March With the Armies of NeRo[k36]


Dood morning ladies and gents . i am xcommando, duke of NeRo. First i am just going to say I am here to recruit, not to flame. i know some people WILL say we seem like a fail tribe or what ever, if you think that please do not scream it in the forums, but instead PM me on how i can improve. it would be greatly appreciated.

our requirements.

  • At least 1000 points.
  • A 1:1 troop to point ratio or better.
  • Skype (suggested but exceptions can be made)
  • Must be in k36 or boarder us.
  • Not to be from the tribe munch. :p
  • Activity (Having a big inactivity problem, WILL fix)
We are nothing special out here on mid rim, but we WILL become a top tribe.

Once again i am just here to recruit please keep flaming else where, but suggestions will be appreciated over pm. thank you.