Mystic Meg - 1337 Internaller


Funny shit. Why do people feel the need to defend themselves, didn't ya go to Church n learn ya Sins and Virtues folks!
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we ate too much to be included here? lol, what a shame,

simply lovely is a merge, lol she'll smack you guys for mentioning her. go make a run for it.

oh yeah, we noble barbs too... well, we cant help it if they restarted or hit delete before we noble the last of their villages. :D anyway good luck to our troll here. :D

first post! yay


I think Commy China has certainly raised some very valid points here. All any of the top players do here is farm and internal. How boring/lazy. I think I might go play start up again.




Hey commy china i didnt accept ur BS of an award and are u just a troll or do u play w57 at all ? Please get ur facts straight first which were internals dummy before u make an idiotic thread

Like Mr Pig I see you are quite good at word selection. It seems you've chosen once again to focus on the name of the award rather than the criteria. I apologise for making it so difficult for you to understand with the catchy name but any good writer out there knows you need a catchy name to reel in the consumers and I didnt think "Mystic Meg - 1337 internaller and Pursuer of Gifts and Inactives" had such a ring to it. In regards to my thread being idiotic, it seems there are several here who would beg to differ.

Also, in regards to one of your earlier posts,

Dream - 5 NOT internals where u get that i dont know (Well, I know they werent internals, but, at the same time, I ALSO happen to know that Random PMS was inactive when your account nobled those villages, and had been for some time)
Danwars 727 - 12 No internal (well actually, Danwars played as a co-player on the Mystic Meg account when Red Power Ranger was active on there. Therefore, by way of my original criteria, that most certainly does count towards the tally.)


nice thread..thought i had next weeks award in the bag. but its definitely going 2 go 2 huggy :(


What can I say, we internal like a pro :icon_cool: Although we didn't have to proness necessary to get the villages cleared for us :icon_confused:


There is no need to be so modest, I did not say you were the biggest. Internalling inactives is no different at all from merging as the amount of effort it takes is a multiple of zero.

Perhaps I shall make clear to you just where 52% come from as it seems you may have missed a class or two in primary school.

First let me introduce you to a concept called ADDITION. This: + is called a 'plus' sign.

{Hi} - 70 +
RAoV - 19 +
Home - 11 +
Dream - 5 +
HTE - 6 +
Where? -2 +

Inactives not included above:
Xanzz - 15 +
Danwars 727 - 12 +
Alexryan - 8 +
-=X=- 1 extra +

4loko - 2 extras +
Randall Boggs - 16 +
scar.. - 11

Equals: 178

NOW, if we work out what percentage of 336 178 is equal to, we find out it is equal to 52.976190476190474% (As I said before, not rounded to prevent any arguments, although, I I were to round it it would look even worse for you at an astounding 53%)

*edit* After re-reading your post there it seems increasingly obvious that you are merely clutching at straws to protect a non-existent reputation. I would be careful, the road you are taking is a slippery slope to ending up having posts as illogical as wfman

Can we keep him?



I've noticed that Mystic Meg has named all of their villages NooB SlayeR. I suppose the Mystic Meg definition of noob looks something like this;

Noob [noun] - A tribemate, or random player, who has tired of this world and decided to quit, or, for reasons unknown, gone inactive, giving me (Mystic Meg) the opportunity to sneak in and pilfer their villages for little or no effort.


Ack! I have been exposed! Confession time...

Yes, I am a noob. I have repeatedly begged Mystic Meg to stop the attacks, explaining that I am not a very good player and just need time to grow. Alas, my pleas are met with even more attacks and more noble trains. I don't want to disparage this player's character; however, the word "merciless" comes to mind.

I, too, have become obsessed with Mystic Meg, albeit for different reasons. I appreciate your in-depth and astute analysis of this player's habits and motivations. It helps me and others clearly understand the nature of this heartless menace. My only hope is that I can somehow use this valuable information in time to prevent my own peril and demise.

Keep posting. It's really good stuff!


It seems its a little too late for you.

Interestingly enough though, it seems that from reviewing YOUR conquers of late that Mystic Meg's pattern of cowardice (or perhaps mere opportunism) is made all the more clear. Scrolling down the page there are a myriad of conquers against you made by Mystic Meg, but mixed in amongst them all you can find the occasional conquer which YOU have made. Now, I find it rather hard to believe that you intend to give most of your villages to Mystic Meg and then continue playing with your reduced number, which leads me to the conclusion that Mystic Meg would be otherwise incapable of taking those other villages without them first being in the possession of a tribemate.

Finally, another thing which I've found rather amusing of late is Mystic Megs in game COA and just in case they change it to try and hide it I'll include it inside this handy spoiler.

Notice the wording; 'Be Careful or I'll Include YOU in My Plans'

Reviewing the Mystic Meg Pro 1337 Conquer List it seems fairly evident that the picture should be more along the lines of

Or perhaps


LOL Mr China u clearly have no life that u have to make a whole thread and all about our account and be very lonely that u need too resort to this kind of attention seeking ploy. I do not give a rat's behind (as any other word regarding that area i have found is inappropiate by mods :( ) if u feel jealous or left out about me taking inactive account's villages, internals, or players that got banned or deleted and subsequently went barb but tell me ur real account name and i promise i will make u my personal internal thats not an internal hehe. P.s Dont u know they become inactive the first sight of me, i cant help that my awesomeness scares them to quit or give their villages for free u clearly havent mastered that skill YET heheh :(

Shed some nice tears about my lovely merge and all the great free villages i am getting. I am just taking a leaf out of huggy' book and persuade people to give their villages to me instead of clearing them, its much smarter and easier to do so ;). I have so many unused nukes u wouldnt believe hahaha if only i know who these noobs are thats so envious about my FREE villages i will gladly donate ample nukes to its cause and making them my next set of easy villages


Dear w57, a concerned w57 citizen contacted me today to inform me that my original tally of Mystic Meg's easily acquired villages was incorrect. In fact, as this player was so kind as to point out, the tally should be 16 villages higher with the inclusion of villages belonging to Team SLH who at one point was tribeless, thus the correct count would have been 194 out of 336. Coming to a total of 57.738095238095234%. Considerably higher than my original count. I was wrong, and I apologize.

On a side note, Mystic Meg, I am not at all surprised to hear that you have many unused nukes, and, in fact, I alluded to that in my original post by awarding you a giant green dot award. Also, I am positive, given your failure to attack active players, that it is far more likely the boredom of waiting than fear of you which drives these players inactive.

Mystic Meg said:
I am just taking a leaf out of huggy' book and persuade people to give their villages to me instead of clearing them
Whilst I am sure this was true of your current internal, given that it seems you are taking them on as a co-player, unless you can show otherwise I find it incredibly unlikely that you managed to coerce many of the others that make up your long list into quitting. This seems all the more evident given the complete lack of ability to express yourself outside of the cliché 'no life' argument that you have demonstrated here.

Also, your argument regarding barbs here (
Mystic Meg said:
or players that got banned or deleted and subsequently went barb
is invalid, because, as I said in my first post,
Communist China said:
(Barbs are not counted for this stat as it is impossible to determine the reasons behind the player going barb)
Should I decide to include barbs in your tally I am afraid the number would indeed be terrifyingly large. However, I commend you on you clever choice of words and hope that the next time it works out a little better in your favour.


why do you try so hard :lol:

Sounds like the typical response you would expect get out of somebody who doesn't know how to produce anything decent themselves. He provides us with quality reading material backed by facts and good logic as opposed to all the other crap you might find here that would be written by somebody of your caliber.


It seems its a little too late for you.
This looks too much like the global recession from a couple of years ago. It certainly does not look promising.

Interestingly enough though, it seems that from reviewing YOUR conquers of late that Mystic Meg's pattern of cowardice (or perhaps mere opportunism) is made all the more clear.
Cowardice? is possible Mystic Meg has me psyched out. Were I to adopt this view, I might feel inspired to start a counter-nobling campaign. Something to consider.

Scrolling down the page there are a myriad of conquers against you made by Mystic Meg, but mixed in amongst them all you can find the occasional conquer which YOU have made.
Oops. I think I got lucky with those.

Now, I find it rather hard to believe that you intend to give most of your villages to Mystic Meg and then continue playing with your reduced number...
This may be setting up nicely as the biggest comeback in TW history! Or maybe not...

...which leads me to the conclusion that Mystic Meg would be otherwise incapable of taking those other villages without them first being in the possession of a tribemate.
I'm with you. If Mystic Meg were a tribemate, that would really be embarrassing on my part.

Hey....wait a minute! I just checked my tribe's roster, and Mystic Meg IS a tribemate. OK, now I'm really ticked!!


LOL if THE CHINA is ur real in game name or whatever the case my be you just a lil noob that looking for a lil sensation and trying to flame someone as he jealous that we have mastered the skill of getting noobs to give their villages to us :icon_rolleyes::lol::icon_razz: as well as finding lil inactive players to noble :)

Merging and hugging is the way to go man hehe :)))) HUGWARS rulez :icon_razz:


The China appears to have been inactive for a little over 2 weeks. Perhaps you could go and get their villages too? They seem to fit your criteria; Small, Weak, and most importantly Inactive!.

Mystic Meg, you have claimed me to be jealous of you, but I have an alternate theory. It appears clear to me that your chasing of 'complementaries' is indicative of jealousy on your part. Obviously not jealousy of me but perhaps others of a... higher rank. I wonder just how many of your tribemates would disagree with me.