Hello, people of W73.
I've been keeping an eye on this in W73 and things seem to be very interesting there. Ah, I'll just get to the point: I'm looking for an account to play on W73. I am super active in game and on tribal forums, so inactivity is out of the question for me. I would not, however, want to co-play anyone. If I were to join this world, I'd like to have an account I could call my own, since I am ordering PP each month to get the most of Tribalwars.
If you have any questions regarding my past experience or why I'd like to join this specific world, feel free to pm me as I would REALLY love to join this world.
Sincerely yours,
Risen Legend
I've been keeping an eye on this in W73 and things seem to be very interesting there. Ah, I'll just get to the point: I'm looking for an account to play on W73. I am super active in game and on tribal forums, so inactivity is out of the question for me. I would not, however, want to co-play anyone. If I were to join this world, I'd like to have an account I could call my own, since I am ordering PP each month to get the most of Tribalwars.
If you have any questions regarding my past experience or why I'd like to join this specific world, feel free to pm me as I would REALLY love to join this world.
Sincerely yours,
Risen Legend