haha.....totally forgot zarddeath lol. Yea, i made sure to make his life very busy
btw...hey PH! hope all is well with you my brother
haha.....totally forgot zarddeath lol. Yea, i made sure to make his life very busy
Im going to test the cat strategy, wish me luck!
The nostalgia in this thread is so thick I could eat it
haha.....totally forgot zarddeath lol. Yea, i made sure to make his life very busy
Funny thing was Wallam that some people were quite disappointed by your no-show :icon_razz:
PM me when you've got some time and we'll set you up with an Account
On-topic.....zomg sLowhand!!!!!!1!!!one!!!1!! :icon_eek:
:icon_eek: Someones been giving out rumours on my playing skills again, you seem to be doing fine without me :icon_redface:
Plus unfortunately its still a stupidly busy period, and the thought of farming again makes me shudder horribly :icon_razz:
And ye sLowhand is a name i havent seen since way back when deja vu was still around :icon_surprised:
Charles have they finished taking my villages so I can restart yet?