Pay attention, keep up, or shut up.
1. V V V and V V V+ have a combined total of 60.000 villages. The 20.000 nobles was just saying to do enough damage to actually make V V V/V V V+ *consider* stopping the war, accepting defeat, whatever.
2. Nobody said anything about having 20.000 nobles RIGHT NOW. Name one player with more than 100 villages that has more nobles than villages, that isn't being rimmed, or hasn't just lost a ton of villages. The point was that even if you have 5k nobles, I really doubt you have 5k nukes (in which case, unless you can split noble trains and backtime easily, you will be wiped out ridiculously quickly)
3. No, they are not the only tribe attacking V V V. However, V V V is winning on all fronts, has been for quite some time, and considering the distance between those fronts, the fact that we're fighting multiple wars won't change much.
4. V V V can lose? Possible of course, but not to -=RS=- lmao...
Honestly, if they actually started winning, I'd probably just noble into the area, go all O there, and get some easy villages, just like I did with TRN 2... and oh, they've done just SO MUCH damage to me... idk if I'll ever recover.
Again, read the posts so we at least *think* you aren't as stupid as you seem to be right now. You sure trash talk a lot for a TRN 2 player, especially when you have nothing to be proud of... Jeez, I have 16 villages in K2. You have 71, and your tribe has 1005 in K2. Mine had no defence, AT ALL. 100% offensive in K2, and you didn't even have the balls to scout me. In fact, only one player attacked me in K2 the entire time I was there, and he didn't even send nobles b/c he knew I'd split his trains, just like I'd split yours and everyone else's trains EASILY. I won't even lie- I haven't nobled TRN 2 in a while, but it's not because I can't. (I still cleared a few villages for others just for the OD). The reason I haven't nobled any in a while is because it is honestly too boring. It's like taking barbarian villages from someone that just went abandoned... they might have some troops in them, but they don't move
Step up, stop talking shit and instead actually do something for once in your pathetic life.
For these reasons (not even bothering to try to noble a player that was wiping your tribe out, one by one... letting someone as mentally incompetent as you in their tribe, the list goes on and on...) I would have to say
TRN 2 is the most boring tribe. Would it help if I send a screen shot to you, showing you where the "Attack" button is?
Honorable mention goes out to
RFG, who still only manages to attack nyxx and raise his ODD a few million without him having to shift any troops around... not sure if you've done anything more than that... and honestly, I don't care. You're still a boring tribe.