Ahh these External Forums are a joke.. Don't talk about be about it, nothing proves your point more the Nuking the shit outta XXX
Wait I know like 10 players in @night worried why haven't they been booted. A lot of them are friends too so worried right now. Though I don't like asking for spies as that is a terrible tactic.
Also are @night and 333 same tribe family was wondering that. When is the Merge between you two lol.
Looks like the merge is beginning now. http://gyazo.com/2f6aeffaa7bfa12a4187f537e43a6a53 Everyone of these players, except Mavaris9, has left 333, and joined @Night.
And here comes the hugging that plagues all of TW. :icon_rolleyes:
Aug 18 08:14 | The tribe is now allied with 333. |
What would be a game killer would be if we merged with Norse. That however will never happen. So the world will have the same wars tomorrow as it had yesterday.
This is correct. but the time will come when Norse merge @night by force.
All you have done here is show just how good Norse really are. if you where working together long term as you say. then you had 70 + members working against 35 and got no where.
One day you will wake up to the fact your just not good enough.
mint cream is the most popular ice cream for kids. enough said pal .
Man up
An alliance set to break up you guys? It was about the plan to, mind that an early game plan, to ally norse and night and take on the whole world together, then 1v1 each other at the end. Obviously that plan scared night so they decided to hug everyone around them, merge them in to gain points and to try and put up at least a decent fight against norse.
thought that's what i called you cdn, atleast the first word anyway.
But currently the fact is @night is attempting to better there chances as they obviously came to the same conclusion everyone else has, in a fair fight they would lose,
i just love this bull. You guys wanted to hugg @○night so that the two top tribes should take out the rest of the world. That is for you a fair fight. Lmao. Norse with scott at the wheel are nog hugging less, not cutting less deals than any other tribe, they simply do it under the blanket in a dark ally, while @night took one ally a few months back and stuck with it.
You declared war on @nIGHS ally. You might have been naive enough to think that would not have consequenses just because THEY did not have a border with you at the time been. You hoped that slow could keep THEM at bay while you ate 333 but now you are sore as 333 master much better than slow did. Now it is suddenly no longer a fair fight. . Nothing has changed. Nothing. More than you being upset you could not dictate who @night have relations with or who they recruit. Mind you. You did a few recruits of your own. And you have a few members that are still outside the tribe just because you love to put on a victim costume for some reason.
You're actions support this, seem's you snubbed the original agreement or whatever it was, but regardless you know you're chances of winning are higher hugging and merging,
again you accuse @night of hugging. The relation with 333 is several months old and just because norse failed in their attempts to hug @night it is suddenly wrong for others to have relations?
So tactics are tactics, we'll see if it works in the future, really can't see the point of denying or reasoning things much here, people do what they do for their own situation, the important thing to talk about is why they did them, and how does that affect things.
I agree, so why did you try to hug @night. Why did they reject you. Why did you declare on 333 together with slow. Why dont you like to admit that. Why didnt you clear your rim (ohoh hugging rimtribes, i get it
why is it ok for norse to recruit without asking anyone for permission, but if others recruit what is so wrong with that. It is the norm to recruit after players quit, if neither norse or @night had done that they wouldnt have that many accounts left to fight anything.
And for the love of god. I cannot se why you suddenly are upset over a several months old relation. What did you expect? That we would leave our ally out in the cold? You cannot have been that naive when declaring on 333. Yes i do understand that you expected 333 to fall faster than slow did, but blaiming your poor choice of friends on others choice for friendship is rather strange.
But ultimately everything comes down to how you win the world, not the winning, usually the winning is hollow and a waste of time in it self.
Yes you are absolutely correct. How you have played we all know and i know one thing for sure. The only goal @night have had since the destruction of fart has been to get a front with norse for the final battle. You can always call @night huggers if you like, but we both know that there has been no more hugging from their side than from norse.
But my main question for you, what are the rest of 333 to you now?
I am certain the alliance between 333 and @night is as stong as ever.
A family.
You are free to call it family. Your relationship with former slow is called just that.
Cannon fodder.
You eat inactives and so do most. But i doubt very much that any @knightmember will be agressive towards any member of 333. An alliance does not end due to a few invitations. Perhaps it does in your wold. I cant answer for you.
They can't be allies as you recruited there best and left the rest high and dry, obviously allies don't recruit the best members from another tribe and bugger the rest, so that leaves two conclusions for the other 11million points, personally i think it's both.
what you do with an ally/family was eating the inactives, still working with some of them. Letting som merge into existing norse accounts. That is fine. That is how you deal with your friends.
How 333 and and @knight conducted their business should really be up to them, but if you think anyone in 333 is worried that they would be eaten, then you are wrong. But againt. I dont even think you thougt that. It was just a poor attempt to plant a seed in hopes that they could start do your bidding instead. Ooops.. Sorry.. Did i really just accuse you for attempting to flirt (hug) with the enemy.
It was YOUR plan. that is. We had already engaged in a relation and had no intention of breaking that off just because that was Norse's wishes. You wanted the change because you were worried that 333 and reborn would gang up on you. At least that was the reason given to me.
When it comes to merging to gain points. The only time Norse nobled more (faster) than us was when Ikillsatan (or whatever his name was) was gonna coplay with Kalvinc and gifted his villages to Norse. That is part of what I like to call the Norse/Slow merger .
You love to try to hide the facts that you are in bed with former Slow as much as we are in bed with 333. The only difference is that we are not hiding our relation with 333. We are happy for it.