Looking for Tribe in K13/14 (or anywhere really)


I am currently in Tribe Army/CBS. They are a family tribe and most everyone in the tribe is horrible. (I hate family tribes as they rarely succeed)
I am willing to move cont's if there are decent players... Or restart for that matter. Though it would be a waste as I have 7 villages.

Who's ever tribe I join that seems decent, I will bring scripts and knowledge from Hostile with me. I emphasize on the word AGGRESSIVE tribe.
If you want you can check my stats on W32. (highest I've gotten is 321k points) Was part of [H] and one of the top players too. I decided to quit that world as it was just too fast for me.
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Or restart for that matter. Though it would be a waste as I have 7 villages.
So you have 7 villages, but you still have the option to restart? What hack are you using?

Oh, and second thing, what kind of tribe do you actually want? Because other than agressive, you didn't really specify.


It's called the delete button and make a new account... I'm a major haxxor. :)

All I want in a tribe is for it to not play TribalHugs. I'm not saying there has to be a war going on every second. I just don't like nobleing barbarian villages all the time and consider that fun.


So essentially, you don't want to be in a noob tribe. Yeah, that makes sense.


Taylorwhitt dont leave! If you leave, then who will i talk to in k13 w29? People that are in my tribe? Ya right!


wait.. so you noble barbs but you still only have 7 villages?? jesus christ.

But restarting in w29 = you're way behind everybody. just go to a new world or something

and aren't you in a war with NME? how about send a few attacks their way


wait.. so you noble barbs but you still only have 7 villages?? jesus christ.

But restarting in w29 = you're way behind everybody. just go to a new world or something

and aren't you in a war with NME? how about send a few attacks their way
Note the date on the first post.


join my tribe if your still looking. we are former CBS but I left and formed my own tribe, some others came with me. SOLO is the alternative to CBS in k14 or at least that's how I'd like to see it.