No reason to get so butthurt over someone not immediately agreeing with your perspective.
Thats funny, because she did agree with my perspective, several times over. HAHAHAHA. but i guess as is the usual, you only get half of the story from your source.
I think you are wrong in more than one statement you've put out there, and it is rather close minded to claim you've been through more than anybody else. There is a reason your account isn't in the top 20 ODD.. Where as Reth have had no less than two accounts there, her original, and her current.
here is the pretty awesome part, that in your ignorance you overlooked. The stats dont count dodges, or sat accounts. I never once got uber stacked by the tribe, only in very spare incidents would you find my requests for support anywhere. Ive always been the best defender in w30, from many different accounts. Before Raven was associated with Phoenx, Gicu and crew used to imagine PAJUNO sitting any account in phoenx that sniped their trains..
But again, you only joined since the bh bullshit. you werent here for BD war, or even the Ram war. Rethae has those stats because she gets stacked. You cant get odd without killing troops, eh? kind of hard to do that when you dont have any troops and you dodge everything.. because no one could get nobles in on me. ***
I sat everyone, i defended against everyone, and we did it all with half their numbers of members/points/villages. Go back and read the pnp... Check the maps in the war threads. Phoenx now owns half the world, when we started out as a 12 member tribe in kd 64.... This will be the very first war, (while its also the final war of w30) that phoenx is the top dog, no longer the under dog...
You can say all you want that phoenix is going to win. As it looks right now, yes you will. I will admit that. But I am not so stupid as to claim victory or defeat beforehand, it's arrogant, and more than once people who have done that have ended up failing.
Ive been saying Phoenx is going to win almost since day 1 of w30. Care to spend the few hours going back and re-reading all the drama i have created with my mouth?? Since first day of w30, everything i have predicted has come to pass.
Where is shipley? where is bigbaby? where is Timid cats??? Crasula, gicusan, or even rand???
Exactly. Shut yo mouf.
I think we both remember Nak, right?
I think your memory is shot. nak had 4-500 players still left alive in teh world when he was predicting his victory, not to mention three family tribes. Everyone knows the story with Fam tribes.
As for remembering Nak, i recall that i was the lone Duke to stand up to him, bitch slap him, and then laugh in his face. I also remember MY tribe, Death, doing nearly all the work in that war too...
You can yell and scream all you want here, it's not going to accomplish your goal of bullying us into deleting. Because, in all honesty, we both know that is what you will have to try and do. The terms for this world's ending have not been set yet, and when it's time to vote for the ending.. How many NB'ers do you think will vote for the 100% domination? You can try to control us all you like, darling. It won't change the fact that you won't be able to talk us into handing you the victory.
you are seriously, ridiculously, utterly, delusional.
You dont have to quit. i dont give a rats ass what you do. I just dont like liars telling me one thing, knowing i was getting ready to fire long range nukes at another target, because i was assured there would be no new player.
As it stands, you fool, we will take whatever we want, whenever we want. None of you were ever good enough to stand up to us, i told your leader way back when she was making a mistake and writing out your death warrants. I see timidcats finally went barb today, one more account gone down...
Ive been doing some thinking, the last few days.. (While i have had 0 incomings, mind you) and ive decided you can stay to the end all you want. I will see to it that every single village is taken from you, until you are backed deep into some corner of the world. We are already pwning the 20's.... where you going to run from? Do you truly want to drag this ass beating out any longer??
Anyways, your ignorance is impressive even still, after all these years. I never liked you in w6, cause of your methods, habits, and attitude... and i still dont like you here. You still cant do a damn thing to touch me, just like in w6. so sit on your side of the battlefield just a little bit longer.. and watch your accounts dwindle. Phoenx just took the top two top spots....
you think you have a play.. but you really dont.
pajuno out
*** - the only players to ever get nobles across on me, were Arasd, and Lapatuska from Ram. In defense, i was catted to shreds literally every am from Berns, wittman, shipley, and tommy.

And then arasd and lap hit me with noble nukes nearly every day, too. i think i lost 40 ish villages in that battle, before we came back and removed Ram completely.