mynizzle congrates!!!


Funny, I still dont even know who you are or why my name is in your mouth. Im not sure what youve seen of my account to make any judgement. Its been brought up, beat dead, rehashed for clarity, beat dead, and is still dribbling outta random mouths. Pick a war ive participated in (CSDS vs SOCOM, SOCOM vs THOR3, THOR vs *I*, PTT-G vs *I*, PTT-G vs TFB) I went from k76 to k75 stretching to 66/65 and 85/86 to be on the warfronts for wars that end in in weeks with mergers. Ask anyone involved in those wars, or research the stats yourself, you wont find anyone with more conquered enemy villages during those wars from my tribes side.

So your the people who took out CSDS. You made me very happy when they finally went.


I think the COD part is to be considered spam... Is this why we have 3 mods? :p


well now i know so much about mynizzle that i feel like he's my neighbor


0044 (625|725) K76 9,680 mynizzle [PTT-G] JasonBackhouse [-WE-] 24th June 2009 - 21:53:30


and you lost it again, as you lost the rest of the undefended villages you took. That's what you get for throwing around all of JBH's nukes at random villages ...


look up my stats for ps3 cod4 net id: krazysn1pe, my stats own

kill ratio:1.16
kill streak:20

if u dont beleave me go to ps3 site and search me

note:i bought the game 1 year late and i only play hardcore modes


Rank: 8th Prestige Rank 47
Time played: 8 Days 16 hours.

Kills: 20,000 Roughly
Deaths: 13,000 Roughly
Headshots: 1175
Assists: 1200
Kill ratio: 1.55
Kill Streak 36

Main Game mode: Hardcore Search or Hardcore HQ

I own.


and you lost it again, as you lost the rest of the undefended villages you took. That's what you get for throwing around all of JBH's nukes at random villages ...

the point obviously wasn't to hold on to any of them (although a bunch still haven't been taken back yet)... if you weren't so dense you'd see the advantages to nobling villages deep in your territory where full D vills get deleted in transit or outward in support when the village turns hands to JBH. drrrr


and you lost it again, as you lost the rest of the undefended villages you took. That's what you get for throwing around all of JBH's nukes at random villages ...
I'm sorry, are we supposed to know who you are? Just another PTT brown noser from what i can see. JBHs villages were all going to be lost anyways, so why not cause some havoc before it happened. Get a clue.


Wouldn't mind having a few games with you 2krazy, I'll even use my trusty golden shotgun.

azman1 will be me. Sard, if you have a ps3 then feel free to add me for a few games


the point obviously wasn't to hold on to any of them (although a bunch still haven't been taken back yet)... if you weren't so dense you'd see the advantages to nobling villages deep in your territory where full D vills get deleted in transit or outward in support when the village turns hands to JBH. drrrr

the point is that removing 10-ish shields is not worth mentioning, they are replaced easily.


the point is that removing 10-ish shields is not worth mentioning, they are replaced easily.
Takes a month to rebuild a D village ya Id say its worth at least a mention


typical PTT attitiude... "losing 1500 villages and millions upon millions of D and O troops doesn't mean anything, we can rebuild them"


typical PTT attitiude... "losing 1500 villages and millions upon millions of D and O troops doesn't mean anything, we can rebuild them"

It's nothing man. 1500 villages, I have about half that, it's no big deal.