just click on me and press send private message. I dont think the reply button works.