Nyuk Vs. KTA's Slime


Since KTA is incompetent and the duke is foolish.. do you care to elaborate on this?

BigT, I have more respect for you than i did before but saying these smart remarks doesnt get you far.. One day you will fall. :icon_twisted:

That was going to be the extent of my PnP against KTA for now, but sure I will elaborate just to make you happy :)

*Disclaimer: Read the spoilers*

First off, let's take a look at your tribal profile:


Now for your tribe diplomacy it says: "We like red dots!"

I find that extremely hilarious, because KTA allied itself with both OKBI and IDS.
Thus resulting in being surrounded by allies on both sides...

Now, maybe its just my old senile mind, but that doesnt seem like you enjoy red dots very much :icon_razz:

Ironic, huh? :lol:


Well, as for your duke... Jeez, he brags about how is a former military, and he is loyal and all of that nonsense.

Well, let's take a look at this little bit:
[SPOIL][7/8/2010 5:55:50 AM] BigT: Alright,
[7/8/2010 5:55:58 AM] BigT: well I hope you join in sooner rather than later
[7/8/2010 5:56:06 AM] BigT: But either way,
[7/8/2010 5:56:12 AM] BigT: You will be joining in, correct?
[7/8/2010 5:56:17 AM] BigT: Can you give me your word?
[7/8/2010 5:57:00 AM] Mikeptm2: we will be joining in within the 2 week / 3 week period unless it is forced on us sooner by a combatant
[7/8/2010 5:57:07 AM] Mikeptm2: hows that for technical
[7/8/2010 5:57:09 AM] Mikeptm2: lol
[7/8/2010 5:57:14 AM] BigT: Sounds good


That was a friendly conversation in which Mikeptm2 gave his "word" that he will be joining in the war against OKBI.

That was about 5 weeks ago...

Hmm... its kind of ironic that your duke would brag about honor and etc, and then completely go back on his word. :lol:

Also, here is another gem from KTA's leader:


I was literally laughing when I received that from him.

Me: "Can you please kick the food that recruited?"
Mike: "Shh!!!! Its part of a Super-Secret plan to kill OKBI!"


Despite all your lies, at least you gave me a laugh.


Oh, and here is something else from a KTA council member: mathat10


More crap...:icon_confused:

The leaders in KTA astound me with this crap


Again, with this "Super secret plan!" against OKBI...

I'm fed up with KTA, and all their lies.

You also think you are responsible for the dissension of the players in Bio!? :icon_smile:

Good job, if you truly think you are responsible for the players leaving OKBI, then you really must be some of the best allies I have ever seen. :lol::lol:


Oh, and one last thing I would like to point out -

You may have been able to convince your members that IDS were trying to NAP OKBI, but clearly you were lied to, and then you lied to all members... over and over again.

I have spoken to leaders of both OKBI and IDS - both tribes confirm that IDS has NOT asked for a NAP from OKBI

So, I mean you had to do what you had to in order to justify attacking IDS, but hey - I personally am not one to LIE to my members in order to get them to follow me


At this point, I dont care who you are warring -

all I know is that Nyuk declares war on KTA


I wasnt going to make this an open topic for discussion, but if I get to make KTA look bad - then why the hell not?

Nyuk didnt take a single village from KTA until KTA recruited the players from T~S... :
[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: Nyuk

Side 2:
Tribes: KTA

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 159
Side 2: 11
Difference: 148


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,379,511
Side 2: 99,353
Difference: 1,280,158


Lots of good that did for you. :lol: :lol:

And, I am not one to disappoint:

Here is a poem for KTA,
Its time for you to come out and play.

This time, please get your story straight,
But I warn you, it might just be too late.

All in all:
Nyuk Declares war on KTA - well at least on the members near us :icon_razz:


fun :) dont worry we will get our main body to you sooner all later


sorry for the double post but...

[7/8/2010 5:55:50 AM] BigT: Alright,
[7/8/2010 5:55:58 AM] BigT: well I hope you join in sooner rather than later
[7/8/2010 5:56:06 AM] BigT: But either way,
[7/8/2010 5:56:12 AM] BigT: You will be joining in, correct?
[7/8/2010 5:56:17 AM] BigT: Can you give me your word?
[7/8/2010 5:57:00 AM] Mikeptm2: we will be joining in within the 2 week / 3 week period unless it is forced on us sooner by a combatant
[7/8/2010 5:57:07 AM] Mikeptm2: hows that for technical
[7/8/2010 5:57:09 AM] Mikeptm2: lol
[7/8/2010 5:57:14 AM] BigT: Sounds good

where on earth does it say OKBI? all i see is we will be joining in 2 weeks, not we will be joining against OKBI in 2 weeks.

mathtest is council? I thought he was a support coodernater :s


You have spoken to OKBI leadership about an IDS NAP? Really? Where is that convo?


they sooo have a secret hidden plan check out http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?t=211705 and mathat10's reply to my post

"I dont understand why everyone thinks we are land locked.. We have tons of option when IDS.F Falls if it does..

We have plans for everything I can only say that. Everything we have done is for a reason. Everything we have done has a hidden plan behind it..

KTA will show the world what is has soon enough, I promise.

And if this didnt help OKBI.. idk what would lol.."

just thought id post it as i found it a bit strange as a reply tbh


Ile explain that:

"I dont understand why everyone thinks we are land locked.. We have tons of option when IDS.F Falls if it does..

There are 1000s of possibilities of something happening within the next 6 months or so-OKBI might fall, modwar might declare on OKBI, nyuk might gain a front with IDS ect ect allowing us to move in those directions, and now seeing nyuk have declared on us i guess that will be our next target.

We have plans for everything I can only say that. Everything we have done is for a reason. Everything we have done has a hidden plan behind it..

Though we dont have plans for everything, we do for the top most likely scenarios.

KTA will show the world what is has soon enough, I promise.

And if this didnt help OKBI.. idk what would lol..

Well it looks like we have to meet up to that promise now ;) and yes it helps OKBI, but with nyuk declaring on KTA its now more of a world war instead of a world gangbang wouldnt you agree?


hmm nice declaration BigT...

To bad they only have like 100 villages near you, but hey thats an extra 100 villages to use against OKBI so why not.


Probably the best declaration I have seen yet. Props to you BigT... You haven't disappointed.

I am just sad that you made me wait until the end to get to your great poem.


Probably the best declaration I have seen yet. Props to you BigT... You haven't disappointed.

I am just sad that you made me wait until the end to get to your great poem.

You don't get around the forums very much, do you?

Ok declaration, though I feel it's rather unnecessary.


Your 1st point is very reasonable anything can happen however as things stands it seems KTA is allied with OKBI and so when IDS does fall there main homeland will..... in fact read my post explaining what i meant by land locked

Its just you'll (not you personally, im referring to KTA) will be land locked because after IDS falls and is eaten by both 'you' and OKBI, KTA's main homeland in the north-east will be surrounded by OKBI. Hence the term "locked in" as your only borders (regarding the homeland) will have OKBI on each. I accept there is still space to grow and expand mainly in K31, K42, K53, however this is only because the expansion is on Nyuk's doorstep to which i dont know the current diplomatic situation between KTA and Nyuk. I would expect that KTA simply on the grounds the're going to war with IDS now, will eventually back up OKBI and war Nyuk when the time comes, i could be wrong i could be right.

After being land locked there would be only option left but to war (realistically) OKBI. Granted there is the option to send nobles further than 1 continent and ModWar are within 1 continent of part of KTA's southern border with OKBI, however this would be difficult as to gain any real benefit without OKBI's assistance. There would be the option to war whats left of Nyuk in the small clusters KTA currently have on Nyuk's doorstep however again this would be difficult with the clusters being a great distance away form the main homeland. I only say "whats left of Nyuk" because now OKBI pretty much have their vulnerable rear end near KTA and ModWar safe, they can concentrate on Nyuk whilst IDS are being distracted alot by KTA- this would result in OKBI taking the upper hand. Although just as a pure opinion id like it to become a stale mate, and then an epic Op something resembling The Torjan Horse swings the war either way.

In fact reading over that, i posted it last night so i think i was pretty much spot on with KTA and Nyuk going to war. Still pointless due to KTA only having a few clusters near Nyuk and the sheer distance from the 'mainland' however i am just saying it as i see.

Second point is quite obvious however with the calibre of people on here i guess you do need to say it. Top tribes always prepare for every eventuality and of course put more preparation into scenarios that are most likely to happen.

Third point i fully agree with you and the fact that its more of a world war and not a gangbang, however it still doesnt minus the fact that OKBI are a powerhouse. I know this isnt very deep and analytical way of comparing tribes but with 160m in points OKBI are the biggest tribe and are nearly 150% larger than 2nd being ModWar. Add up IDS and Nyuk it comes to 153m, it seems (number wise) fairer if KTA would have stayed out the war all together, do you not agree?


So everyone moans when KTA sit and do nothing, then when they do something, you moan about that too? :|


well for us being landlocked that is no longer relevant, if/once we take out IDS.F we will be close enough to hit nyuk-granted to start off with without much effectiveness but you are correct in assuming we have an alliance with OKBI so what do you think will happen when it comes to that stage? a bit of help from either side perhaps ;)

Well you could say the coalition i am naming nyuk and IDS as i dont believe they have an alliance but more of a same goal now of destroying KTA and OKBI have a total of 225 members vs the alliance im now calling OKBI and KTA (if you dont like it tough) have 138 almost half the amount of players... it all depends on what way you look at it, true we have the points on our side but do we have the activity on our side? no so this world war looking at it in a different angle is shaping up to be rather even instead.


well most ids family members are noobs anyways nyuk are pretty decent i guess but i could snipe there trains all day if i had the time :)


You don't get around the forums very much, do you?

Ok declaration, though I feel it's rather unnecessary.

I see your flam on Phil rather unnecessary....

Just because he said this is one of the best declarations he's seen doesnt mean you have to flame his opinion.

He could be basing it on this world alone, which btw this world hasnt had to many good declarations.