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I'm sure that Niko has calculated this into his "master plans" Design declaring on them while they're currently wrapped up with other tribes splatting nukes on "noobs"

As you can see in the above screenshot his masterpiece of a world is all about launching and nobling "noobs". All in the same breath he starts instantly calling us out telling us that if we want to work with AMG alliance its "totally fine" with him. Its just kind of funny that after he says its "totally fine" he sets up a call with griff and my council and starts informing us that they want to work with us and coordinate with us and asking when we're ready to go after AMG again. But don't you worry this is a master piece.
I mean don't get us wrong we were MORE than willing to work with Ruckus, or even just have Ruckus stay out of it and we handle AMG ourselves. We obviously joined this world to fight WUS, which was lead by Ryan and they had their WUS lineup. Technically speaking though, AMG isn't WUS anymore. We were going after WUS for their lineup everyone was a target. But this new AMG lineup isn't WUS, this is a whole new tribe themselves.

Niko was so self-absorbed with trying to make his "mAsTerPiEcE" he took it upon himself to start telling us when we should do things inside our tribe, and how to do them. Informing us that we had to put our guys egos in check and tell them suck it up because ruckus said to.

Once we got in a better position we decided that we should try to pitch a new border agreement to Ruckus, 1. the out area, and 2. the K33 area. Simple requests, and then all Niko wanted to do was start arguing about why we don't "Need K33" the main area we were requesting to be resorted on the border agreement. Even went on to have a 4 day drug on conversation with Griff about K33 in which resulted in radio silence.

Niko made multiple "hOnOrAbLe pRoMiSeS" that his guys aren't allowed to noble barbs at all in the world and that they won't noble barbs inside of our cluster even though its on their side of the border. But lets be real, Niko doesn't have "Honor" he's all about making his "Masterpiece" of a world come together, he's willing to tell anyone and everyone anything that they want to hear just so that they follow inline for his "masterpiece" of a world.
Hell he was even ready to scrap parts of Ruckus for members in Design, even thought they have two academy tribes already (Misfits and Sarcow). So I guess the real question is, was he lying to me? Or was he lying to Sarcow? Or the people in Misfits? Or the people in Ruckus that he'd have to move out of his tribe to make room for the Design players that "impress him"

Lets be real, Niko has to be one of the lesser dukes that's had a rank 1 tribe for so long. The guy has openly admitted to me multiple times that he's worried to tell the SL account and the Kreiz account anything because of their size, he's afraid of his own members. That was the excuse why he didn't stop SL from nobling barbs even though it was against the tribe rules. Niko is so worried about his name on this game and keeping "hOnOr" yet, he's honestly worse off than Odin. At least with Odin you know you can't trust him, Niko on the other hand can look you straight in the eyes and hit you with a lie, and formulate lies around that to make it out to be semi-true.
Honestly, Niko swore he wanted to win this world fair and square without playing dirty. Its just weird if someone didn't want to play dirty they wouldn't mass recruit, they wouldn't recruit top players of other tribes (Monkey, Squad, [O]) and say "We're nobling noobs and no one can stop us". Anyone can have 2 academy tribes, (1 official one, 1 proxy one) and mass recruit, to get top rank. I feel like if Design didn't start 2-3 weeks late in a proper position your reign wouldn't be such a great "masterpiece".
So to cut to the chase, as Niko has told us multiple times he's okay with it; we will now be declaring on Ruckus. I wish y'all the best of luck.

Good luck Ruckus, lets see how well your duke has painted this mAsTeRpIeCe of a picture for y'all.
We're Ready To Get Sweaty!