That might be true but who did people side with me or them? Them so I guess that dislike makes them better to follow since they followed slayer did they not?
No what it makes or rather means is simply we knew how to actually talk to people. For being the champion of the people as you constantly like to claim you sure were short on support now weren't you. Care to explain how that works?
[/COLOR] Why because I would not allow ones in the tribe to be treated wrong since I never betrayed anyones trust the entire time even til the end? Or was it because you found me as your only person who can see what you were truly doing even though most did not. Mikey was very gullible, as was rollo who you even persuaded in some way since I felt he had a kin heart. Now you know why I never told anyone my true name within this world especially you.
You never knew enough to betray anyone. Even while on the council you were left out of every major decision made by the tribe. And that was done purposely. You lack the ability to lead on all levels. You always felt just because someone worked harder and grew bigger they should have to concede to on and off players. Well you said that until it came to you having to make any concession Scotty ring a bell? You proved yourself so incompetent as a player, planner, and leader.
Mikey may have had a bad temper but he lead by example and could rally serious support for anything he felt was right. And Rollo tho quiet worked his rear end off for TLA and never begged for help or sitters or support. So the two players you tried to bring down both lead by example something you never did.
Thus when making leadership decisions I made sure to consult with TLA's real leaders. Your spot was simply to shut you up and keep your nose out of our business it was never a real position with power. Why do you think everything you ever tried or proposed was shot down so quickly? Cuz you were a joke.
Oh I know that you did what you did which was the reason why your marriage failed since you should trust the people who actually cared about you and their fellow man instead of trying to manipulate them for your own gain like you did. But guess who was the bad man, I was since I go against what most think which is equal say for every person.
My personal gain? I rarely if ever gained anything from my hard work for the tribe. TLA gained from my hard work. 2fast fell because of my hard work on exposing their weakness and using spies to break their moral. DSL folded because of hard work and mutual respect. NSA folded because they were to weak to be taken in as a whole. GRIND folded because of hard work exposing their incompetent leadership. Thats not manipulation its advancement of TLA.
I know I told people what was going on but no one believed me since all they cared about is the win sorry if I have a heart and actually care about my fellow man/woman. This is part of the reason why I joined the military to get rid of people like you since Rothschild and his manipulation is the reason why this entire world is doing poorly economically since if you asked yourself where is all the money since for every person who loses a dollar someone else gains one.
Its not manipulation its called leadership. Its making the hard decisions and not waffling on issues. Your indecisive actions as an attempted leader were constantly being cleaned up by the real leadership. Yes we often led with a hard hand but true leadership is a burden bared by a few good men. Sam, JV, Mikey, Jess, Foresaken, Rollo. these men and lady displayed real leadership making tuff choices for everyone. The dollar aka villages earned where earned by the hard workers there were plenty of chances and those who worked hardest made the biggest gains and advancements.
I know this does not matter now since you are more of a Politician then me but I was right about everything but does it matter since people believed your lies and not the truth like it is currently in the world.
I fail to see what lies you exposed? It was never a secret that I often made deals with various members of the leadership to push an agenda its natural. When you have 90+ members during most of the game it is impossible to please everyone thus its about achieving an overall goal and making the tribe as a whole move forward if it meant losing a few along the way better to lose a few then to lose many no?
When I had to leave since I had a life outside of TW , I left it in Jess and Simon in charge not you. True I am not great at defending but offensively I beat you hands down and always have since if you guys listen to me about many issues the world would have ended much sooner but you guys did not wish to listen and it no longer mattered since no one could have stand up against TLA. I would have never launched one nuke at any TLA village including yours slayer but I got what I wanted which was your post of the truth of what you done. Thank you for making that world hurtful instead of fun which it should have been. I will end this with one last thought which is I will stand up for every man women and child who cant defend themselves and until the day I die I will be fighting for the true freedom of the world which is one person one vote. I hate everyone who feel they are better then others and love everyone who feels that everyone gets an equal say in what is going on. TRUE DEMOCRACY not Capitalism Socialism, Republic or any BS government.
Offensively? Your joking right? Your skills were pathetic everyone can attest to that. As for your defense it was passed to me multiple times and it was a team effort defending your ill prepared account. You never once had a good idea you were merely a big annoyance that was simply not worth the time of dealing with. Your last stand was as pathetic as your first stand. Lets be honest you didn't forget your password you balked at the idea of being destroyed by far better players and with my timely return you knew you didn't stand a chance.