new update


so tell me

how do we get these freakin mass recruitment scripts working :(


some of my MR scripts never stopped working. i wonder why. However slowtarget's MR (the one that uses java or cookies or something to saved a cached version of your build) did stop. i only used that for offense builds though. my other ones work fine.


one thing i'm noticing that REALLY bothers me is the LAG TIME on the map when you hover over a village. I disabled the context menu, mostly because I don't like that it bypasses the village overview screen. I like to see if I have incoming attacks to a village, previous reports (especially since i copy/paste troop numbers into the title of my report so I can see whats in a village with one click), etc. but before, if I scrolled over a villa on the map, i would get the pop up with last attack info, etc, almost instantly. now there is a distinct 1-2 second lag. its like 1995!


one thing i LOVE is the highlight bar when you scroll over villages now in your overviews. I cannot tell you how many times I clicked on the wrong villa. that right there is a god-send.


Also - back to the map - I gave up on 30x30, paolo, since it doesn't include the functionality of shrinking the icon size like the does. I've gone back to 15x15, but i do love the smooth scrolling. the funny part is you scroll true direction on the main map, but on the mini map you have to go opposite.
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its not straightforward....can u believe the harrassment im going to receive

the duke cant work it

how does he tell his disciples?


if you click on "settings" then "settings" again then check "show classical graphics", you can get rid of those stupid pictures in the reports.


I already reported the bug, but does anyone else have a useless mass research? Mine won't let me upgrade techs, only downgrade. happy day!


Yeah he does, i saw on his post he had catapult at level 5

fruity gave the bug post nice screen shots, we just get his second hand news here