NAM Declares on NBD - Nugget Putin > King of the North Sage



NBD sux

Chris > God


Lots of love

Side 1:
Tribes: NAM
Side 2:
Tribes: NBD

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 37
Side 2: 7
Difference: 30


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 349,293
Side 2: 66,597
Difference: 282,696

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Croc told me to, sorry. hence the title of the thread


Reading between the lines Darky. You're a god amongst men


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
There are many God like players in NAM. You upset NAM you upset the gods, we are all doom
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Oh look, a Der Untergang video edit. Who would've seen that coming?

If you had balls, you would've posted this before the OP had landed, not after ;)

Anyway, NAM is an interesting tribe to look at. From the basic gameplay mechanics to the obvious role playing going on at these forums and ingame, they got all bases covered. Even the subtle lies and twists in the video and their forum posts (in between the trollposts) are quite a sight to behold.

NAM is full of decent players and have an advantage in terms of quantity. As such, NBD is without a chance in this war. On more than one occasion, we have overplayed our hand, for which we now pay the price. I would rather not go into too much detail on this matter out public, but I would assume most people involved have at least some idea of what I'm talking about.

That being said, I will do anything in my power to fight against NAM, and look forward to the last portion of the life cycle of our account.


Oh look, a Der Untergang video edit. Who would've seen that coming?

If you had balls, you would've posted this before the OP had landed, not after ;)

Anyway, NAM is an interesting tribe to look at. From the basic gameplay mechanics to the obvious role playing going on at these forums and ingame, they got all bases covered. Even the subtle lies and twists in the video and their forum posts (in between the trollposts) are quite a sight to behold.

NAM is full of decent players and have an advantage in terms of quantity. As such, NBD is without a chance in this war. On more than one occasion, we have overplayed our hand, for which we now pay the price. I would rather not go into too much detail on this matter out public, but I would assume most people involved have at least some idea of what I'm talking about.

That being said, I will do anything in my power to fight against NAM, and look forward to the last portion of the life cycle of our account.

NBD actually had a chance of winning this world but the so called king of the north Sage Screwed that up by backstabbing Blue.

You would have actually had a safe backline and the rim would have been sorted but instead you stuck by a duke who backstabs people for his own growth.

I wish both sides good luck but we know who will fall




Oh look, a Der Untergang video edit. Who would've seen that coming?

If you had balls, you would've posted this before the OP had landed, not after ;)

Anyway, NAM is an interesting tribe to look at. From the basic gameplay mechanics to the obvious role playing going on at these forums and ingame, they got all bases covered. Even the subtle lies and twists in the video and their forum posts (in between the trollposts) are quite a sight to behold.

NAM is full of decent players and have an advantage in terms of quantity. As such, NBD is without a chance in this war. On more than one occasion, we have overplayed our hand, for which we now pay the price. I would rather not go into too much detail on this matter out public, but I would assume most people involved have at least some idea of what I'm talking about.

That being said, I will do anything in my power to fight against NAM, and look forward to the last portion of the life cycle of our account.

Kurits fault, chris wont be happy when he shows up. We saw no need to declare on the forums. This is not approved Kurtis will be spanked.

Oh and btw we declared in-game before the apparent 'ruined op' :p I guess Kurty just wanted to have some banter.
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Ragey you can't even dodge. What on earth are you going to do when you get opped properly?


NBD actually had a chance of winning this world but the so called king of the north Sage Screwed that up by backstabbing Blue.

You would have actually had a safe backline and the rim would have been sorted but instead you stuck by a duke who backstabs people for his own growth.

I wish both sides good luck but we know who will fall


Blue would have backstabbed them either way.
What NBD did wrong was that they did not focus enough of their fire towards blue and instead went and hit multiple fronts ( ~P~ and Sass ) instead of doing everything in their power to take out blue to have a secure backline.

The war just started, way to early to tell who won and who lost even though there are obvious favorites in the war.