@Night Vs Old & Fart & WrapIt


I did and I found that fart was winning recently.

Based on conquers in the last 48 hours? You realize wars have ups and downs where each side takes turns going through spikes in conquers/OD so by only looking at conquers for the last 48 hours the winning tribe will change pretty much daily according to your standards.

Conquer numbers dont tell the whole story :) Anyone who thinks they do is one of the superficial half-wits I mentioned before
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lol I didn't say @night would lose the war. I actually think thy will win but right now looking to fart favor. I think fart still could win though. I do have lower odds on them winning but it is possible. Either way this will cripple @night growth for a good while.

I just like to do 48 hrs as I want to see who is winning and bored honestly. I get bored if I see a major gain for one side then yeah they are winning recently. It is like battles in a war. Every 48 hrs.


@night took a big hit last night 1 player lost 80k and 1 player under attack has left, they replaced with a 333 player who left instantly.


@night took a big hit last night 1 player lost 80k and 1 player under attack has left, they replaced with a 333 player who left instantly.

The 80 must have been because of something else? 14 village (or something like that) just vanished. Non were taken by Fart or any other tribe :icon_neutral:


The 80 must have been because of something else? 14 village (or something like that) just vanished. Non were taken by Fart or any other tribe :icon_neutral:

Taken by magic maybe?

Morale goes down when people lose points like that, so i think fart are in control of the war for now.


I cannot sleep, you just went to sleep and someone took 80k of villages from you.

i am afraid that might happen to me....

If you just would have gone to tw-stats and checked their profile. You would have known that they in fact haven't lost a single villa on this world yet.

It would however be fun if Hungrywolf explained what happened.


If you just would have gone to tw-stats and checked their profile. You would have known that they in fact haven't lost a single villa on this world yet.

It would however be fun if Hungrywolf explained what happened.

I can make a good guess that its the same as every excuse we here when the tw magician starts thieving villages.

It was not me it was my new co player who is not on the account no more who made a mistake and broke the multi accounting rule, i am very sorry it will not happen again.....


Here you sitting & talking the talk
while i am out in the field
walking the walk.

As for morale. let me just :icon_biggrin:


A lot of people here think they know what they're talking about - the war is pretty even right now, with @Night on the offensive more. We are knocking chunks off eachother and not making too much ground on either side. Pretty boring for you observers, but a good old war :)


This is a very interesting war.
The front is so large that just about everyone has a chance to get in on the action.

Combine that with 333 family forming an alliance with @Night, we should see the war start to move in obvious favor of @Night.

Up until now, this war has been one of attrition with Fart family having the distinct advantage of numbers to draw from their feeder tribe.


For those who don't know, Purple = @Night, Orange = Fart family, Green = 333 family.
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Unless 333 have also gained diplomatic relations with jager i dont see them helping out @night anytime soon. Plus they are still clearing up some former blank players in NUTS, to which it seems jager have recruited some from.

Also to note, fart had van and wrapit on their side of the war, with wrapit no longer existing those stats have disappeared. And near the beginning fart had van to support them too. Not to say that @night did not have its own benefactors for support
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The point of including 333 family is that I believe they used to have a NAP with Fart family. Now that they are allied to @Night it is highly likely to see involvement from players such as Faceless who have a lot to gain by moving into Fart territory. There are also a lot of former Oxygen members who have been biding their time to exact revenge on Fart. Therefore, it is my belief that 333 family will have an impact on K56 Fart family.


Faceless who have a lot to gain by moving into Fart territory. There are also a lot of former Oxygen members who have been biding their time to exact revenge on Fart.

Time to eat, im kinda hungry for some farts.


What would happen if I organised Norse to stack majority of targeted in Fart?