Modwar Turns on Allies -


So it would seem that modwar has decided to turn on its long standing ally instead aiding them.

I lack stabstance here because I"m drugged up and just got two of my teeth pulled, i omce home to find modwar attacking!!!

It makes me said to think they would abandon an alliance with out giving forwarning that they planned to do so, I thought we were friends.

Honestly how many tribes does it take to actually get rid of us?

IDS.f or what ever they calling themselves now.
and now modwar!

Next you going to see is the YAY or what ever tribe try to get a piece of the pie.

it saddens me that the so called "best ally" has to resort to blind attacks against us, and instead of helping us ride the world of our rivils and come at one toe to toe.
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Nyuk can do it by themselves. If you consider the size difference that we started off with, we're making quite some ground imo, even if a lot of our growth is from recruiting.


Also consider the number of wars that were going on. IDS and Nyuk, you had one, we had 2. You think we had no support on that border the entire war, please.


You had two fronts but ids was also at war on 2 fronts. I've seen a player or two say that they could on the tribe by themselves, so who really knows how much effort there was put into them. I know I can't say one way or another, but I don't feel it would have made that much of a difference.


2 fronts? it was all in one direction really, drew more support respectively from us then for them, and oh look at that, now that the IDS war is practically and that support is going to be repositioned; Big T is encouraging Modwar to war Dos X in Druids blog.

If you say you don't need the help why would you guys be egging them on?


I've said from the beggining that I much rather they didn't. BigT is his own person and has his own opinions, I cannot comment on his views.


Guy's, I haven't seen or heard of any declarations from Modwar on DosX, maybe someone just tryin to be funny and it did start a ne w thread:icon_rolleyes:


Guy's, I haven't seen or heard of any declarations from Modwar on DosX, maybe someone just tryin to be funny and it did start a ne w thread:icon_rolleyes:

Someone did it because he thinks his opinion still matters on a world he doesn't play anymore. Kudos, Dauthi.


it saddens me that the so called "best ally" has to resort to blind attacks against us, and instead of helping us ride the world of our rivils and come at one toe to toe.

Now Dauthi one of our members only has 9 toes left so be sure you find somene that can stand toe to toe with him or thats cheating;)


Hmmm. not sure how you ended up in our farming script dauthi....


Now Dauthi one of our members only has 9 toes left so be sure you find somene that can stand toe to toe with him or thats cheating;)
I don't use all my toes anyway, so I'm sure I could level the playing field.

Of course, you're going to have to get royally drunk to make things fair to those of us in Dos X.


Keep on telling jokes like that and I'll have to shoot you...but I have to admit...that was a gunny one.


So it would seem that modwar has decided to turn on its long standing ally instead aiding them.

I lack stabstance here because I"m drugged up and just got two of my teeth pulled, i omce home to find modwar attacking!!!

It makes me said to think they would abandon an alliance with out giving forwarning that they planned to do so, I thought we were friends.

Honestly how many tribes does it take to actually get rid of us?

IDS.f or what ever they calling themselves now.
and now modwar!

Next you going to see is the YAY or what ever tribe try to get a piece of the pie.

it saddens me that the so called "best ally" has to resort to blind attacks against us, and instead of helping us ride the world of our rivils and come at one toe to toe.
Its about time someone took you out maybe if you had been more active you wouldn't be facing the attacks you are now.



I'm not more active because I'm not interested in seeing the world to the end. I made this very clear many of times. The only reason I didn't delete my account back when I first went semi inactive was by request of queen and a few others who wanted to try to play this world out. If I had deleted my account, you would of see a mass deletion of other accounts thus turning half of Dos-x and a part of KTA into barb world. And if you don't think that having a world that majority of it is barbs wouldn't cause others in IDS/Nyuk/Modwar to follow suit cause they don't want to deal with barb eating, then you very delusional. Now I wont say that because I delete it will kill the world thats to egomantac of me, but if I delete, then portion of players who are still loyal to me will lose interest, and go inactive or delete themselfs, thus causing a cascading effect.

You don't have to believe me on this, but I know its true simply because of the sheer number of people who told me that if I left this world there would be no reason to keep playing.


I've not seen or heard of a dec from Modwar either, thus the post. But when you get back from a doctors office and find a handful of attacks from someone you though was an ally you'd expect some sort of "response" either a mail saying "opps" or the dec on the forum but there wasn't anything so I took it into my own hands to make a post.


I'm not sure if you think my opinion does matter or if you think Evo's opinion doesn't matter. Either way your probably semi right about both of us. Though I do thank you for hinting that my opinion mattered at all, that's a very high complement.


How is being inactive any different from deleting? Would seem to me if the player I was sticking around on a world for wasn't active, there'd be no reason to be on the world. His "name" being there wouldn't matter in the least.

But hey, what do I know.


Arith I'm not inactive. I've actually turtled up and about 90% of my villages are now D villages with troops going and coming tribe mates hands.

So yes you don't see me attacking or nobling, but I"m still helping out behind the scenes with troops.


I think the drugs may have partially played a part in your post as well :lol:

legit, your initial post had so many grammar errors in it, was like, why is he spelling like that? "I'm drugged up" I know :p