Offensive & Defensive Nukes

Ned Flanders*

So i build
6500 Axes
2000 LC
800-1000 MC
300 Rams
20 Cats
10 Scouts

5000 Spears
5000 Swords
4000 Archers
1000 HC
100-1500 Scouts

this style works great on german world(w10) i´m wondering how it does work here


6500 Axes
2000 LC
800-1000 MC
300 Rams
20 Cats
10 Scouts

5000 Spears
5000 Swords
4000 Archers
1000 HC
100-1500 Scouts

This is roughly what I use. Although I have spear/HC villages and Scout villages aswell as these 2. >_<

Ned Flanders*

later when u have about 100 Villages some only axe defs are good to but very expensive and needs a lot time to build


So i build
6500 Axes
2000 LC
800-1000 MC
300 Rams
20 Cats
10 Scouts

5000 Spears
5000 Swords
4000 Archers
1000 HC
100-1500 Scouts

this style works great on german world(w10) i´m wondering how it does work here

Both your nukes have a pretty bad build time.

1000 MA is far too much considering 54 MA can kill 500 archers behind a level 20 wall(L&M Not included)

Ned Flanders*

if my enemies doesnt use archers i will leave them complete out but normaly they´re very usefull


My point of view is using a lot of Rams at the offensive Nuke.
Something like this:

5000-6000 axes
2500-3000 LC
10 scouts
300-400 rams

You obviously dont kill off the defence but you do tear down the wall and the rest of your troops can have an easy job clearing the remaing defensive units

As about the deff
Judging (don't know if its spelled correctly :p) by my experience so far the correct analogy between Spears/Sword/Archers is 0.7/1/0.5 since the attacks are usually MAAAANY axes a lot of LC and some mounted Archers.
As about the heavy cavallary i usually make villages just with an academy and a stable to build noble trains :p (though i've been told its not a nice tactic i keep doing it)
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If you don't want to share with the world Pm me ingame. Im always up for a good debate.

I don't want to share in public but my nuke is already in test forums, i never got a follow up discussion last time.To make it interesting beat my nuke and i will pass you 3 premium points :icon_wink: , if i can learn a new thing it will be worth spending pp.

I already explained in detail how to compare nukes. Hypothetical troops configuration should not be used. I think i only missed two attack configurations in comparison that was LC+sword and HC+LC+Axe but i am pretty sure it will still outperform these.

ps: Their is one nuke which was better than the one i posted. I am sure you can find that :icon_wink:

The PP offer is extended to all test. members and what? members having access to test me igm if you get the config.


I use a completely different tactic as although building troops constantly i am no way near capacity. So i keep all my buildings producing constantly. As don't have a noble train i knock down wall and troop producing buildings. i have a few hundred cats. I use them for defence mostly or to nock down walls to increase farming efficiency. i only have enough rams to knock down one level 20 wall and keep it down till i have nobled.. then i have to pile in heaps of defensive troops until i got the wall back up. I got my villages close for defensive purposes to compensate for low troop count.

What exactly do people mean by a nuke. Seems strange to me combining fast and slow troops in the same attack.

Still a noob here got a bit to learn yet. but i am getting there.


My point of view is using a lot of Rams at the offensive Nuke.

You obviously dont kill off the defence but you do tear down the wall and the rest of your troops can have an easy job clearing the remaing defensive units

So is the point of having more rams is to be able to absorb the losses so that once you've rebuilt you can hit them again harder, or am I mistaken in my belief that the combat mechanics have damage occurring after troop losses?


So is the point of having more rams is to be able to absorb the losses so that once you've rebuilt you can hit them again harder, or am I mistaken in my belief that the combat mechanics have damage occurring after troop losses?

I'm not good at english so i lost you after <<in my belied....bla bla bla>>
If you could rewrite that not so complex i'd be happy to answer though.
Plus you dont wait to rebuild. The most a second later your second clear attack will hit!