Missing this world


Hey guys,

It has been a long time but i still have the best memories from this world. It was an awesome world and I still mis a lot of old friends. If any are still around i'm trying world 57.

To all others, good luck in finishing this world.




lars you were a bloody great tribemate :)

By the lack of replies, I guess many dont remember you - but you were one of those quiet longstanding members who always tried to help out the tribe whenever asked, be it in ops, support or anything else. I respected you :)


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I only have a faint memory of lars being in TW... I don't think I ever talked to him :p


Well it was a very long time ago hehe probably for most many joints later too. Good to see some still know me though, I definitely remember you guys hehe. I'm amazed of how long you guys held out in this world I kinda regret ever leaving it.


Don't regret it. TW is Satan in virtual form.

Nonsense. It's not that bad. A fallen angel, tops.

Lars, that's a very Norwegian name. You wouldn't be an actual Norwegian would ya?


LOL yeah lars......how stupid that I ever made an account with my own name (face palm), I just made it on world 1 to see if I liked the game and somehow I got attached to it cause old friends can still find me and such. But It is a Norwegian name and I have a friend with the same that is from Norway but I'm 100% dutch :icon_biggrin:

And we'll I have to say TW has eaten up a lot of my free time and even work time, and for gods sake I started a new world again :icon_confused: I don't know what it is but it pulls me back every time.


Ah, I see :) I'm sure your friend the Norwegian is an awesome guy! All Norwegians are, unlike those darned Swedes! :lol:

Heh, got sucked in, eh? Know the feeling all too well :icon_cry:


It's kinda late to be joining W57 lars. An frankly, worthless as the players in the latter worlds are co-players. Plus the settings aren't like W2's.


It's kinda late to be joining W57 lars. An frankly, worthless as the players in the latter worlds are co-players. Plus the settings aren't like W2's.

Yeah lot of co-players indeed, It's hard to keep up with a account that's running 24/7. Past few weeks I have been thinking of having one as there is never a day off in TW :lol:

Anyone that does want to start, I can send you some resources to get started, just drop me a message.


I have to agree with you Lars, this was the best world for me too :) Although I had fun on W10 trying to stop CTRL dominate... (we failed miserably haha) It has been ages since I played (or it feels that way) but I am now plodding along on W58 and it does indeed seem that it is covered by co-played accounts. Someone told me that the players have become better as well. Which worries me cause I was never any good!


Well I was a pretty good player if I say so myself but this was partly because I was online almost 24/7. I simply can't afford to play as much as I used too. And I think players haven't gotten much better they just have way more tools available to help them.


TimDogg rings a bell 0o And so does Lars actually >_<

TW changed though guys, I quit playing it... Seriously at least. You can't compete with co-played accounts anymore + There are so many scripts... Pff its boring now =/


Tribal Wars Team
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You can probably competete on the no-hauls worlds? Since you don't need to be on 24/7 to farm :p


Lars, if you ever feel like co-sharing a future world account, let me know, I'd like to give the game another shot. I tried with W57 but failed miserably.