Missing Being in Old Tribes


Like the title says and my post in the top 20 tribes topic, I think its time to make this thread ive seen it in a few other worlds not entirely like this but the same non the less. This world as come a long way and im sure there is a lot of us who miss being in an old tribe playing with old members that are now gone. Like i said in the other thread to a response to what sin said.

I agree with this completly. Not exactly what hes saying but the meaning of the message my funnest time in this world better yet in this game was spent in scion. Under the leadership of anty with crysa ali AC grandma (ygd) and all the others. Im not saying i dont like being an AXE and dont like boozie sid or jaffe just so far i do miss the old days a little bit. Im sure there are numerous amounts of people in this world who miss being in old tribes as well we should make a thread out that.

Bring the forums back up a little a new thread should be created in my opinoin that doesnt have spam or people making fun of others this thread should be peaceful like if casus was sitting here eyeballing you while you type your post.

Let the thread begin everyone reply with an old tribe you miss or miss being in and/or players you wish you could play with again and miss.



kinda miss evil, at least when it was in its prime... but mostly i miss *X*.


={EK}= Definatly.

Players/ Amberiel, bafanor, robgar, valen, and nearly all of the members who made up EK who are now gone :(
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on my old account EK was the first real tribe I was in.

I remember that we were so spread out and couldnt really do much to help each other because of this. I had barely any members near me so decided to join 2eZ. Just at this time they were organising their mass migration up into K1 which became their home....

I actually really enjoyed the challenges of being in 2eZ around the time that EZ fell. Many of the EZ guys were joining -?- and we kinda knew that eventually -?- and tH would war, also there were small skirmishes with the old EZ people.
We had a good group of mostly active players who all knew each other well and were close on the map. We constantly had wars going on and alround, it was a lot of fun. I think Boozies leadership was at its prime around this time, his planning and preperation for events, and unforseeable ones was par to anything ive seen. was great being part of the council and seeing it in action. :)


2ez Fighting SP, whole tribe fought as one good times - I miss being the underdog.


LHF when surrounder by DMN(teddy, roncito, bhsbri800), WANTED(kestito, fsoba, boblatour) and DA(cachorrito, face2006) and Wanted when I was #3 in K54 surrounded by tH(Helig, Ryalnos, genghis kahns, nnnoora), AXE(ancient hoard) and a few 4horse(big and hairy).
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Non-stop Poster
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2ez was a tribe i missed had the best period wile i was in there :D nd when boozie was in his prime as ancient said :)
but as for wars slightly off topic but
2ez vs [CK] (when i met jaffer in battle got dealt with tho :icon_redface: )
and AXE vs SP as grebro sed bein the underdog was sooooo fun :icon_twisted:
nd maybe even 2ez vs [CMC] wernt ha;f bad early on :icon_biggrin:


W15 has brought us a lot of memories the past 2 years...and plenty more to come. remember: farming, finding a tribe, nobling your first village...all the talk of rimming a player and being able to actual do it....setting your alarm clock for incomings or to send attacks.....the emails saying "why are you attacking me" (wait still get those...lol)

We all know how addicting TW is....how many times a day should you be doing something else...but yet you check in on TW......lol

Have to say the early days in BBB were great! BBB vs WoW war was one of my favorites!! Making the move to Ninjas, ToyS, and then Wanted. Wanted was a great tribe when the leadership was active. Now really enjoy playing in AXE!!

Have to give a shout out to my mentor: Brehmer33 It was great playing with ya, it seems such a long time ago now.

Crown man bring back Hooters!

I am sure everyone has their own great memories in this world......in the beginning the world just seemed to be a 13x13 map....but now all K's are in your sites.

MA great topic!!



W15 has brought us a lot of memories the past 2 years...and plenty more to come. remember: farming, finding a tribe, nobling your first village...all the talk of rimming a player and being able to actual do it....setting your alarm clock for incomings or to send attacks.....the emails saying "why are you attacking me" (wait still get those...lol)

We all know how addicting TW is....how many times a day should you be doing something else...but yet you check in on TW......lol

Have to say the early days in BBB were great! BBB vs WoW war was one of my favorites!! Making the move to Ninjas, ToyS, and then Wanted. Wanted was a great tribe when the leadership was active. Now really enjoy playing in AXE!!

Have to give a shout out to my mentor: Brehmer33 It was great playing with ya, it seems such a long time ago now.

Crown man bring back Hooters!

I am sure everyone has their own great memories in this world......in the beginning the world just seemed to be a 13x13 map....but now all K's are in your sites.

MA great topic!!

Thanks i wanted to make a no flamingtopic everyone could relate to.:icon_wink: