Need Co-Player from 4:00am Server time to 20:00 Server time


I need an experienced co-player for my HP account. I'm about to have premium. I need you to be active form around 4:00am server time to 20:00pm server time ON WEEKDAYS! As soon as school is out for me, the co will just have the late shift. 6:00am server time to 15:00 server time. (That's from midnight till' 9am my time...)

Skype me if you would like to co-play my account! Skype= quicksilverhg052



I need an experienced co-player for my HP account. I'm about to have premium. I need you to be active form around 4:00am server time to 20:00pm server time ON WEEKDAYS! As soon as school is out for me, the co will just have the late shift. 6:00am server time to 15:00 server time. (That's from midnight till' 9am my time...)

Skype me if you would like to co-play my account! Skype= quicksilverhg052


You are asking for a coplayer who will play your account for 16 hours? Change the title to " Looking for a new owner "