Nobling system


I just like to say I really enjoy the way the noble system works in this world. I think it should be implemented in alot of new worlds. Im seriously having difficulty going back to coins or packages.

What do you guys think? Do you guys like it? or prefer the old way.


I prefer the coin system i find it easier and is a system i am more familiar with


I think its great, it forces you to noble players, without having to have non-growing barbs. I think its one of the most attractive parts of this world.


wat coin system? Im interested in other world settings........ cuz i've never played in other worlds. Lol.


Could you please elaborate on that, Sayak? How does this noble system force players to noble active players. Since I think it's the opposite. But i'm sure you will tell me your insights on this soon enough.


wat coin system? Im interested in other world settings........ cuz i've never played in other worlds. Lol.

The coin system is where you can purchase coins and that amount continues to increase to eventually get nobles.


You could just have said building a new noble will cost you as many coins as you have built nobles (used up nobles for nobling + currently idling nobles in your villages). A village that doesn't farm and isn't producing anything can create 2 coins per day, so basically you can create ~2 nobles per day in the late game.

In this world however there is no limit to the amount of nobles in the late game, so you can basically triple the amount of villages you have every ~2-3 weeks, if you are willing to sim city through this world.


IT doesnt FORCE YOU, but rather if i dont noble a bigger more active player, its going to slow me down considerably. Since each academy level = a noble. Thus in a way you go for players more than you would go for a barbarian village.


IT doesnt FORCE YOU, but rather if i dont noble a bigger more active player, its going to slow me down considerably. Since each academy level = a noble. Thus in a way you go for players more than you would go for a barbarian village.

Jamm is talking about the cost per noble and you talk about the package system in general I think that is the difference...


I like the system we have in this world. With coins, you could have the ability to make hundreds of nobles from one village. It would take a long time, but it is possible with some great farming or friends.

In this world, you are better off if you noble smart. You could always go for that 700 point village, by why when you could go for the live player with an academy?


Ah well, I agree.

This noble system has so far been really enjoyable for me. Also think that it would be a cool third option for future worlds, an alternative for the coins and the standard package system.


This system is great. specially in late game. you can send a lot of noble train fakes (which have real nobles instead of rams in them)

but i like to have another system added to it to prevent abusing barb-ennoblement which is easily achievable and can probably pay off very well in this world. the reason why i don't do this much in this world is that i don't like nobling barbs at all and i will feel ashamed if i do this a lot.
well, i can't think about any new system to prevent it. if i could, i would suggest it. but i hope someone else find some way for it to make the game more challenging and more interesting.

I like this non-increasing noble price more than the other two systems. and i like normal packages more than coins.


I somewhat agree with jamm, however it applies more to when everyone starts to get masses of excess nobles. At such cheap prices, nobles pretty much go around like axes on this world after a certain point. So you could either horde them, or use the excess to fill out a few of your clusters. Let's face it, since trains come far easier than nukes now, you're going to run out of offense before nobles. In essence, earlier game it encourages you to noble player villages to get that initial few acad levels to get you started off, but once you start to have nobles pouring in, you're going to want something to offload the excess on, and those greys will start looking a lot more appealing.


I somewhat agree with jamm, however it applies more to when everyone starts to get masses of excess nobles. At such cheap prices, nobles pretty much go around like axes on this world after a certain point. So you could either horde them, or use the excess to fill out a few of your clusters. Let's face it, since trains come far easier than nukes now, you're going to run out of offense before nobles. In essence, earlier game it encourages you to noble player villages to get that initial few acad levels to get you started off, but once you start to have nobles pouring in, you're going to want something to offload the excess on, and those greys will start looking a lot more appealing.

Thanks for that perspective. Never saw it that way. I totally agree with that aswell. its true though 33.3 days for a nuke. God help us lol.