mynizzle congrates!!!


No problem, I'm used to it from my Mum. Haha back on topic and 'Insults to me from mynizzle' aside, Good job on 10m, I wonder whose next.


Yea hes a great guy and he is rarely ever around. Doesn't play TW but from time to time he'll pop onto msn and we'll have a chat. And I remember the name now! It's "TK", I just couldn't remember at the time I posted my response on this thread XD

Ahhh you have seen the light!
Yeah that sounds like him alright, things never change :)

Also Nizzle, remember that last mail I sent you...about never being able to tick everyone's boxes ? ;)


0044 (625|725) K76 9,680 mynizzle [PTT-G] JasonBackhouse [-WE-] 24th June 2009 - 21:53:30



Congrats Jon=D Doesn't surprise me you are an awesome players


Thx Jed

-Giantsfrey- O no, I lost a village, good thing theres 1000 more where it came from. Hopefully it was you sitting so you can finally get over my nuts and go back to playing. Didnt plan on attacking or defending from JBH, but I can see that the account is no longer in his hands so game on. IMO you should pass the account again to someone else, I wouldnt want to hear you whine about how the account is in shambles and thats why you get pwnd in 2 weeks when its noble time again.


ouch, must have hit a soft spot :eek:

but if you don't care about 1 village here or there, why do you brag shamelessly about your "perfect ennoblement record" crap??


maybe part of the fury comes from getting walls and smithies knocked out in half a dozen of your villages. i imagine you hate rebuilding things in that huge account... oh, and with silly D builds like this, i'll have to make sure -WE- switches to higher LC builds when we get around to targeting you...

Nizzle pwnd


Actually, I dont have a "build". I put 3000 10000 10000 200 0 0 2000 4 4 into the recruiter and what comes out comes out. Then the war recruiter uses 12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2500 0 0. Though, i may quit since i have to rebuild 3 smiths 3 levels... Wheres this post of me bragging about a perfect ennoblement record? Again, im all up in your head for whatever reason. Besides, bragging about nobling off someones PA while sitting is bad form, you should focus on being -WE-'s sitter B$tch and actually save some villages. Someone bring this guy some more mountain dew, he's obviously getting delusional.

PS i lost villages to *I* back in the day, and havent tried getting them back to this day. its part of the game.


Actually, I dont have a "build". I put 3000 10000 10000 200 0 0 2000 4 4 into the recruiter and what comes out comes out. Then the war recruiter uses 12000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2500 0 0. Though, i may quit since i have to rebuild 3 smiths 3 levels... Wheres this post of me bragging about a perfect ennoblement record? Again, im all up in your head for whatever reason. Besides, bragging about nobling off someones PA while sitting is bad form, you should focus on being -WE-'s sitter B$tch and actually save some villages. Someone bring this guy some more mountain dew, he's obviously getting delusional.

PS i lost villages to *I* back in the day, and havent tried getting them back to this day. its part of the game.

I used to have a high opinion of you. You know the type of opinion you keep to yourself, a natural respect shall we call it. But the more I see you post, and the more I see your account I lose all of that respect.

Your about as useful to your tribe as Lord Raventower. Except you have more points.
You make a better fight in the forums than he does but only just and I mean............... only just.

Plus bar one member, and only a few of his villages all you have done is internal for as far as i care to go back on your file and I have gone quite far back.

Pretty much since the 8th March

What a weak, weak excuse for a 10mill Player.
Last edited:


I used to have a high opinion of you. You know the type of opinion you keep to yourself, a natural respect shall we call it. But the more I see you post, and the more I see your account I lose all of that respect.

Your about as useful to your tribe as Lord Raventower. Except you have more points.
You make a better fight in the forums than he does but only just and I mean............... only just.

Plus bar one member, and only a few of his villages all you have done is internal for as far as i care to go back on your file and I have gone quite far back.

Pretty much since the 8th March

What a weak, weak excuse for a 10mill Player.

Funny, I still dont even know who you are or why my name is in your mouth. Im not sure what youve seen of my account to make any judgement. Its been brought up, beat dead, rehashed for clarity, beat dead, and is still dribbling outta random mouths. Pick a war ive participated in (CSDS vs SOCOM, SOCOM vs THOR3, THOR vs *I*, PTT-G vs *I*, PTT-G vs TFB) I went from k76 to k75 stretching to 66/65 and 85/86 to be on the warfronts for wars that end in in weeks with mergers. Ask anyone involved in those wars, or research the stats yourself, you wont find anyone with more conquered enemy villages during those wars from my tribes side.

If its a question of me supporting my tribe, call me out on it and im sure theyll respond accordingly. If its a matter of me effectively sitting an account, again call me out on it and im sure they would testify to what they came back to. If its a matter of clearing a war village, again call me out on it and im sure the people it was done for will vouch. If its a matter of me extending my skill, logic and gameplay to the tribe, feel free to ask the leadership or members of any of those tribes ive been associated with.

What I do when im not at war is set myself up for the next war. I could give 2 sh$ts less about what im nobling when im not at war, and ill go as far as to say i definitely prefer no thought, every few days mint some coins, q some troops, launch some nobles. Rewrite the game to delete barbarian villages and inactive accounts so they arent flooding my immediate area and maybe id have a different process. I quit moving to the war a long time ago, now i wait for the war to come to me. If I was gunho actively playing this world, I still would of nobled the same villages. Check the stats, ive never gone 6+ hrs away to inactive villages or gifts. Most of my PA's can tell you I send them emails with the gifts or barbarians I was assigned if they werent in my immediate area. Ive had months of inactive, mass minting from my cell phone without ever logging on a computer. Since ive come back from my household relocation a couple weeks back I fixed villages and realized this world is to slow and started w38.

The morale of the story is, when your dealt 4 aces you dont throw them away in hopes of a royal flush. Bring me a full time war, and ill bring you full time war stats when im not busy on w38, cod4, eve-online, or out bballing with the kids.


Funny, I still dont even know who you are or why my name is in your mouth. Im not sure what youve seen of my account to make any judgement. Its been brought up, beat dead, rehashed for clarity, beat dead, and is still dribbling outta random mouths. Pick a war ive participated in (CSDS vs SOCOM, SOCOM vs THOR3, THOR vs *I*, PTT-G vs *I*, PTT-G vs TFB) I went from k76 to k75 stretching to 66/65 and 85/86 to be on the warfronts for wars that end in in weeks with mergers. Ask anyone involved in those wars, or research the stats yourself, you wont find anyone with more conquered enemy villages during those wars from my tribes side.

If its a question of me supporting my tribe, call me out on it and im sure theyll respond accordingly. If its a matter of me effectively sitting an account, again call me out on it and im sure they would testify to what they came back to. If its a matter of clearing a war village, again call me out on it and im sure the people it was done for will vouch. If its a matter of me extending my skill, logic and gameplay to the tribe, feel free to ask the leadership or members of any of those tribes ive been associated with.

What I do when im not at war is set myself up for the next war. I could give 2 sh$ts less about what im nobling when im not at war, and ill go as far as to say i definitely prefer no thought, every few days mint some coins, q some troops, launch some nobles. Rewrite the game to delete barbarian villages and inactive accounts so they arent flooding my immediate area and maybe id have a different process. I quit moving to the war a long time ago, now i wait for the war to come to me. If I was gunho actively playing this world, I still would of nobled the same villages. Check the stats, ive never gone 6+ hrs away to inactive villages or gifts. Most of my PA's can tell you I send them emails with the gifts or barbarians I was assigned if they werent in my immediate area. Ive had months of inactive, mass minting from my cell phone without ever logging on a computer. Since ive come back from my household relocation a couple weeks back I fixed villages and realized this world is to slow and started w38.

The morale of the story is, when your dealt 4 aces you dont throw them away in hopes of a royal flush. Bring me a full time war, and ill bring you full time war stats when im not busy on w38, cod4, eve-online, or out bballing with the kids.

No recognition of who I am. And yet you still chose to explain yourself.

Funny thing is a smart person would of simply asked who cared about my opinion.


I used to have a high opinion of you. You know the type of opinion you keep to yourself, a natural respect shall we call it. But the more I see you post, and the more I see your account I lose all of that respect.

Your about as useful to your tribe as Lord Raventower. Except you have more points.
You make a better fight in the forums than he does but only just and I mean............... only just.

Plus bar one member, and only a few of his villages all you have done is internal for as far as i care to go back on your file and I have gone quite far back.

Pretty much since the 8th March

What a weak, weak excuse for a 10mill Player.

(This is what my response would of been had I of been on the other side of it)

And who the f**K is Lordofwar08 when he is around. And what would lead me to even register you made a comment. Your mildly one step away from Calarasi or Lord Raventower.

One of the Jokes of the forum, now signalling their lack of respect for a player they could only wish to be. Wether it jelousy or the need to go with the pack your response was not only out of the blue. But based upon no knowledge and made by a clown within these forums.


And btw mynizzle, I would pwn you on Cod4 :) I have it on xbox 360, you probs play it on PC. xD


360 is j0kerT

And Lordofwar08- I dont discriminate against who I respond to, scrub or otherwise. Id respond to your follow on posts but im honestly at a loss for what your trying to convey, and it looks like your in a conversation with yourself so ill leave you be.


And btw mynizzle, I would pwn you on Cod4 :) I have it on xbox 360, you probs play it on PC. xD

I play it on PC. Me and maintos you own you any time ;)

And gratz to mynizzle. Looking forward to when I meet you on the frontline :icon_wink: The rescistance from PTT so far has been dissapointing


Nappe, i would own you soooo bad. I was asked to play on TV for a clan in MLG. The clan folded becasue the leader was a jerk-off :(


lmao. I wasnt "good good", but I took top kill/death ratio in open games often. Paired with a friend or 2 and we were kinda pwny on most maps. I havent played since I moved, all the "out of bounds" sniping was getting old anyway. That and one of my little brothers thought itd be cool to reroll through all the achievements after i had the majority of em.