North West News: Its Gunna Get Bloody


Greetings all,

From the obscurity of my existance I present to you the North West news.
(For better effect, please read reprovingly)

D army on 18.03. at 19:09
wanthugme villas belong to ~L~ if you wish to stay alive on both of your fronts in k12 and k24
peacefully give back the villas and dont take anymore

As you can see, D army is making demands of [MS]. He didn't ask nor negotiate for these villages. He demanded these villages. And through further heated discussion I too found he hadn't claimed the villages for ~L~.

D army on 14.03. at 16:00
i will be claiming wanthugme villas
since we have a nap i dont want any cross nobling and i suppose you dont want what happend to drmoltov villas.

So as you can see, D army claimed nearly the entirety of wanthugme villas in K12. If he were somehow to take all the villages that would push him well over 3mio points and put him in the #1 player of K12 spot. Seems he didn't want the rest of ~L~ to get involved. (scornful sounding exhale) Imperialistic avarice.

Yet since the leadership of [MS] isn't absent minded, this demand was not acknowledged. Any reasonable leadership concerned for the well being of all their members wouldn't have accepted either. ~L~ having 76.5mio points, and [MS] having 10.5 mio points. To me that just screams elementary school bully, and brings back some old memories:icon_sad:

However that last comment was besides the point.
Back to the topic, on 18/03/2010 an [MS] member was scouted by a member of FUDGE, ~L~'s counterpart. When inquired as to why, the player stated something like, "Oh, well your tribe is marked as enemies on my map."
Concerning since I distinctly remember discussing with pepi and their other duke to arrange a NAP a while back.

At this time I won't get into my personal assumptions with whats going on, but I do know that more is happening than whats been said. Some people could really use a friend right now.

However, I will ask.
What would you do in this situation?
Who do you beleive to be the aggressor?


my man, if D army wants the players vills then he will have them there isnt anything you can do, anything you can do is all IG talk to your leaders and let them know hopefully they can sort it out


We have been constantly in discussion about the going ons of our region. I am part of the [MS] leadership.
However, the world deserves to know what happens as well.
If some of those big names are involved it becomes more interesting than those smaller disputes some players tend to bring up.


i understand you want to let people know but all you'll get is grilled spam served flaming hot,


I would say inform the other leaders, until this is taken care of fight back, retailate. Tirbes can't be good if they don't respect diplomacy




why are you yelling at D army? he is not even on this forum currently, well haven't seen him post


Man i don't come online for a few days and everything goes to hell in the Northwest. :lol:

Marek, I think that it's just been tensions boiling over. I'm sorry about it but the tribe voted on it. As for the NAP it was set but the diplomacy list got changed when half of FUDGE went to ~L~. It was my fault, because i didn't remember the NAP and didn't bother mailing you earlier and now we end up in this situation. Unfortunately, everything has been set in motion already. I already got wiped out in my K11 vills by durangense so I think we've kinda hit the point of no return.


I dont get whats the big deal is with all this. ~L~ is at war with [MS] so why shouldn't D army take wanthugme villages???


Well until now, [MS] had no word of this.
Aparently it was a very sneaky one sided war. How can the victem of a horendously misballanced war not know they are being attacked by a tribe 7 times their own size?

My quarrel is not with a player taking another players villages. My argument is that D army has claimed all of a previously near 2mio point players villages to himself excluding all members of the world including those within his own tribe.

Oh, I forgot to add in the points of ~L~'s own personal bashers FUDGE. That makes their family 8x our size.
Hmmm, sounds like even odds? (Oxymoron)

However, with the formal confirmation of FUDGE's war status with us and the democratic process they came about this decision I would have expected better organization in their war efforts. Instead two players prematurely attack and then blab to us about it.
Now wait? You went through that whole process to have your members brag to the players they are supposed to be directing their imperialistic greed against?
Huh, what a concept.

Well, I guess I can't complain. I remember in W20 there was a world wide war against... wait for it... the barbarians. Thats right.
Every war that was started was usually caused by excessive barb nobling. At least those barbs were a max 3k then. Now its 1.8k?
Seems like such an effective war was waged that we damaged the generations of barbs to come in successive worlds.

But I digress.


~L~ has never had any diplomatic relations wiht MS, so if one of our members wants to eat your tribe villeges, then this is fine with me


well as co/duke for ~L~ I say (put up or shut up). it,s called tribal war for a reason.
and as for the size thing between our tribe. wow we only have one of our members attacking and you flame us. look out if we all jump in,then you,ll have something to complain about.
Also i would like to add. no one from MS has ever contacted me over this.?????????? get a life


However, with the formal confirmation of FUDGE's war status with us and the democratic process they came about this decision I would have expected better organization in their war efforts. Instead two players prematurely attack and then blab to us about it.
Now wait? You went through that whole process to have your members brag to the players they are supposed to be directing their imperialistic greed against?
Huh, what a concept.

<shrug> Imperialistic greed is a strong word. :lol: As bluenile said, we're playing tribalwars. Of course there's gonna be imperialistic greed :lol: I'd just like to say good luck and may the best tribe win.:icon_wink:


Thank you very much, we will try.
And yes, these words I use are, for lack of a better word, strong.

Yes, it is called tribal wars. I don't want to hug you, and I don't really want to hug anybody. I've been a strong advocate for Tribal Wars not Tribal Hugs, and I don't like to show myself as a hypocrit.

And the reason you, bluenile23, have not been contacted about this diplomatic relationship is because it was established with FUDGE exclusively. I beleive about the time KK still existed and FUDGE was loyal to them. If their tribal profile was even accurate in that aspect then.
My life is very fine thank you and I think I'll stick with it.
And one must realize that in a war of words propeganda, exaggerations, rhetoric, perssuasion, and verbose language wins one over. If you take a riposte to heart you may become overwhelmed with animosity and overract. Leave your feelings at home.

Such an iniquitous situation we are in. The world watches this diplomatic argument in apathetic awe. It must be astounded that the largest player of all W28 Maitt has spoken.