Merry Christmas from NADs


I would just like to say immunesoul is a nub.

However, he is a w25 nub so if your not in his tribe, my advise to you would be to just hit delete tbh.

- Zeckt <3

exactly what I was planning to do,god damn chance you was here to remind me...

/me Hit delete.

The Question said:
To do so, on the front lines whilst taking a battering. Holding your own. You're even gifting your own villages to tribemates are you not?
It's not something to turn your nose up to. Not something to be underestimated by the enemy. Am I right?

I think you are mistaken here,Tank is on Dark acount,and this acount need to receive some kudo for is war effort and the fact he is defo not an intern wh*** nub.does not change the fact wel always love to flame each other,but..I do give kudo when it is deserved :icon_eek:


Dont be nice :( means i then start to like you and this all gets very complicated


Dont worry Il keep my bra on,will only be a friendly movie thingy (nod)


I think you are mistaken here,Tank is on Dark acount,and this acount need to receive some kudo for is war effort and the fact he is defo not an intern wh*** nub.does not change the fact wel always love to flame each other,but..I do give kudo when it is deserved :icon_eek:

I was giving kudos, that's what that was. :icon_rolleyes:


NADs F. Have officially scored their 1000th war capture in the stats. Hopefully another 1000 to come in February, January was a good month overall.


Ive got people starting to nuke me right left and centre, i take it no one likes meh ;(


must be about your Avy pics Tank...try to change it for something fluffy,often work.


Would like to give my congratulations to V/A - it took them 40 days and 40 nights, but they made it out of the desert and finally won a 24 hour period of the stats, their first since the war began. Are you being led by Dave or Moses? If its Moses, I will get us some water wings and floaties.


Only outcapped us 3-2, and we are right back up 12-2 for the following day, but take every little victory you can, no?


Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment
-Mahatma Gandhi

Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.
-Napoleon Hill


Wasent Gandhi who passed is whole life gettin da shit beaten outta him whitout ever retaliating?

Suit VA pretty well :lol:


lets hypothetically imagine VA lose the war, as long as they can say they put their best efforts in then thats a war lost with pride. If i can say that about my tribemates and myself then thats a world i enjoyed.


tottaly agree with you here :icon_eek:

No pun intended,just that... I... agree...weird.

Here's the flame tough(you told me not to be too nice) really consider that most of your mates give theirs best efforts?