Crowbaby has joined -KP-.
That's an interesting recruit none the less.
Could we maybe get some insight or reasoning ?
Cheers (yes).
I will try to answer that, I don't want to get into a flame war or drag things out, so I'll just give you my reasoning and then disappear, never to respond again!
I was recruited to
=X by Anthills, who helped me out and whom I have a lot of respect for. I liked the tribe's principles. I'm a pretty confident person, so where others felt Ant bullied them or was rude, I just saw a guy who was stressed or frustrated at times.
I was never involved in or consulted on leadership, which is fine, I'm a noob after all. I stayed loyal and fought hard for the tribe, doing my best to work closely with other members. Generally I enjoyed it, though the constant fallings out and people leaving, sometimes returning, were hard to take. During an open process to choose new leadership, half of our members deserted, then the rest followed, the tribe was dissolved and the war lost. Obviously people have different justifications for what they did, and I'm sure there's lots of "he said, she said" nonsense which anyone can make up or interpret as they please.
It was not easy to choose what to do next, and not a decision taken lightly, I spent a couple of days virtually alone in
=X in the middle of a war zone, and then a day tribeless.
I had a lot of conversations with mates who had joined
Happy Faces, but I could not get any information about the new tribe's leadership, policies or plans. All they could say was 'join this tribe because we have'. Now, actually that was a strong argument, and it was hard not to just go with the crowd. However, they could not answer my concerns that strategically they are in a terrible situation, they have too many wannabe leaders with different priorities, and they have accepted even players who let us down badly in the war.
Set against that was
KP, who I had experience of being on the receiving end of. Through the war I had conversations with many of their players, who seemed to be enjoying the game as much as I was. I never asked for, nor received, any quarter or special favours (Except when I told a player he should send some real attacks, not just fakes, and he obliged
) I should clarify that I approached KP, not the other way around.
I have been called a traitor and mocked by some for my choice, but generally my old colleagues have been understanding, and some have no hesitation in continuing to play with me, by sending attacks
optional reading, to answer some criticisms,
my most unpleasant critic so far is someone whom i had never spoken with before, who deserted =X for Light, before coming back, taking no part in the war (War ODA 1.793 - ODD 290 - vill caps 0 - losses 0)
and then being among the first to desert again for Happy Faces - but to them I'm the one who is a traitor!
People say I've forgotten the mates who helped me out. I'm afraid that's my fault, in a way: I was effusive in our internal forums thanking people for support, but often it wasn't all that special. I did receive generous support from a few good mates during the war, but I lost nearly as many troops supporting others as the tribe lost supporting me. A number of players did their bit for the war effort and for the tribe, myself included.
Other than those few good mates, well, I don't consider it all that special to be lent 1k of spears from players with 5+ villages way behind the line and an ODD under 1k, but I suppose it's better than those who didn't support anyone. I don't feel that I have turned my back on any great personal debt.
I took my assigned target villages, and then more, even when I was under attack, until I had no offensive troops left. Many of our members never attacked at all, even some who had agreed to clear enemy villages to our rear at the beginning of the war.
Nobody stopped to wonder if they should desert me? Locally, I was the one being attacked, I had held the frontline behind which they were sheltering. I had killed around 20 nukes and 36 nobles, as well as sniping for others. My villages were battered, most were rebuilding walls and some recovering loyalty. Tribemates knew I had only beaten off the last two attacks by combining absolutely all my remaining def in one village each time. My nearest neighbour went dormant with all his troops at home. I can understand people leaving, but we're not talking paragons of selflessness here.
I would have stayed in any tribe with my mates in it, but that is different to joining a new one; one that I see as doomed, started by splitters and full of refugees. Had the leadership of
immediately declared on KP and PITA I might have felt compelled to join and continue the war, but they did not, because they were running from it.
I wasn't happy with the options I had, but I'll stand by my choice and everyday I'm more convinced that it was the right one