Funny, I still dont even know who you are or why my name is in your mouth. Im not sure what youve seen of my account to make any judgement. Its been brought up, beat dead, rehashed for clarity, beat dead, and is still dribbling outta random mouths. Pick a war ive participated in (CSDS vs SOCOM, SOCOM vs THOR3, THOR vs *I*, PTT-G vs *I*, PTT-G vs TFB) I went from k76 to k75 stretching to 66/65 and 85/86 to be on the warfronts for wars that end in in weeks with mergers. Ask anyone involved in those wars, or research the stats yourself, you wont find anyone with more conquered enemy villages during those wars from my tribes side.
So your the people who took out CSDS. You made me very happy when they finally went.