Maps & Stats and more?


OMFG GUYS!!! ITS A NEW FREAKING MAP!!!! July 26th 2010 to be exact.

Other then that, stats might get an update in a couple weeks?

PPP - Points per Player
PPV - Points per Village
VPP - Villager per Player
STFU - Shut the f**k up
OMG - oh my god
OMFG - oh my F***ing god
FFS - for F**ks sake

Main W5 map


Previous maps
Jan 9th 2009
Dec 31th 2008
Dec 8th 2008
Dec 4th 2008
Nov 23rd 2008
Alternative Nov 23rd 2008
Nov 11th 2008
Nov 1st 2008
Oct 20th 2008
Oct 18th 2008
Sep 26th 2008

First out is of course my own and beloved

SCI Family

6 Tribes

Single Tribe stats

SCIR0S - 136 members - 267.205.750 points - 27.321 villages
SCIR0N - 112 members - 243.561.879 points - 24.551 villages
SCIOVA - 73 members - 240.086.054 points - 23.399 villages
-=SP=- - 91 members - 54.524.526 points - 6.309 villages
SCIRSA - 80 members - 46.610.480 points - 5.403 villages
SCIRNA - 57 members - 19.640.632 points - 2.469 villages

Total Family stats

Points total: 871.629.321 6.124.792
Number of players: 549 -61
Number of villages: 89.452 -303
% of the worlds players: 30,95 -1,69
& of the worlds villages: 27,11 -0,09
Average PPP: 1.587.667 168.807
Average VPP: 163 16
Average PPV: 9.744,1 101,1

The SCI family has lost some villages and 61 players, the loss of villages comes mostly from the recent war between R0N/RSA and TSE/BNL where around 300 of the lost villas comes from.
R0S rises to become the largest of the three main tribes, RSA falls down under SP which is impimenting that RSA is being merged into R0S.
The family looses both in world players and in world villages held, though the changes are minimal.
PPP, VPP and PPV are all up as a result of the great change of members.

V V V Family

2 Tribes

Single Tribe stats

V V V - 125 members - 323.568.623 points - 32.310 villages
V V V+ - 117 members - 135.857.652 points - 14.302 villages

Total Family stats

Points total: 459.426.275 14.564.825
Number of players: 242 -4
Number of villages: 46612 1.380
% of the worlds players: 13,64 0,48
& of the worlds villages: 14,13 0,42
Average PPP: 1.898.455 90.075
Average VPP: 192,6 8,7
Average PPV: 9.856,3 21,3

The VVV family continues shrinking in members (though at a lower pace then TSE, SCI and LFKD).
VVV also takes 1st place in the top 40 players after moving a major player from VVV+ to VVV.
A large point change in both of the tribes impliments that VVV and VVV+ are slowly merging.
They had an increase in world players and world villages, though the increas in world players comes from the big loss of players the last 18 days.
PPP, VPP and PPP are all up most likely due to the members who have been shed, but also because of their recent gain of 1380 villages.

~TSE~ Coalition

2 Tribes

Single Tribe stats

~TSE~ - 98 members - 260555301 points - 26106 villages
BNL-ET - 139 members - 144148093 points - 15024 villages

Total Coalition stats

Points total: 404.703.394 10.811.470
Number of players: 237 -17
Number of villages: 41.130 797
% of the worlds players: 13,57 -0,02
& of the worlds villages: 12,47 0,24
Average PPP: 1.707.609 156.853
Average VPP: 173,5 14,7
Average PPV: 9.839,6 73,6

One less branch for the TSE Coalition as BNL has finally been deleted (at around Jan. 8th or so?)
They lost 17 members, most from TSE but also some from BNL.
Their loss of members compared to the loss of members generally in W5 results in them "loosing" percentages of world players, yet gaining well in world villages.
Their war with SCI has shown to be a good one, gaining them roughly 300 villages. They continue growing and gained 10 mio points in the last 18 days.
PPP, VPP and PPV are up.

FKD Alliance

3 Tribes

Single Tribe stats

PKs - 26 members - 121.948.404 points - 11.919 villages
DL - 31 members - 82.790.065 points - 7.953 villages
DFB - 49 members - 70.173.186 points - 7.089 villages

Total Alliance stats

Points total: 274.911.655 4.135.599
Number of players: 106 -13
Number of villages: 26.961 292
% of the worlds players: 6,07 -0,30
& of the worlds villages: 8,17 0,08
Average PPP: 2.593.506 318.077
Average VPP: 254,35 30,24
Average PPV: 10.196,64 43,43

The FKD Alliance has gained about 4 mio points and 300 villages while 13 more of their member leave for others or go inactive.
World power changes slightly in FKDs favor as well.
Their PPP, VPP and PPV are all up.

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Other forces that appear alone


Points total: 211.696.245 -4.944.255
Number of players: 89 -8
Number of villages: 20901 -563
% of the worlds players: 5,09 -0,09
& of the worlds villages: 6,33 -0,17
Average PPP: 2.378.609 145.202
Average VPP: 234,8 13,5
Average PPV: 10.128,5 35,3

R2 has lost nearly 5 mio points, 8 players and over 500 villages in the last 18 days.
A good bulk of villages lost has been lost to SCIR0S, but there has apparently been other changes as well.
As a result of all the losses their world power is diminished in both players and villages.
PPP, VPP and PPV are all up though, which is implimenting that the player and village loss has from the smaller ranks.


Points total: 111.391.426 75.561
Number of players: 36 -3
Number of villages: 10.937 -112
% of the worlds players: 2,06 -0,02
& of the worlds villages: 3,31 -0,03
Average PPP: 3.094.206 239.953
Average VPP: 303,8 20,5
Average PPV: 10.184,8 110

More red times for RFG, though this time minimal with only 100 villages lost in the last 18 days and 3 players. They gain slightly in points, but their PPV is getting rather high.
World power decreases slightly while PPP, VPP and PPV all increase by large amounts.


Points total: 117.761.876 5.595.139
Number of players: 61 -2
Number of villages: 11.276 480
% of the worlds players: 3,49 0,12
& of the worlds villages: 3,42 0,14
Average PPP: 1.930.522 150.098
Average VPP: 184,8 13,5
Average PPV: 10.443,5 53,9

BarBar has lost two members since the last update but gained nearly 500 villages.
Their world power has increased in comparison to the others and their PPP, VPP and PPV are all up.
PPV is sadly really high thouhg, at soon 10.500 points per village.


Points total: 41.275.577 1.875.618
Number of players: 37 -3
Number of villages: 4.436 145
% of the worlds players: 2,12 -0,022
& of the worlds villages: 1,34 0,04
Average PPP: 1.115.556 130.557
Average VPP: 119,9 12,6
Average PPV: 9.304,6 122,7

comment goes here


Points total: 16.198.766 772.758
Number of players: 3 0
Number of villages: 1620 80
% of the worlds players: 0,17 0,01
& of the worlds villages: 0,49 0,02
Average PPP: 5.399.588 257.586
Average VPP: 540 26,7
Average PPV: 9999,2 -17,6

TDD keeps at 3 guys, gains 80 villages and gets their average points per village decreased slightly.
PPP and VPP are both up by a rather representable margin as PPV goes down.
Nothing more to say about them really...


Points total: 10.986.558 -309.588
Number of players: 37 2
Number of villages: 1481 37
% of the worlds players: 2,12 0,24
& of the worlds villages: 0,45 0,01
Average PPP: 296.934 -25.813
Average VPP: 40 -1,2
Average PPV: 7.418,3 -404,5

TRN gains villages again, but still looses over 300k points. Another two members have found their way into the TRN ranks as well.
In world power they increase, but it won't matter much as they loose so big bulks of good villages which are replaced by not so good villages.
Their PPP, VPP and PPV are all down by a great margin for this small tribe.

My map does not auto update and never will. I can't be arsed to find out how.

Thanks for possibly reading, and if the hotlinks don't work or I need to do something about them for them to become guest accounts or what ever, please, do tell.

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Mini Stats, countdown of players left

Total Players: 1.747 -110

Players with more then 0 points: 1.732 -108
Players with more then 1.000 points: 1.639 -100
Players with more then 10.000 points: 1.501 -91
Players with more then 100.000 points: 1.348 -84
Players with more then 500.000 points: 1.004 -33
Players with more then 1.000.000 points: 743 -10
Players with more then 2.000.000 points: 454 +11
Players with more then 3.000.000 points: 296 +8
Players with more then 4.000.000 points: 190 +23
Players with more then 5.000.000 points: 104 +11
Players with more then 8.000.000 points: 20 +4
Players with more then 9.000.000 points: 6 +4
Players with more then 10.000.000 points: 1 +1

Number of players steadily decline and we see that the number of smaller players go down as the number of bigger players keep on a decent increase

Total Tribes: 113 -1

Tribes with more then 0 points: 79 -1
Tribes with more then 100.000 points: 32 0
Tribes with more then 1.000.000 points: 22 -2
Tribes with more then 10.000.000 points: 19 0
Tribes with more then 50.000.000 points: 14 -1
Tribes with more then 100.000.000 points: 11 -1
Tribes with more then 200.000.000 points: 6 0
Tribes with more then 300.000.000 points: 1 0

Little changes, still pretty much anybody who means anything is in the top 16...

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well i think that this is more spam Topic. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


was an elder mod who asked me to do it to better the standings, I asked if it was possible to move it, and it wasn't. So I chose to redo it and rather get them (the elder mods) to remove it afterwords. DL gets no cookies in today's update that's for sure :icon_wink:


was an elder mod who asked me to do it to better the standings, I asked if it was possible to move it, and it wasn't. So I chose to redo it and rather get them (the elder mods) to remove it afterwords. DL gets no cookies in today's update that's for sure :icon_wink:

lol i don´t want cookies i want nukes and nobles. :icon_twisted::icon_twisted::icon_twisted::icon_twisted:


Blasphemy, everybody loves cookies! (mind that the secret gift might be nukes)


Blasphemy, everybody loves cookies! (mind that the secret gift might be nukes)

i have not say that i don´t like cookies.
i just have say that instead of that i prefer to have Nukes and Nobles. :icon_twisted:


So.. why'd you seperate the Sci tribes like that and only show 3 of the 5? I personally see all 5 of them in the SW corner when I scroll around.

Oh.. and congrats to Sciron for dumping Scirna :) ++ respect for giving up your future internal nobling pool. You are obviously not one of the tribes that loves to internally noble.. but dreads it as most decent tribes do.


I separated them because writing SCI Family somewhere in the middle of the map where none of them are at would look awful and you still see the family by "SCI" (I also don't want to be biarsed towards any branch by putting the "SCI Family" tag on their respective blobb of villages). SCIRSA and -=SP=- are put under their respective main branches for not spaming the map with too many SCI branches.

Hope you liked the map though :) Stats will come some time later today by the way.

Ow, and I've separated them by branch all since I started making the maps :)

Hypothetically speaking, if R2 suddenly annexed HOPLOX and remade a family I would mark them as R2-HOP or what ever on the map as well.
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Hypothetically speaking, if R2 suddenly annexed HOPLOX and remade a family I would mark them as R2-HOP or what ever on the map as well.

So.. why doesn't VVV get 2 designations under this theory?


Because they're all in one big area. If SCIR0N, R0S and OVA were all in the same general area (like the LFKD) there is no need for it and I would call them SCI Family. In the stats they're marked as one and that's really all which should matter.

The R2 - HOP thing was as an example of tribes of the same family who are generally in totally different parts of the map, the VVV family are not.


That's lame.. Sci has more mini-clusters spread into it's other branches areas than VVV+ has in VVVs. I'm not sure which map you were looking at before you said that but it looks fairly clear that VVV is in the west and VVV+ is in the east.


VVV Family put as easy as possible by TW-Stats
SCI Family put as easy as possible by TW-Stats

I'd say the VVV family is basically one big cluster compared to the SCI family. There are some clusters of the other SCI tribes in the "others" areas but thats peanuts compared.

Map of everyone marked in each tribe/branch it's own color

Might I ask where you've been getting your information from? I got mine from the TW-Stats map maker and general information of some continents dominated by SCI and VVV.

While we're criticizing the map I just noticed that I forgot to add HOPLOC to it and the text for HOPLO Family... sorry, I'll update it when I get home.
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I really like the name "Hoplo Remains", specially since it's comming from Sci as well.:p

Though about TSE and BNL, I was with and created BNL-ET, I would like to have BNL in their own color if possible so they can see their own gain and expansion. While Tse and BNL work close together time to time it doesn't mean that we're a family/coalition. Just a tribe I helped out long ago where a few of us had a few friends in. As well, I don't like to destroy what I once was with and helped to build up/protect. So if there's enough colors and not to much work could you then give BNL-ET their own color?

Purple might be a good color in your version.
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The thing I miss about TPC and Thana's maps.. is that if they included propoganda it was either funny or clever. This is neither Gammlen.


And last time I checked I wasn't doing propaganda, it's hard facts. This late in the world I do not see the need for propaganda and I'm in no way into W5 politics either. If you think it's so boring, why read / look at it? All I'm trying to do is give this forum something more then an sterile spreadsheet and map that auto updates every hour. You can join me and write the clever/funny stuff if you like, at least it will give W5 forums something more to live for...

Mad at me for proving you wrong about VVV clustering or something?


Erm.. no. I made the same maps before my statement and it seems to me VVV+ is more to the East than West. VVV is more to the West. If you wanted to prove me wrong.. start adding up K points on either side of where Sci divides VVV to some degree.

Then.. if VVV+ is smaller on the east I'm proven wrong.. but atleast it would be by proof.. not propoganda that you try to sell as proof.

Edit: and for once xjezuzx makes a valid point. BNL and TSE have a fairly defined border.. much more clear than Sci IMO. So.. as much as I hate to agree with xjezuzx, especially when he has that piss poor quote on his profile that makes him look more and more like phoenixfire's mentor than ever.. I am forced to.
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Make that twice. I will also agree that you are limited in character.