New Mod


Looks like we have a new mod again. shardsofafrozenflame welcome. I would promise that we would be nice but that seems to be impossible with some on this world. :icon_razz:


Thanks for the welcome. Yes, I have been around for quite a while. In the past I've modded World 4, World 36 (from start to finish actually) and currently World 54.

I tend to be pretty lenient for the most part although if that leniency gets abused I have no problem tightening up enforcement. Just be [reasonably] civil, refrain from use vulgar language, and avoid the always irresistible in-game ban chatter and chances are you won't even notice that I'm here aside from rule-breaking posts disappearing like magic.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM.

I also will be moving this thread to general discussion tomorrow so that it's not cluttering up propaganda threads.