Non-stop Poster
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This world is finally coming to an end in a couple of days, so it's the perfect timing to make this thread for everyone (NME or not) to say their last words.
I personally have so much to say, but I'll try to not make it boring. Not for you lot reading it, but for the future me when i re-visit these forums
Tribalwars and w9 was one of my best gaming experiences, due to its longevity and the great time, with its ups and downs, we had for those 3-4 years. So it was natural to not quit the game even after a sour defeat. Unfortunately not all members from our group started this world, which was expected after 3 years of not playing together. OTD (aka Solo), Erill, Moonsire, Loua and Tofy took my invites though and we had a great time, even though the latter two weren't able to show their true TW selves due to different life situations (uni students in w9 -> family guys in w74). Moon is a little swede drunk so who cares about him really. OTD and Erill were the people i interacted the most with throughout the entire world from the w9'ers. Patrick had the pleasure of being the first to listen to my blabbing, complaints, boasting, commands/requests (even though he did his own thing anyway - good for NME) and anything that crossed my mind about the game. And he also came to me for my honest opinion about various matters even before i joined the council. This world played out like it should. You being the duke and me being one of the many. You know what a great fun it is playing with you, so I wont elaborate...
And Erill was my brother in arms in every front, most notably K44 during the Loyal war and K63 during the Growth war when we dismantled them and equally shared the continent (I just let you take over #1
). Patrick may have been my duke, but you're my favorite w9'er <3. Also special mentions to KONTOULIS and 17thNovember who briefly played on Zahariel and Mr Manners respectively. W74 was lucky it didn't face the greek trio at full throttle lol 
But of course, for me, this world was not just about a little bunch of losers who regrouped for the world win we couldn't get back then. We met some great people and players along the way and made great friendships. We also met some real scrubs and selfish people (unavoidable). I'll say a few words for most of them.
lapakas - I had the pleasure to converse with both players, but never really fight against them or alongside them. Very deservedly voted best player for 2015. Very skilled all around player with great knowledge of scripts and tactics. Elevated NME when you joined us after Loyal fell. #1 Growth nobler if i'm not mistaken (adding the conquers before the official declaration) Also my last rival for the ODA top spot... just for a little while
Warpro - I fought with you a little in k44, but not alongside you after your joining us. Another player that really helped the tribe greatly by nobling Growth and others
Baggy - Once a noob, always a noob, but you did an awesome job for NME. And dont forget: Chelsea > Arsenal
Legionnaire - Our conversations with both Lego and Crisis were always fun and there's a mutual respect for a long time. One of the most skilled players in the tribe and a great baron for NME. Well-played all the way mate.
Pure Pandemonium - I dont even know why you get a special mention... damn scrub <3
Mr Manners - I'll do dagan below even though he plays on this account the past few months. About the original Manners (Nick), what can i say. I know you since i was tiny in the k32,42 border. We've done so much together. From cleaning up nubs in k42,52 to pushing and nobling Growth in k62,63. You're definitely my favorite non-w9'er alongisde dagan. Always there to help either with your nukes and defs or with your cool and calm opinion on all tribal matters. Truly an honor playing alongside you for over 2 years now mate.
Dagan - The guy who stepped up after Sobaks left and made the solid foundation for OTD to take over and carry NME to the world win. Few guys can really earn my respect and you're one of them Dagan. You created an atmosphere of unity, teamwork, loyalty inside the tribe that never really wavered even at our hardest time, during the first couple months of the Loyal war. And although you didn't let me eat dlhu for months i've forgiven you
Newfie King - Another player that really helped NME since he joined and ended up being one of the barons. Great job mate especially in the k51,61 front vs Growth.
You Angry Bro - Never really played with you since you're a northener, but you've been NME through and through and had a great impact
oldmannie - Our little turtle from the Loyal war. Awesome job holding your ground for so long and then turning it around during last summer in our big counter attack. And although you got lazy for a little while after that, you answered to my call and dominated Growth in k64,74. Great job both of you guys (Brandon and Josh)
Maltd - Our little Granny. Enjoy the win malty, you've earned it
lesss - Out little troll. Too bad you're away due to rl issues. You've helped NME a lot both as supporter and attacker and of course with your troll posts
dlhu (my co) - Ohhh the irony. From being my ADHD neighbor in K52 and the most annoying player i had to interact with for months you became my co last June (after i finally roasted you lol). The account at last had someone to farm more consistently and to watch it while i slept and be active 24/7. We had a great chemistry, you being extremely quiet and letting me take every decision like i want without objections and doubts, just your opinion. Thanks for all the help
I could probably talk about more of you people... But i said i'll try to not make a novel out of it.
It's needless to say the remaining members of NME that didn't get special mention, deserve the win equally. Everyone offered their services in their own way. Thanks for everything
Too bad some of them are not here with us like Winterwolf or Yniets who were true pillars for NME and great council for Dagan and Solo long before i was given access to hiddens myself. This win is for you guys too.
As for the other category of people. I'd like to once again express my satisfaction to seeing people like Mystery Nuke (or Madonna or Black Dawn or whatever), Trustmeimlying and of course Troll Hadeous go down. I wish we could have decided the way WindsofWar31 went down too, but the farmer hit delete on his own. I'd love to give him the kitmarlowe treatment...
Also Tuzain. You can't expect to win a world just with diplomacy. It's your problem that you put all your eggs on your rival's basket and to Angels Fury, please tell me you dont STILL think that Growth saved NME or something lol. You beat ADHD and then watched us beat Loyal till you joined in to get a big piece of the pie. Always the easy path.
After expressing my gratification to all my tribe mates I'd like to say some stuff about me and my own goals in this world.
I actually took the w74 invite kinda randomly from couple old friends (Capricus and Zerpex from w9, who quit very very early) around early May 2014 and joined the world with the intention of messing around. After just one month and with OTD at last taking my invite the goal instantly became to try our best to win it all and not simply dunk some rim noobs. I personally had a very easy early game until the tribe Where (later renamed to NME) started hitting my tribe. Long story short i ended up in Glory (aka Fanta) and was even tribe mates with Manners, Solo, Lego, baggy (and other future NME members) for a brief period. Some went to Where, some to Gamers, some quit or whatever. I was not involved with the politics in the early-mid game so my memory is fuzzy, but with me in Where and Solo in Gamers it was a matter of time for the tribes to merge. And with loua/tofy/erill in some noob tribe in the west ... same deal. So the reunion of us w9'ers happened in NME during Autumn of 2014 and the rest is history.
My personal goal after the first real war started (vs Loyal) was to start leaving my stamp on the world and stop being one of the 'west rim NME noobs' some of our enemies called us. Around 2 years later and with ~470M ODA (no cheating involved there - can't say the same for my ODD though) and a little bit of cocky/cheeky attitude i think i've achieved just that. Also the top5 finish is quite sweet
Too bad i never really got OP'ed either by Loyal in k44 or by Growth in k62,63,64. Ohh well, can't have it all i guess.
That's pretty much it. It was a short but very fun world to play. For those of you NME guys who quit the game, i wish you a happy life. For those who continue, maybe i'll see you in another world next year.
P.S. Thanks for putting up with me Solo and Dagan. And the rest of you who didn't mind my excessive use of the b word
Proud member and baron of Nemesis
I personally have so much to say, but I'll try to not make it boring. Not for you lot reading it, but for the future me when i re-visit these forums
Tribalwars and w9 was one of my best gaming experiences, due to its longevity and the great time, with its ups and downs, we had for those 3-4 years. So it was natural to not quit the game even after a sour defeat. Unfortunately not all members from our group started this world, which was expected after 3 years of not playing together. OTD (aka Solo), Erill, Moonsire, Loua and Tofy took my invites though and we had a great time, even though the latter two weren't able to show their true TW selves due to different life situations (uni students in w9 -> family guys in w74). Moon is a little swede drunk so who cares about him really. OTD and Erill were the people i interacted the most with throughout the entire world from the w9'ers. Patrick had the pleasure of being the first to listen to my blabbing, complaints, boasting, commands/requests (even though he did his own thing anyway - good for NME) and anything that crossed my mind about the game. And he also came to me for my honest opinion about various matters even before i joined the council. This world played out like it should. You being the duke and me being one of the many. You know what a great fun it is playing with you, so I wont elaborate...
And Erill was my brother in arms in every front, most notably K44 during the Loyal war and K63 during the Growth war when we dismantled them and equally shared the continent (I just let you take over #1
But of course, for me, this world was not just about a little bunch of losers who regrouped for the world win we couldn't get back then. We met some great people and players along the way and made great friendships. We also met some real scrubs and selfish people (unavoidable). I'll say a few words for most of them.
lapakas - I had the pleasure to converse with both players, but never really fight against them or alongside them. Very deservedly voted best player for 2015. Very skilled all around player with great knowledge of scripts and tactics. Elevated NME when you joined us after Loyal fell. #1 Growth nobler if i'm not mistaken (adding the conquers before the official declaration) Also my last rival for the ODA top spot... just for a little while
Warpro - I fought with you a little in k44, but not alongside you after your joining us. Another player that really helped the tribe greatly by nobling Growth and others
Baggy - Once a noob, always a noob, but you did an awesome job for NME. And dont forget: Chelsea > Arsenal
Legionnaire - Our conversations with both Lego and Crisis were always fun and there's a mutual respect for a long time. One of the most skilled players in the tribe and a great baron for NME. Well-played all the way mate.
Pure Pandemonium - I dont even know why you get a special mention... damn scrub <3
Mr Manners - I'll do dagan below even though he plays on this account the past few months. About the original Manners (Nick), what can i say. I know you since i was tiny in the k32,42 border. We've done so much together. From cleaning up nubs in k42,52 to pushing and nobling Growth in k62,63. You're definitely my favorite non-w9'er alongisde dagan. Always there to help either with your nukes and defs or with your cool and calm opinion on all tribal matters. Truly an honor playing alongside you for over 2 years now mate.
Dagan - The guy who stepped up after Sobaks left and made the solid foundation for OTD to take over and carry NME to the world win. Few guys can really earn my respect and you're one of them Dagan. You created an atmosphere of unity, teamwork, loyalty inside the tribe that never really wavered even at our hardest time, during the first couple months of the Loyal war. And although you didn't let me eat dlhu for months i've forgiven you
Newfie King - Another player that really helped NME since he joined and ended up being one of the barons. Great job mate especially in the k51,61 front vs Growth.
You Angry Bro - Never really played with you since you're a northener, but you've been NME through and through and had a great impact
oldmannie - Our little turtle from the Loyal war. Awesome job holding your ground for so long and then turning it around during last summer in our big counter attack. And although you got lazy for a little while after that, you answered to my call and dominated Growth in k64,74. Great job both of you guys (Brandon and Josh)
Maltd - Our little Granny. Enjoy the win malty, you've earned it
lesss - Out little troll. Too bad you're away due to rl issues. You've helped NME a lot both as supporter and attacker and of course with your troll posts
dlhu (my co) - Ohhh the irony. From being my ADHD neighbor in K52 and the most annoying player i had to interact with for months you became my co last June (after i finally roasted you lol). The account at last had someone to farm more consistently and to watch it while i slept and be active 24/7. We had a great chemistry, you being extremely quiet and letting me take every decision like i want without objections and doubts, just your opinion. Thanks for all the help
I could probably talk about more of you people... But i said i'll try to not make a novel out of it.
It's needless to say the remaining members of NME that didn't get special mention, deserve the win equally. Everyone offered their services in their own way. Thanks for everything
Too bad some of them are not here with us like Winterwolf or Yniets who were true pillars for NME and great council for Dagan and Solo long before i was given access to hiddens myself. This win is for you guys too.
As for the other category of people. I'd like to once again express my satisfaction to seeing people like Mystery Nuke (or Madonna or Black Dawn or whatever), Trustmeimlying and of course Troll Hadeous go down. I wish we could have decided the way WindsofWar31 went down too, but the farmer hit delete on his own. I'd love to give him the kitmarlowe treatment...
Also Tuzain. You can't expect to win a world just with diplomacy. It's your problem that you put all your eggs on your rival's basket and to Angels Fury, please tell me you dont STILL think that Growth saved NME or something lol. You beat ADHD and then watched us beat Loyal till you joined in to get a big piece of the pie. Always the easy path.
After expressing my gratification to all my tribe mates I'd like to say some stuff about me and my own goals in this world.
I actually took the w74 invite kinda randomly from couple old friends (Capricus and Zerpex from w9, who quit very very early) around early May 2014 and joined the world with the intention of messing around. After just one month and with OTD at last taking my invite the goal instantly became to try our best to win it all and not simply dunk some rim noobs. I personally had a very easy early game until the tribe Where (later renamed to NME) started hitting my tribe. Long story short i ended up in Glory (aka Fanta) and was even tribe mates with Manners, Solo, Lego, baggy (and other future NME members) for a brief period. Some went to Where, some to Gamers, some quit or whatever. I was not involved with the politics in the early-mid game so my memory is fuzzy, but with me in Where and Solo in Gamers it was a matter of time for the tribes to merge. And with loua/tofy/erill in some noob tribe in the west ... same deal. So the reunion of us w9'ers happened in NME during Autumn of 2014 and the rest is history.
My personal goal after the first real war started (vs Loyal) was to start leaving my stamp on the world and stop being one of the 'west rim NME noobs' some of our enemies called us. Around 2 years later and with ~470M ODA (no cheating involved there - can't say the same for my ODD though) and a little bit of cocky/cheeky attitude i think i've achieved just that. Also the top5 finish is quite sweet
Too bad i never really got OP'ed either by Loyal in k44 or by Growth in k62,63,64. Ohh well, can't have it all i guess.
That's pretty much it. It was a short but very fun world to play. For those of you NME guys who quit the game, i wish you a happy life. For those who continue, maybe i'll see you in another world next year.
P.S. Thanks for putting up with me Solo and Dagan. And the rest of you who didn't mind my excessive use of the b word
Proud member and baron of Nemesis