Nearly perfect settings, pity its no hauls.


Speed - 2.0 : Always a solid speed.
Unit Speed - 0.5 : It works.
Flags - No : Good, anything that gives someone an early advantage because they played other flag worlds is just meh.
Hauls - No : Bad, pretty much the only thing I have an issue with on this world. Guess things will be much more casual.
Paladins - Yes : Good? Pretty much their only use is getting support to a village quicker since we can't farm.
Archers - No : Meh, impartial to this.
Church - No : Good, clustering villages early on is annoying.
Noble System - Gold Coins : Pity there aren't many packet worlds coming out lately.
Morale - Points/Time : Old hat, good though.
Bonus Villages - Yes : Going to be vital late game with no hauls.
Barb Villages - 1k Max : Very good.
Tech System - Simple : Noob friendly.
Beginner Protection - 4 days : With no hauls being in place there isn't much reason to try and clear people early on.
Tribe Limit - 71 : ... I've seen worse...


Speed - 2.0 : Always a solid speed.
Unit Speed - 0.5 : It works.
Flags - No : Good, anything that gives someone an early advantage because they played other flag worlds is just meh.
Hauls - No : Bad, pretty much the only thing I have an issue with on this world. Guess things will be much more casual.
Paladins - Yes : Good? Pretty much their only use is getting support to a village quicker since we can't farm.
Archers - No : Meh, impartial to this.
Church - No : Good, clustering villages early on is annoying.
Noble System - Gold Coins : Pity there aren't many packet worlds coming out lately.
Morale - Points/Time : Old hat, good though.
Bonus Villages - Yes : Going to be vital late game with no hauls.
Barb Villages - 1k Max : Very good.
Tech System - Simple : Noob friendly.
Beginner Protection - 4 days : With no hauls being in place there isn't much reason to try and clear people early on.
Tribe Limit - 71 : ... I've seen worse...

True. I like packets over coins anyday.


Will be an interesting world to say the least, w69 was limited hauls and now there throwing up another no hauls, I guess there getting more players who prefer not to farm =P


No haul worlds probably tend to give them the most active players, which in turn increases the amount of revenue they gain from premium and such due to more people being around as a whole. It is certainly more casual than a farming world, but it gives people who can't dedicate as much time per day to the game a fair chance at keeping up and doing well for themselves.


Church - No : Good, clustering villages early on is annoying.Noble System - Gold Coins : Pity there aren't many packet worlds coming out lately.Morale - Points/Time : Old hat, good though.
Churches are somewhat irrelevant on no hauls since you may as well cluster up anyway.Regarding the noble system, the last world that isn't pay to win is actually a packet world, so it suits to make this one coins.Unfortunately, I play w69 and the packet system there certainly lacks intelligence so I am glad they went with coins this time - it's hard to screw coins up :/Finally, morale is only good for noobs :p

Churches are somewhat irrelevant on no hauls since you may as well cluster up anyway.Regarding the noble system, the last world that isn't pay to win is actually a packet world, so it suits to make this one coins.Unfortunately, I play w69 and the packet system there certainly lacks intelligence so I am glad they went with coins this time - it's hard to screw coins up :/Finally, morale is only good for noobs :p

How does the packet system lack intelligence? If anything the coin system is designed for the more simple players.


How does the packet system lack intelligence? If anything the coin system is designed for the more simple players.
Luke, not everyone has the power to figure out packets! :icon_idea:

Haul worlds are silly. You end up farming almost 24/7 and it's pretty much what you do for the first few weeks if you want to get somewhere. The newer players that stick to building mines or defensive troops get blown away because of it, without a fighting chance. In nohauls, everyone has the same start, it doesn't matter how many barbarians you have or how many players are farming them. Newer players get to have some decent fights, or at least feel like they can do something in the game.

As for the speed, it's pretty normal. The higher world speed means that people won't spend 2 weeks in start-up and the unit speed is pretty generic.
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Also means the 'noob' tribes get a good chance of going somewhere. Besides, no hauls are perfect for the lazier lot, and there settings are perfect for a no hauls world. Speed 2 should get it going as quick as most Speed 1 farming worlds.

No churches and flags too! Can't wait to play!


How about the premium functions? Are they all included, because that would...


There are no premium features included in this world.

Well, asides premium account and account manager.


It's been like that for at least 66 worlds, on this server alone...


Speed - 2.0 : Usually prefer slower worlds but given no hauls this is fine.
Unit Speed - 0.5 : Cool.
Flags - No : Good
Hauls - No : Awesome :) Means that how active you are early on has a much much reduced role in how well you do. Amazing setting.
Paladins - Yes : Very Nice, because it allows easier supporting early on and so helps for tribes with good teamwork, and no weapons is great because those things are idiotic.
Archers - No : I dislike archers personally but not a big deal either way.
Church - No : Churches add strategy but also irritate me, impartial to this.
Noble System - Gold Coins : Better than packets given there is milliseconds. Packets are stupid when milliseconds are enabled.
Morale - Points/Time : No morale or purely time based is almost infinitely better.
Bonus Villages - Yes : Don't particularly mind this.
Barb Villages - 1k Max : Sounds about right, leaves nobling them as an option but not a very good one.
Tech System - Simple : I'm ok with this, prefer 10tech ideally but this is fine too.
Beginner Protection - 4 days : No complaints here.
Tribe Limit - 71 : Tribe Limit has never really bothered me at all.
Milliseconds enabled: Horrible setting.
No Fake Limit: Irritating, Fake limit is much better.

Nearly perfect settings, pity it has milliseconds and morale.
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I love the settings,great thing its nohaul now i dont really need to look harder for a coplayer.I prefer nohaul over haul worlds any day.


How does the packet system lack intelligence? If anything the coin system is designed for the more simple players.

Sorry I didn't wanna write too much.

W69 has some unusual settings. I was meaning that the people who put the packet system together on it lacked intelligence.
The settings that don't work together:

1) No haul
2) Packet system
3) Rule that when you lose a noble attacking you get to rebuild it for one packet cost deactivated.

This means that if I send out 20 trains on w69. And they all get sniped. I will lose 60 nobles. This is 6,000 packets, rather than 60 like a standard packet world. Since it is no haul I cannot just farm to get them back, I would have to wait for weeks to be able to rebuild all my trains.

I admit, coins are actually the simpler form of noble system since you don't need to worry about little things like losing a noble defending and you actually need to cotrain to take your second village if you want a full train or rebuilding a noble in the same village if it dies. I just like coins because they are easier and I am lazy :)

Nearly perfect settings, pity it has milliseconds and morale.

I don't think I have ever seen a moraleless world. It would be fantastic if they released another twmasters tournament but had someone competent organise it this time with features such as no morale and no forced attack gap.
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The Roman Empire

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Church - No : Good, clustering villages early on is annoying.

Because this is a no haul things will get very clustered in the core even without the churches (just look at what happened in W65). I'm really happy about these settings as they are like W65. I actually met our mod on that world ^_^. Looking forward to play with and against many of you guys! :)


Is this going to have P2W features?

I know it was said every other world which will make this world no P2W features but it doesnt clearly stat this in the settings so was wondering if anyone knew for sure.