Merge and invites


hello tribal wars players, I am collingwoodmurph13, I am the leader of my tribe and are currently having tribes merge in with us, if you are a player with out a tribe and are an active player you are welcome to join, we suggest players who are strong and are above our average. Otherwise we will except anyone besides refugees and people who are going to destroy the tribe. Our tribe is after tribes for them to merge with us into or academy tribes.

If your tribe is willing to merge with us or become our academy tribe then please contact me by mail in the game as i only go on the tribal wars forum not often and i am more focussed on playing the game rather then write foums:)



yeah, actually Ive been looking for a smaller tribe to join. The one Im in is too hardcore.
If you send me an invite it would be beneficial to us both.

Im looking forward to joining your tribe.


i think thats an offensive villlage with support, not a mixed vil, but i do hope you succeed mike


It took Shine ages to take vills from me on the rim lol.

If it is a offensive vill he should have dodged and keep the defense there.