Loyal Anti-YAWN tribe, GTO


Tribe name: Give The Order (GTO)
Leader/Founder: kaiiser.kiing
Co-Leader: Jonny360

This is a copy of my recruitment letter that is sent to possible members of my tribe:

"Join Give The Order and:

We promise to stand by our members and support them in times of need.
We will grow, and conquer other smaller tribes, eventually taking on bigger ones;

And if we fail, the so what? we will go down together, as comrades, we will be remembered!

Good luck!

We Will Stand Tall, Stand Together, And We Will Stand By Each Other In The Face Of Danger

¡viva la revolución!"

---Join 'Give The Order' and we swear to protect our members no matter the circumstances.

The origin of GTO was, when i was a good member of YAWN, previously, NOFA, i rebelled, due to bad leadership, swearing have revenge on the leader, Lord Cranthorpe, but making sure that people know that i am not personally against YAWN and its members, just the leader, i rebelled, left, then joined my friends tribe, which then merged with a tribe that didnt share my views, so i left, joined my other friend's tribe. But then he said we were merging again, but i am against merges now. Do he and i both left and founded GTO.

I am against merges as GTO members will rely on others' loyalty and we should support eachother, not give in to support from outsiders who dont share our views.

Please join GTO (give the order), and you will be part of a caring community.
