NFL style Draft of the Tarot Players


Well yeah, but then we wouldn't get mutant's sunny disposition in W2V. :icon_sad:


I'm all the sunny disposition you need here, I positively radiate joy and happiness wherever I am found


I'm all the sunny disposition you need here, I positively radiate joy and happiness wherever I am found

*holding his nose and frowning after glyn farts* So that called joy and happiness....:icon_wink:


Let's do a trade, our spies for yours, that way we get to play with our bffs greg and mutant, and you get choco and taz. (handshake)

Finally! I have applied twice for christ sake. I am not sending you all this OP plans, forum pictures and nudes for no reason bro, get me outa here.


Damn, don't tell them I'm working for you. That will ruin my street cred; they all think I'm some nerd who writes wall lols of text.... Awww.... How am I going to backpedal out of this one? :p

Also, why did you need two of us to spy for you? Wasn't I good enough? Clearly I'm better at it then Dan over there; I made people believe I'm forever with MoM; I've got everyone fooled :p


Yeah right Greg, with all the pro MoM stuff I most, nobody would ever suspect me.

In other news, MM seems to have picked up quite a bit in this draft, placing them draft winners. They got some good guys now in that region, lots of potential.



I've gone back to my ways of waiting for people to approach me,
to lazy to do much else now :p


Damn, don't tell them I'm working for you. That will ruin my street cred; they all think I'm some nerd who writes wall lols of text.... Awww.... How am I going to backpedal out of this one? :p

Also, why did you need two of us to spy for you? Wasn't I good enough? Clearly I'm better at it then Dan over there; I made people believe I'm forever with MoM; I've got everyone fooled :p

You tend to write us walls of texts on the ins and outs of MoM... Mutant gives us the summary. :icon_wink: