Offensive & Defensive Nukes


I'm not good at english so i lost you after <<in my belied....bla bla bla>>
If you could rewrite that not so complex i'd be happy to answer though.
Plus you dont wait to rebuild. The most a second later your second clear attack will hit!

Ok, you nuke a village. My understanding (and the point I'm asking to clarify) is that things happen in this order:
1) Troop losses are rolled/compared/formulated factoring luck, morale, walls, numbers and any other factors into a victory or loss (if loss ignore all following steps)
2a) If any scouts remain alive, a snapshot of tech levels is taken, and included in the reports
2b) If any Rams remain alive, the wall is demolished by x levels, where x is determined by how many rams you have.
2c) If any Cats remain alive, the targeted structure is demolished by y levels, where y is determined by how many rams you have.
2d) If a Nobel remains alive, village morale is reduced by 20-30%
3) Your survivors load up and head home

So, given that sequence of events... Do you have so many rams so that the opposition can't kill them all, or so that in cases where 2b is in effect you level the wall?
Follow-on question: What happens either way when you encounter a defensive village regarding rebuild times (because there will be some)?


Witelance i'm under the impression that the computer enters the rams first at the battle. And judging by the power of their hit
1) The rams hit the walls
2) The pc calculates the support the deffence is going to have given the wall was hitted
3) Troop losses formulated with the new variables given at 1) and 2)
4) Scouts -we do agree in that
5) Catapelts -always last
6) Load up and take the long journey back

Edit: Hey witelance. Am i wrong? Answer 'cause if i am i have to rethink everythink i do... Though i've been told that from when i started to play the game by more experienced players back then

Edit no2: If you case is right. Then again using more rams is still better. I estimated that 10 rams can lower the wall by one lvl. So 200 rams destroys a wall. Then i guess a number of 300-350 rams can do the job.
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Edit: Hey witelance. Am i wrong? Answer 'cause if i am i have to rethink everythink i do... Though i've been told that from when i started to play the game by more experienced players back then

I don't actually know... I was asking because I thought you did.

340 Rams will make a Level 20 Wall, a Level 0 Wall

But do they hit the wall before or after troop losses?



219 if u have no losses.

when calculating u must have sent the rams by themselves so some of them would have died before damaging the wall.

they hit after losses


Both the descriptions given above by (witelance,Sonata1316) are 90% wrong . It will be a long post to explain so i hope someone else corrects and i will just add to that :).


Both the descriptions given above by (witelance,Sonata1316) are 90% wrong . It will be a long post to explain so i hope someone else corrects and i will just add to that :).

Ok, scout mechanics I've tested (read: I've lost all my scouts and got no info, not lost all my scouts and got a full village report). So Cat, Noble, and Ram mechanics are different?

If the answer is yes then Sonata has a 'valid' nuke. This means that his nuke's goal of killing the enemy wall stands and I've learned something.

If the answer is no then Sonata has an 'invalid' nuke. This means his premise for weighting the ratios to favor rams would still work but it would be in spite of the system rather than because of it.


The mathmatical number is 219 without any losses. I use 225. Maybe 230-240 max.

Its all about finding the right ballance between them.


The mathmatical number is 219 without any losses. I use 225. Maybe 230-240 max.

Its all about finding the right ballance between them.
Can I PM some questions about maximum levels in villages?


I can't believe what im seeing.
Kebabe8 is teaching players!
How far it has come...
You should first learn all the basics yourself nubcake. :icon_rolleyes:


I am a nubcake, I get that, but why learn the hard way when people can teach us?
That's why I go to school, was a teacher teaches me and I don't need to discover everything myself...


I am a nubcake, I get that, but why learn the hard way when people can teach us?
That's why I go to school, was a teacher teaches me and I don't need to discover everything myself...
I meant kebabe8, not you.


Oh, sorry, the fact that you were telling him to learn the basics while I'm the one asking advice made me think you were asking me...


You don't need to know everything to be able to tach, you just need to know more than the one learning...

I still want to know how attack mechanics are handled though (rams take effect before or after troop losses) but only because I like to know how things work...


I can't believe what im seeing.
Kebabe8 is teaching players!
How far it has come...
You should first learn all the basics yourself nubcake. :icon_rolleyes:

Thanks asshole.

Teach me yourself. Mr "TW's best player" :icon_rolleyes: