mEiN mAsTeRpIeCe

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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I'm sure that Niko has calculated this into his "master plans" Design declaring on them while they're currently wrapped up with other tribes splatting nukes on "noobs"
1580332072370.png (2m units killed defending and capped 9 villages)

As you can see in the above screenshot his masterpiece of a world is all about launching and nobling "noobs". All in the same breath he starts instantly calling us out telling us that if we want to work with AMG alliance its "totally fine" with him. Its just kind of funny that after he says its "totally fine" he sets up a call with griff and my council and starts informing us that they want to work with us and coordinate with us and asking when we're ready to go after AMG again. But don't you worry this is a master piece.

I mean don't get us wrong we were MORE than willing to work with Ruckus, or even just have Ruckus stay out of it and we handle AMG ourselves. We obviously joined this world to fight WUS, which was lead by Ryan and they had their WUS lineup. Technically speaking though, AMG isn't WUS anymore. We were going after WUS for their lineup everyone was a target. But this new AMG lineup isn't WUS, this is a whole new tribe themselves.

Niko was so self-absorbed with trying to make his "mAsTerPiEcE" he took it upon himself to start telling us when we should do things inside our tribe, and how to do them. Informing us that we had to put our guys egos in check and tell them suck it up because ruckus said to.


Once we got in a better position we decided that we should try to pitch a new border agreement to Ruckus, 1. the out area, and 2. the K33 area. Simple requests, and then all Niko wanted to do was start arguing about why we don't "Need K33" the main area we were requesting to be resorted on the border agreement. Even went on to have a 4 day drug on conversation with Griff about K33 in which resulted in radio silence.


Niko made multiple "hOnOrAbLe pRoMiSeS" that his guys aren't allowed to noble barbs at all in the world and that they won't noble barbs inside of our cluster even though its on their side of the border. But lets be real, Niko doesn't have "Honor" he's all about making his "Masterpiece" of a world come together, he's willing to tell anyone and everyone anything that they want to hear just so that they follow inline for his "masterpiece" of a world.

Hell he was even ready to scrap parts of Ruckus for members in Design, even thought they have two academy tribes already (Misfits and Sarcow). So I guess the real question is, was he lying to me? Or was he lying to Sarcow? Or the people in Misfits? Or the people in Ruckus that he'd have to move out of his tribe to make room for the Design players that "impress him"

Lets be real, Niko has to be one of the lesser dukes that's had a rank 1 tribe for so long. The guy has openly admitted to me multiple times that he's worried to tell the SL account and the Kreiz account anything because of their size, he's afraid of his own members. That was the excuse why he didn't stop SL from nobling barbs even though it was against the tribe rules. Niko is so worried about his name on this game and keeping "hOnOr" yet, he's honestly worse off than Odin. At least with Odin you know you can't trust him, Niko on the other hand can look you straight in the eyes and hit you with a lie, and formulate lies around that to make it out to be semi-true.

Honestly, Niko swore he wanted to win this world fair and square without playing dirty. Its just weird if someone didn't want to play dirty they wouldn't mass recruit, they wouldn't recruit top players of other tribes (Monkey, Squad, [O]) and say "We're nobling noobs and no one can stop us". Anyone can have 2 academy tribes, (1 official one, 1 proxy one) and mass recruit, to get top rank. I feel like if Design didn't start 2-3 weeks late in a proper position your reign wouldn't be such a great "masterpiece".

So to cut to the chase, as Niko has told us multiple times he's okay with it; we will now be declaring on Ruckus. I wish y'all the best of luck.

Good luck Ruckus, lets see how well your duke has painted this mAsTeRpIeCe of a picture for y'all.

We're Ready To Get Sweaty!


"A Child is raising a ruckus in class"

People frown Apon beating children, I get a kick off it


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No watchtowers here to save you all, sorry. These worlds actually take a shred of skill to win.

coming from an internalling, barb nobling noob tribe who couldn’t even dent WUS/AMG.

Everyone knew design wouldn’t honour the grace period, baboob talks far too much waffle to take anything he says as gospel.

besides all that though; about time you guys came out the closet about the bromance with AMG, restepa!

GL to all involved.

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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coming from an internalling, barb nobling noob tribe who couldn’t even dent WUS/AMG.

Everyone knew design wouldn’t honour the grace period, baboob talks far too much waffle to take anything he says as gospel.

besides all that though; about time you guys came out the closet about the bromance with AMG, restepa!

GL to all involved.
Boiiii Niko and Griff were saying its a great idea to send y'all to Misfits to have Design work with Ruckus against amg. They were willing to noble y'all too if y'all rejected going to misfits. But troops were sent to stack against Ruckus so they got salty after that. So guess you can say thank you Design for not having y'all murdered by Ruckus. :)


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Boiiii Niko and Griff were saying its a great idea to send y'all to Misfits to have Design work with Ruckus against amg. They were willing to noble y'all too if y'all rejected going to misfits. But troops were sent to stack against Ruckus so they got salty after that. So guess you can say thank you Design for not having y'all murdered by Ruckus. :)

you know your words have no credibility when you can’t honour the most simplest of terms and go against your word.

but sure, much wow many thanks xoxoxoxo


Still Going Strong
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This world will go down as niko's folly, too scared to tell big accounts with bigger noble counts (but tiny brains) they had to follow the rules like everyone else. Funny they want to point out our egos when Ruckus leadership is either liars or suffering from a complete lack of member control.

Enough of that though, Lets see you use those death stars SL im here on Garry waiting for you.


till trying to figure out who Ruckus recruited from [O] tbh...if that's any indicator of the accuracy of anything written above it really doesn't say much at all....

Saint Laurent

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Hahahaha there it is!!! Yeees, HELL YEAH!! Been waiting for this for a long long time. And now we are here. And now that war is confirmed. Maybe its time to put some cards on the table

What cards? SL’s masterplan to totally screw up Design’s growth (Ruckus’ biggest contender for the world win).

And ohh myyyy we did a hell of a job doing that huh?

It all started early game with us being blocked out early and needed to relocate. So why not go behind Squad, just south from K44 and start building a big ass cluster that every tribe will have a big problem breaking. Even Ruckus.

Officially we said we did that to get behind Squad (which funny enough was a part of the truth), but we’re looking at the bigger picture, namely that Design would have a huge problem in the future, and that problem just started for you guys by declaring. Good luck breaking us.

We knew Design would react to that we started building up there. And out of nowhere Design (Superdog) tried the unspeakable and launched on us. That went as it usually does (Design failed again). We heard that a council member got kicked out of council since he gave Superdog the order to nuke us and Babin quickly started talks with Niko about border agreementSeems like the big boys in Design was too afraid to remove us early, they probably could have cuz Ruckus didnt send us any defense at all and we were all alone, but they didnt have the balls to do it. You can regret that now, that probably cost you guys too much.

And then Babin agreed to the worst borderagreement i’ve seen in a long time giving sooo much space to keep growing that cluster. I must say, i did not expect that at all. And another huge mistake by the great duke Babin. Do you even know how to negotiate?

Babins reason for why he made that border agreement?
He said, and i quote;
I guess hardest decision to make was that border agreement with Ruckus, but meh kept our bois alive for awhile don't regret it.


And not just that, Design managed to break the border rules within 3 hours. 3 HOURS!! And then Babin tried to justify for Niko in over a week to try keep it. He also tried talking with me offering us 1 prenuke in return...1 prenuke!!! if Superdog could keep the village he nobled on our borders. What a joke??? What a great offer Babin, really had to think hard for that one.

Days went by... Design failed and failed hitting AMG over and over... Weeks went by... And we kepy looking at war stats and it was no secret that they gave up. They actually gave up hitting AMG, and they think hitting Ruckus will have a different result??

Then weeks went by once again. Ruckus prepared their first tribal OP since the poor Smurfs. And guess what Design once again broke the nap rules by supporting OUT, at that point we knew it only was a matter of time...

Then out of nowhere some random rim tribe named BARS, sent me me messages asking for def, telling me they had Design incs. So I thought, hmm... lets return the favour? Unfortunately they were too noobie to give us anything, we told them to jump sitter to someone and handled the rest. And Design tasted their own medicine.

We checked their reports and guess what? Garry suddenly had big stacks near Kreiz. Hmm why would he have that? We had a nap right?
I can honestly say we had zero to nothing tribe def ourselves at that point. Enough was enough, we reacted and started stacking too.

And guess what? Babin brings his inner keyboard warrior skills and making memes of Ruckus stacking their front. While we laughed so hard, cuz we already knew Design front was stacked.

And then the war declaration came... And guess what? Design broke NAP rules once again by dont giving a crap about the cooldown. It just shows what kind of people we are dealing with.

And now to bs propaganda from Babin. We all know lots of those screens are clipped here and there, I’ve read all the messages, nice try.

I can read your moves Babin! Trying to make Ruckus member turn on their duke, thats so classic bro. We all love Niko to death and the morale in Ruckus is better than ever before.

Enough talk, lets battle it out. Im ready for some ODD, bring it.
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