Speed - 2.0 : Always a solid speed.
Unit Speed - 0.5 : It works.
Flags - No : Good, anything that gives someone an early advantage because they played other flag worlds is just meh.
Hauls - No : Bad, pretty much the only thing I have an issue with on this world. Guess things will be much more casual.
Paladins - Yes : Good? Pretty much their only use is getting support to a village quicker since we can't farm.
Archers - No : Meh, impartial to this.
Church - No : Good, clustering villages early on is annoying.
Noble System - Gold Coins : Pity there aren't many packet worlds coming out lately.
Morale - Points/Time : Old hat, good though.
Bonus Villages - Yes : Going to be vital late game with no hauls.
Barb Villages - 1k Max : Very good.
Tech System - Simple : Noob friendly.
Beginner Protection - 4 days : With no hauls being in place there isn't much reason to try and clear people early on.
Tribe Limit - 71 : ... I've seen worse...
Unit Speed - 0.5 : It works.
Flags - No : Good, anything that gives someone an early advantage because they played other flag worlds is just meh.
Hauls - No : Bad, pretty much the only thing I have an issue with on this world. Guess things will be much more casual.
Paladins - Yes : Good? Pretty much their only use is getting support to a village quicker since we can't farm.
Archers - No : Meh, impartial to this.
Church - No : Good, clustering villages early on is annoying.
Noble System - Gold Coins : Pity there aren't many packet worlds coming out lately.
Morale - Points/Time : Old hat, good though.
Bonus Villages - Yes : Going to be vital late game with no hauls.
Barb Villages - 1k Max : Very good.
Tech System - Simple : Noob friendly.
Beginner Protection - 4 days : With no hauls being in place there isn't much reason to try and clear people early on.
Tribe Limit - 71 : ... I've seen worse...