Ah, issues, tissues.
While I don't really care what anyone might think of my noob mistakes, I wouldn't want this to reflect on the tribe's reputation. Therefore I'd like to set the record straight on this, obviously there's a story behind it, if this may bore you, just skip on to the next post.
Until the war I had only positive contacts with KP. Still, for some reason they decided that in south K63, instead of attacking =X, they would just attack one player. Regardless of how honourable that is, I suppose it's a valid tactic.
So for 6 days I was under sustained attack by 6 players, supported by maybe 5 more KP members sending a couple of thousand fakes, with some random nukes mixed in for fun. At the same time, I had two massive PITA players hovering to pick off any villages they could. A quick look at
my stats will give you an idea how this went down. In total I killed 7 full and 4 half nukes, and 33 nobles, plus a couple I sniped for other players. I was ahead, then even on villages for 4 days of this, but have now slipped down 2 villages from what I had at the start of the war - worth it though cos it's been a ton of fun.
ReaverofSouls joined in late and hit the village in question 3 times, probably cos he only had 3 nobles. I dodged as I was only using my def to kill the really determined and competent attackers; donna.asmodel and sashimisui's many nukes were my main concern.
1 -
2 -
Later I saw incoming nobles again from 3 different villages. I was tired and rushed and didn't compare reports, I assumed each would be accompanied by a nuke and there was no point in sniping (you live and learn). I decided to have a go at pre-nobling to see if I could crash his train. This was something I'd never even heard of until donna.asmodel used it brilliantly on me the day before. So, when his first noble hit, loyalty was at 16, and he lost the next two nobles, though there were no accompanying nukes.
Conquer report
So as he's sat there mourning his nobles, he sees an incoming attack in ten minutes. Long enough to look at his remaining troops, no wall, etc, and he decided to scarper. I arrived and the village was completely empty.
Village undefended
Sadly my noble wasn't with that attack as it was still turning around. But that was okay, beacuse his villages were so far away and he had no support incoming. I sent the noble asap, accompanied by absolutely all the troops that were in its village at the time, i.e. pathetic barrel-bottom scrapings :icon_eek: Might have worked, too, but someone else reinforced him before it landed.
All good fun and a learning experience for me - (
don't try the complicated stuff unless you can do it properly). What marred it a little was "Reaver of Souls", a player with an OD of diddly squat,
who's never had to farm for resources,
had 4 of his other 9 villages gifted and barely had to fight for this one, telling me I was a noob, and had my ass handed to me, etc.
As it's a war, I'm sure ReaverofSouls has his own perspective on this, but I've said my piece and i'll try not mess up the forums any more.